Title: Digital Citizenship Basics
1Digital Citizenship Basics
- Mike Ribble, Ed.D.
- District Director of Technology
- Manhattan-Ogden School District
- Manhattan, KS
- miker_at_manhattan.k12.ks.us
2Have We/Are We Changing?
- Do we still feel the same about others and their
cell phone use? Do we think about ours? - Do we try to do too much at one time
(multi-tasking)? - Are we sharing more information than we should
(Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? - Where will be in another five years?
3What are the Issues for Educators Related to
Permission from Creative Commons
4Are We Ready To Begin Addressing the Problems
- What is our focus?
- How do we get to the core issues?
- What are the most important skills?
- How will we teach?
- What is the responsibility of home, what is the
focus of schools?
5Just Because We Can Should We?
- It is often brought up by students (and other
users) that if we have the ability we should be
able to use resources? - Does this hold true in other parts of our lives?
- Should our Digital Citizenship be any different
than our country citizenship? - Lets take a look at some ideas/issues.
- Both deal with one person taking attacking
another psychologically. - Students can deal with both through intervention.
- Both can continue after school as well.
- Technology can make people feel anonymous.
- Technology can involve a larger number of people.
- Regular bullying can have a physical aspect as
7Driving Issues
- Alcohol Addiction
- Physical Issues
- Loss of Attention
- Can Lead to Accidents
- Laws Against Doing
- Technology Addiction
- Can Have Physical Issues
- Loss of Attention
- Can Lead to Accidents
- New Laws Being Passed
- Laws against shoplifting
- Causes loss of revenue store
- We typically teach our children/students it is
not appropriate.
- Laws against downloading but many
opportunities. - Can decrease revenue for companies.
- We dont always state to children/students that
it is wrong.
9Time To Get Back To Basics
- We need to look at the basic skills and begin
building curriculum to reach them. - Technology is a tool how we use it will
determine its use/misuse. - The focus cannot be on applications/ technologies
only. Look down the road.
10Blooms Taxonomy Before/Revised
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
- Remembering
- Understanding
- Applying
- Analyzing
- Evaluating
- Creating
11Schools and Families Working Together
12But What Do We Need To Do?
- Step Back and Evaluate Not Every Technologys
Goal Was Education. (4-Stage Model). - Come Up With a Plan from Top to Bottom. If we
want students to have a skill when they reach a
certain age how do we build. - Follow Through The worst thing is to start a
plan and not complete it (better if no plan at
13Things Everyone Needs to Know Social Networking
- Users on Facebook, as well as other social
networking sites need to think about what they
are showing the world. - From 6 Career-Killing Facebook Mistakes by Erin
Joyce (Investopedia), April 7, 2010 - -Inappropriate Pictures, Complaining about
Current Job, Posting Conflicting Information to
Your Resume, Statuses You Wouldnt Want Your Boss
to See, Not Understanding the Security Settings,
Losing by Association
14Another Issue - Sexting
- Texas Statute Sec. 21.15.  Improper Photography
Or Visual Recording. - (3)Â Â knowing the character and content of the
photograph, recording, broadcast, or
transmission, promotes a photograph, recording,
broadcast, or transmission described by
Subdivision (1) or (2). - Sec. 43.21.(5)  "Promote" means to manufacture,
issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver,
transfer, transmit, publish, distribute,
circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or
advertise, or to offer or agree to do the same. - (c)Â Â An offense under this section is a state
jail felony.
15Original Concern of Digital Citizenship -
- a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Those ages 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a
half hours a day with such devices, compared with
less than six and a half hours five years ago
(New York Times, Jan.20) - There needs to be a tidal shift in outlook by
adults. The first stage of recovery is admission
and acknowledgment. Now, the real work can begin.
Engage, create, innovate and challenge kids with
media. (Letter to the Editor)
16Digital Law the legal rights and restrictions
governing technology use.
First It Was Song Downloads. Now Its Organic
A MySpace Photo May Cost a Student a
Teaching Certificate
17Digital Health and Welfare the elements of
physical and psychological well-being related to
digital technology use.
Texting, Surfing, Studying? The literature
looking at media and its impact on attentional
skills is just in its infancy, said Renee Hobbs,
a professor of mass media and communications at
Temple University. Another expert, Dr. Dimitri
Christakis, a professor of pediatrics at the
University of Washington who is a leading
researcher on children and the media, agreed.
The pace of science has not kept up with
PBS Frontline -Roughly 50 percent of South
Koreans play games regularly, and 75 percent of
gamers prefer online games. -Questions of
Internet Addiction
18Digital Security (self-protection) the
precautions that all technology users must take
to guarantee their personal safety and the
security of their network.
19Digital Access full electronic participation in
20Digital Communication electronic exchange of
Face-to-Face Socializing Starts With a Mobile
Twitter and Facebook ask users to answer the
question What are you doing right now? But for
many urbanites in their 20s and 30s, two other
questions are just as important Where are you,
and can I come join you?
21Digital Etiquette the standards of conduct
expected by other digital technology users.
ALL CAPS emails lead to woman's firing
OK, I can't actually make that text red due to
the publishing system I'm on, but it would
certainly be annoying, wouldn't it? And if you
worked for New Zealand's ProCare Health, it could
even get you fired.
22Digital Rights and Responsibilities the
privileges and freedoms extended to all digital
technology users, and the behavioral expectations
that come with them
- Craigslist-Savvy Mom Turns Tables on Crook
- Berkeley woman avenges theft of handicapped
daughter's computer - By Janette Williams
- Updated 1030 AM PST, Tue, Jan 12, 2010
January 24, 2010 Web Is Bringing Skaters Lives
Uneasily Close to Fans Obsessions By JULIET
23Digital Literacy the capability to use digital
technology and knowing when and how to use it.
The Children of Cyberspace Old Fogies by Their
20s By BRAD STONE They theorize that the
ever-accelerating pace of technological change
may be minting a series of mini-generation gaps,
with each group of children uniquely influenced
by the tech tools available in their formative
stages of development.
January 10, 2010 Failing Like a Buggy Whip Maker?
Better Check Your Simile By RANDALL STROSS
24Digital Commerce the buying and selling of
goods online.
Losing Out After Winning an Online
Auction Theres a lot of ways to lose money with
online auctions, said Sally Greenberg, executive
director of the National Consumers League. With
all the possible ways of losing money, its no
wonder that online auction fraud was ranked as
the 13th biggest concern of consumers in the 2008
Consumer Sentinel, which is compiled by the
Federal Trade Commission
25What are the Responsibility of Schools/Families
- Cell phones do we allow in classroom (is it a
requirement for school ?) Do we then have a
separation of haves and have nots? Is it then Ok
if they take a call, text their friends, check
their Facebook.
26Others Are Following Same Path
- International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE) identified Digital Citizenship for
Teachers and Students. - PBS Frontline Digital Nation
- http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kidsonline
/ - Organizations, blog sites, support systems
DigiParent.Ning.Com. (started with Digiteen) - San Elijo M.S.
- Digizen
27Digital Citizen Mission
- As a technological society it is our
responsibility to provide all users the
opportunity to work, interact, and use technology
without the interference, destruction, or
obstruction by the actions of inappropriate
users. As digital citizens we pledge to help
create a society of users that strive to use
technology appropriately. We will work with
others to identify the needs of technology users
and provide opportunities to make them effective.
28What Questions Do You Have?
- http//www.digitalcitizenship.net