Title: A History of Christian Initiation
1A History of Christian Initiation
- Ritual washings are common place in ancient
religions - Israel performed ritual purification rites for
those considered unclean and unfit for religious
worship - Gentiles who wanted to become Jews were initiated
by circumcision, baptism, and sacrifice - Circumcision marked a male with the sign of
covenant with God - Immersion symbolically joined them to the
Israelites who passed through the Red sea - Sacrifice showed acceptance of the law given at
Sinai - Essenes practiced regular ritual washings in
order to purify and sanctify themselves
2A History of Christian Initiation
- Water-Baptism the ancient concept
- Water first denotes formless abyss, chaos and
death (Genesis 1) - Overtones of destruction death and burial
- Water also denotes fruitfulness
- The river
- waters the garden,
- delivers the Israelites,
- Renews in the desert,
- opens up the promised land
3A History of Christian Initiation
- What force takes the watery chaos and orders it?
(Genesis) - Ruah - the breath, the wind, the Spirit
- Spirit makes the difference between life and
death - The breeze brings water, coolness, refreshment
and welcome rain - The breath of the living is joined with the wind,
spiritualized and developed into the concept of
life-giving Spirit - Life-giving water is equated with the activity of
the Ruah, the life-giving Spirit
4A History of Christian Initiation
- Johns Baptism of death to sin and birth to new
life - was pre-figured
- Isaiah 443
- Psalm 22
- was different
- It was a once-and-for-all call to repentance
- Given immediately to any who asked, Gentile or
Jew - Rigorous ethical demands were attached
- A conscious ushering in of the last times
- Ezekial 3624
5A History of Christian Initiation
- Jesus is the new age.
- He is Baptized to make the water work
- His Baptism is the Red Sea crossing
- His 40 days in the desert is Israels 40 years
desert - His three temptations resisted were Israels
temptations surrendered - Where Israel failed he succeeded.
- Where Israel grumbled he was obedient
- Where Israel doubted, he put his trust in the
Father - Where Israel worshiped idols, he worshiped none
- While Israel was the figure, he was the reality
of what God would do for His people - Jesus fulfilled the old and brought in the new.
6A History of Christian Initiation
- So Jesus Baptizes the water
- The Spirit descends like the wind, like the
flutter a dove makes when its landing - Water and Spirit converge as The Father
concretizes the relationship - Jesus conquers the desert temptation and
immediately goes to Nazareth where he reads in
the synagogue - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me therefore he
has anointed me. He has sent me to bring good
tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to
captives, recovery of sight to the blind and
release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor
from the Lord. - Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your
hearing (Luke 418-21)
7A History of Christian Initiation
- Does Jesus Baptize? The jury is still out!
- John 322-23 41-3
- Woman at the well
- The Apostles do!
- Peters Pentecost address Acts 214
- Early Baptism was a repetition of the original
Pentecostal experience of the Spirit - Revelations 221
- Through the water of Baptism Jesus Spirit would
be poured out. - Water and Spirit are interchangeable symbols
- John 35-6
8A History of Christian Initiation
- Early accounts
- Samaritan men and women were Baptized
- Acts 812-13
- Gentile foreigners
- Acts 836-39
- Jewish converts
- Acts 917-19
- Entire families
- Acts 1044-48
- Acts 1628-34
- Immersion in water was associated with
forgiveness of sins
9A History of Christian Initiation
- Imposition of hands was associated with the
reception of the Holy Spirit - Acts 191-6 89-24
- What did Baptism mean? A dividing line
- Between old and new
- Between waiting for the messiah and finding him
- Between living with guilt and finding forgiveness
- Between being in a community of law and a
community of love - It was the beginning of the end times when God
would come and establish his reign over the earth
10A History of Christian Initiation
- Paul Christianitys first major theologian
- Baptism is death and resurrection into Christ
- Dying to sin rising to to Christ
- The power of sin is broken (Romans 61-11)
- Christian Baptism was the Jewish circumcision
- Stripped off the ways of the flesh and initiated
into Christ - Colossians 211-13 Ephesians 21-6)
- We are all animated by Christs one Spirit into
a single body, clothed in Christ, washed clean of
sin - I Corinthians 1212-13 Ephesians 44-6
- Galatians 327-28
- I Corinthians 69-11 101-4
- But the gift requires change
- (II Cor. 516-62 Col 31-46)
11A History of Christian Initiation
- Paul and the Apostolic tradition
- Jesus speaks of his death as a baptism
- (Mark 1038 Luke 1250)
- Being born again through water and the Spirit
- (John 35)
- Baptism brings salvation
- (I Peter 318-22)
- It is not just for the Jews but for the whole
world - (Matthew 2818-20)
- Salvation through Baptism is not automatic and
requires faith and good works - (Mark 1615-16 James 214-26)
12A History of Christian Initiation
- By the early second century change begins
- The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (The Didache)
A Defense of Christianity by Justin the Martyr
(160) - Instruction in the Christian way of life was
added to preaching of the good news - The water was sometimes poured
- It was described more as washing and regeneration
than death and resurrection - It concluded with prayers and the Lords supper
- With each succeeding century
- the rituals and practices surrounding them became
more elaborate
13A History of Christian Initiation
- Patristic practices Third century Roman Empire
Christianity was still outlawed, - persecution still possible
- Meeting places were not disclosed, little
doctrinal teaching was done - A simple confession of faith no longer sufficed
because the majority were unfamiliar with the
Mosaic law - The early catechumenate (Greek instruction)
- They first had to find a sponsor who would guide
them in moral formation - Help find new professions for those that were
questionable - Assure they were not an infiltrators
- After two or three years present them to the
community for Baptism
14A History of Christian Initiation
- Patristic practices Third century Roman Empire
- The time of Baptism moved
- From immediately after conversion
- To any Sunday just before Eucharist
- To right before Easter Sunday or other special
feasts like Pentecost - Good liturgically and safer but Theologically
questionable - What about those who died before Baptism?
- Hippolytus - Martyrdom was a Baptism of blood
- Most taught a Baptism of desire was adequate for
those seeking but who died in the process - By 200 entire families including children were
15A History of Christian Initiation
- Patristic practices Third century Roman Empire
- Variations existed but typically the
catechumenate included - Catechumens chosen for annual Baptism entered an
intensive study a few weeks before - They were presented to the Bishop or his
representative - Their worthiness was attested to by their sponsor
- The finality of baptism was explained (no second
chance) - Doctrinal instruction was given and scripture
explained - Weekly exorcisms of past evil spirits occurred
- They were prayed over, blessed, touched, anointed
and signed - The final week consisted of daily instruction
- The were taught the Lords Prayer and given the
apostles Creed - They fasted the last two days
16A History of Christian Initiation
- Patristic practices Third century Roman Empire
- Ignatius of Antioch - The beginning of a union
with Christ which became more intimate through
participation in the Eucharist and was perfected
in the death and resurrection of martyrdom - Irenaeus of Lyons - The renewal of all creation
in Christ receiving the Holy Spirit was the
beginning of the divinization of mankind - Clement of Alexandria - We who are baptized wipe
away the sins which like a fog clouded the divine
Spirit and blocked his way. - Origen - Baptism is a fire which painfully
consumes everything that is worldly and purifies
the soul
17A History of Christian Initiation
- Patristic practices Third century Roman Empire
- Tertullian, On the Resurrection of the Body
- The body is washed so that the soul may be
cleansed, the body is anointed so that the soul
may be made holy, the body is marked with the
sign of the cross so that the soul may be
strengthened, the body receives the laying on of
hands so that the soul may be enlightened by the
Spirit, the body is fed by the flesh and blood of
Christ so that the soul may be nourished by God
18A History of Christian Initiation
- Constantines Edict Fourth Century
- No longer necessary to be secretive about worship
or doctrine - Catechumens allowed to attend regular Sunday
liturgy up to the scripture reading and homily - Baptisms and Eucharist were celebrated in public
buildings rather than homes - Official religion of the empire 380
- Difficult to tell if conversions were conviction
or convenience so lengthy catechumenate remained - The intensive preparation time was shortened
19A History of Christian Initiation
- Constantines Edict Fourth Century
- Tertullian - Anyone who realizes the importance
of Baptism will be more hesitant to receive it
than postpone it. - Teaching about Baptism was taken literally
- One time Baptism was the only avenue available
for forgiveness of sins - Life after Baptism must then be exemplary
- Penance for lapses in faith were severe
20A History of Christian Initiation
- Two Extremes Fourth Century
- Forgiveness of Sins
- Converts often remained catechumens until their
deathbed hoping for death-bed Baptism or that
their desire would be enough - Some parents held their Childrens baptisms off
until after the teen years when
giving-in-to-temptation would be less likely - Doctrine of Necessity
- Children who died were lost forever with no
chance of salvation - High infant mortality rate prompted parents to
want Baptism more often than annually - Northern Africa baptized within one week
- Bishops saw moral danger in holding off Baptism
- Baptizing infants became widely accepted
21A History of Christian Initiation
- Why Babies? Fourth Century
- Origen of Alexandria - If baptism is for
remission of sins why baptize babies who have
never sinned? - Cyprian of Carthage -(Romans 512-21) Baptism
washes away the guilt contracted by the human
race in Adams fall. Thats why we Baptize
children. - How was the sin of Adam inherited?
- 150 years later
22A History of Christian Initiation
- Why Babies? Fourth Century
- Donatists - Whenever a person sins they may be
re-baptized. - Augustine - In baptism a person receives a
spiritual seal which was the image of Christ. The
seal was permanent - Western Church - The Holy Spirit is passed
through the Bishop when he lays-hands on the
recipient - Eastern Church - The Bishop calls the Holy Spirit
on the water. Holy Spirit comes through the
water - Augustine the minister of the sacrament was
irrelevant because the Seal belonged to Christ
not the minister
23A History of Christian Initiation
- Why Babies? Fifth Century
- Augustine - Without Gods grace received in
baptism and the other sacraments people could not
avoid falling into sin. - Pelagius - People were born originally graced
and did required only grace of pardon from the
sacraments. Children born innocent had no need
of Baptism. - Augustine - Baptism is necessary for salvation.
Original sin was in the soul from birth an
inheritance from our first parents passed on to
all generations - Un-baptized must go to limbo. (Never official
teaching) - By the end of the century infant baptism is
universal as soon as possible after birth.
24A History of Christian Initiation
- Infant Baptism Sixth Century
- Catechumenate gradually disappears
- Doctrinal instruction fades away other than brief
training during the rite - Exorcisms and anointing remain since they were
believed to be effective even without the babies
knowledge - But what about the faith needed for salvation?
- Sponsors and Parents supplied the faith until the
child was able on its own - They were responsible for seeing that the child
received religious instruction - Now rather than the sponsor bring those converted
for instruction the sponsor was instructing a
child to assure conversion
25A History of Christian Initiation
- Infant Baptism Sixth Century
- Initially immersion rather than pouring became
common place because it was easy with babies - In the west pouring gradually returned and became
predominate - The agreed upon baptismal formula became Matthew
2819 - The entire ritual became something an individual
did to the infant rather than a community
experience - Eventually in Roman Catholicism initiation would
split into distinct sacramental steps - Confirmation the anointing was done later by the
bishop - Eucharist dropped completely out
26A History of Christian Initiation
- Middle Ages 5th century
- Rome Falls to Germanic tribes
- Monks sent out as missionaries concentrated on
tribal leaders - If the leader was Baptized the entire tribe was
Baptized - Leaders were impressed by the advanced
civilization which made them open to new
religions - Often 100s converted at a time with no moral
catechization or religious instruction - Little if any effect was felt from the minimal
initiation ritual - Charlemagne, king of the Francs was baptized
- Sends to Rome and bases all rites on Sacramental
books of Rome
27A History of Christian Initiation
- Roman Initiation Rite
- Children received three exorcisms on the Sundays
before Easter (scrutinies) - Holy Saturday the baptismal water and font were
blessed - Children were dipped in three times while a
confession of faith in the Trinity was said - A priest anointed their head with oil
- The bishop laid his hands on them and made the
sign of the cross on their forehead with another
oil - They were given communion at the liturgy of the
Easter Vigil
28A History of Christian Initiation
- Roman Initiation Rite
- Since the second anointing was limited to the
Bishop they also had to wait for the Bishop to
have their baptisms confirmed - Spain continued to have the second anointing done
by the priest until the 13th century - Only Milan defended its right to preserve its own
liturgical custom that dated back to the 4th
century Bishop Ambrose which were just as ancient
as Romes - Baptism became gradually known as just that part
of the initiation rite which could be done by the
local priest. - Rural areas often waited years for the bishop
29A History of Christian Initiation
- Infant Baptism 11th century -
- The Roman sacramental books provided an
abbreviated rite for infants in danger of death - Bishops noted that infants were always in danger
of death so infant baptism soon after birth was
encouraged - By the 13th century infant baptism became allowed
anytime during the year - In the 14th century it became canon law that an
infant be baptized anywhere from a day to a week
after birth to be protected from the perils of
dying in original sin - The baptismal ceremony all but vanished from the
Easter Vigil only the blessing of the water and
the font remained - The ancient catechumenate was reduced to a short
service at the door asking the childs name - Immersion was totally replaced by pouring
- The words of Christ in Matthew 2019 were used
30A History of Christian Initiation
- Other Changes in the Middle Ages
- Eucharist was gradually eliminated from the rite
of Baptism - Baptism was reduced to a water ritual and other
attendant ceremonies of exorcism and anointing,
administered without Episcopal confirmation and
without Eucharist, to infants soon after birth, - Once Christianity became the sole religion of
Europe adult baptisms became the rarity and
special adaptations had to be made for them - The experiential concepts of the patristic
Fathers explanations of the sacraments were lost
31A History of Christian Initiation
- Other Changes in the Middle Ages
- Limbo -A workable solution to a sticky problem
- Augustine and others contended that infants who
did without baptism suffered eternal damnation - Anselm of Canterbury agreed this was consistent
with belief that baptism was necessary for
salvation but wondered that God could be so cruel
to the innocent - Logic deemed that he was not. Anselm proposed
that the souls of unbaptized infants did not get
to heaven but they were not tortured either
their only punishment was that they would never
see God, other than that they were in a state of
natural happiness. - Thy must be in a place on the border of heaven
(in latin Limbo)
32A History of Christian Initiation
- The Scholastic Period -
- Cleansing the soul from sin
- Peter Lombard - a dipping or external washing of
the body together with a prescribed formula of
words - Hugh of St. Victor - water made holy by the word
of God for washing away sins - The sacramental reality (sacramentum et res) was
that of washing the soul free of original sin - Aquinas - Baptism is a spiritual regeneration and
incorporation into Christ, but it is a hidden
regeneration occurring in the soul of the
baptized infant which manifests itself only later
in life, it was an incorporation into Christ
which occurred through the reception of spiritual
powers known collectively as the baptismal
33A History of Christian Initiation
- The Scholastic Period
- Aquinas - Baptism was the first step in the
Christian walk of life - It was normally given to infant but could also be
given to adults - Its matter was the water. Its form was the words
if either was lacking the ritual was invalid
everything else was non-essential - Priests were the normal ministers but anyone
could baptize in an emergency because of the
necessity of the sacrament for salvation - Children should be baptized right away but adults
should be instructed first and wait until Easter
Vigil. If they died a Baptism of desire was
sufficient because they accepted the message of
Christ as adults - He regarded martyrdom as the most excellent form
of Baptism
34A History of Christian Initiation
- The Decline of Scholasticism
- Post-Black Death
- William of Ockham - 14th century Argued that none
of the effects of Baptism, including the
forgiveness of sins, could be proven
philosophically - Baptism was just a name for what happened when
the ritual washing was performed - What really happened depended solely on the
authority of the Church - Baptism sank into the mire of magic
35A History of Christian Initiation
- The Protestant Reformation
- Protestants rejected the Catholic theology of
Baptism as they knew it - Luther still felt sinful after Baptism and
Penance. They lacked the advertised effect. - He did however feel forgiven after his own
interior conversion in 1513 - This experience fed his sacramental theology,
what Baptism brought was not removal but
forgiveness of sins - He rejected concepts of indulgences and penance
and embraced ideas of grace and faith - Grace was a heart-felt confidence in God and His
love not an intellectual conviction - Faith like grace is a gift from God in baptism
which remains dormant until later life
36A History of Christian Initiation
- The Protestant Reformation -
- Anabaptists (Greek re-baptize)
- Luther taught that when Gods forgiving grace was
accepted in faith, they were justified in the
sight of God - Anabaptists took pushed it further
- The New Testament spoke only of baptism of adults
a profession of faith was required - Infant baptism must be a Roman invention
- The church was meant to be a place of the saved
into which people came not by birth but by
decision before Baptism - Baptism by pouring was unscriptural so only
immersion was valid
37A History of Christian Initiation
- The Protestant Reformation
- John Calvin - Embraced predestination (Romans
828-34) to mean that God saved those whom he had
elected, this was a direct work of the Holy
Spirit and occurred whether one was baptized or
not - The Bible made it clear that none could profess
faith in Jesus as Lord except by the power of the
Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 123). - A profession of faith then was enough to make one
part of the elect. - Moral conversion worked hand in hand with a
profession of faith. - Immorality was a sign of damnation.
- Baptism was not a cause of conversion but a sign
of it
38A History of Christian Initiation
- The Protestant Reformation
- Ulrich Zwingli - took Calvins theology further
- Baptism is not an infallible sign of redemption
nor does it have any effect after Baptism - It was merely a sign of faith that people brought
to the sacramental ceremony - The Holy Spirit did not need to work with any
ritual instruments and acted on people totally at
Gods disposal - He saw Baptism simply as an expression of belief
in Christ
39A History of Christian Initiation
- Trent 1554, The Catholic Reaction
- Original Sin -
- It declared that through Adams sin
- He lost his original justness and had been
punished with death - that this sin was transmitted to the whole human
race and put all under bondage of the devil - that Baptism removes this sin though it does not
remove all inclination to evil.
40A History of Christian Initiation
- Trent 1554, The Catholic Reaction
- Justification -
- A passing from the state in which a person is
born a son of the first Adam , to the state of
grace and acceptance as sons of God through the
second Adam , Jesus Christ our Savior. - Even though the children of Adam must physically
die, they could be spiritually reborn through
baptism and if they sinned mortally after being
baptized, they could regain spiritual justness
through the sacrament of penance - Justification was a result of Gods mercy,
merited for mankind by the passion and death of
the son and effected in mens souls by the power
of the Holy Spirit
41A History of Christian Initiation
- The council based its conclusions in scripture
and the general experience of the church and
Catholics who tried to live morally just and
upright lives in the church. It declared the
following heretical - that the roman church does not teach the true
doctrine of baptism - that baptism is not necessary for salvation
- that baptism administered by heretics is not a
true baptism - that baptized persons can not lose Gods grace
through sin but only through lack of faith - that those who are baptized may obey their own
conscience rather than the laws of the church - that the grace of baptism covers sins the sins
after Baptism and need only be remembered for a
person to receive forgiveness - that anyone should be re-baptized or that infants
should not be
42A History of Christian Initiation
- Trent missed the point of most reformers
- Sacraments had lost their effect
- Trent implemented reforms in clergy hoping strong
leadership could be a good foundation - Christian instruction was still to take place
after sacraments - A catechism of official church teaching was
published for education purposes - When missionaries entered the new world thousands
were brought into the church with little or no
education - Baptism as the magic key to salvation was the
focus of bringing the faith - Only one change occurred during this missionary
period - Baptism of desire came to mean a desire to lead a
good and upright life, a desire to live like a
43A History of Christian Initiation
- Contemporary Catholicism
- 1950s-60s - Theologians on both sides of the
reform reexamined the scriptural and historical
data - Catholics conceded New Testament spoke only of
adult Baptism - Protestants conceded that infant Baptism dated as
early as the 2nd century - Both sides realized baptismal practices were much
different from modern rites - Both sides came to realize that New Testament
theology of baptism differed drastically in
richness and complexity from scholastic theology
44A History of Christian Initiation
- The past was revealed in the 1960s through
Vatican II - The council returned to the more scriptural and
patristic approach to Baptism - Revised rite of infant baptism was written
- A new rite of adult Baptism was composed
- The catechumenate was reinstated
- Baptismal themes became more predominate in the
lenten season - It took a major step in reversing the necessity
of Baptism