Title: Digital Nations Consortium Meeting
1Digital Nations Consortium Meeting
A Project for Integral Education
- Nivaldo Marcusso
- October 30th
Brazil Panorama History Main objective Areas and
ways of performance What the Bradesco
Foundationoffers its students Educational
Particularities Location of Schools Projects in
3Brazil Panorama
Total Area 8 511 966,3 km2 Population 169 872
856 (2000)Number of Cities 5.561
4Brazil PanoramaEducation
Number of Schools Number of Teachers Number
of students in High School 9.1 million Number
of students in the University Number of
Illiterates 17 million Number of Functional
Illiterates 27 million
5Brazil Panorama
Number of cellular telephones 40.1
million Number of Computers Number of
Computers per School (National Aur) 15 Number
of Computers per students (National Aur)
150 Number of users with access to the Internet
14,7 million, considering schools and companies
27 million Computers per inhabitants 6,26
Non-Profit institution founded in 1956by Mr.
Amador Aguiar to provideEducation and vocational
training forchildren, teenagers and adults for
poor communities throughout Brazil. Today there
are 39 schools, in 26 States and in the Federal
District, with more than 105,000 students. To
provide education and vocational training for
children, teenagers and adults for needy
communities throughout Brazil.
7New School
- The 40th School is in construction. It is located
in the - Jardim Conceição, in Osasco, SP and will be
inaugurated - in the beginning of 2004.
Jardim Conceição in Osasco
(General sight of the evolution of the
workmanship in October 4)
8Areas of Performance
- 103,322 (total of students in 2002)
- Basic Education -------------- 48,456 students
- Kindergarten 3,301
- Elementary - 29,033
- High School 16,122
- (Business Administration, Farming and cattle
raising, Computer, Teaching, Electronics,
9Areas of Performance
- Adult Education
- School Completion Program for adults, who attend
televised courses at schools and at the companies
they work for ---gt 20,014 students - Vocational training courses offered to needy
communities. These medium and short term courses
are tailor-made to various regional job markets
---------------------gt 34,852 students - For example (dress-making, informatics,
hydraulic and electrical home repairs, graphic
arts, craft)
10What the Bradesco Foundation offers its students
- Free Education
- School materials
- Uniform
- Dental care
- Light meals
11Educational Particularities
- Schools are integrated into the features and
needs of each region - Development of skills by employability as key
factor of citizenship - Supported by constructivism and constructionism
theories and practices
12Location of Schools
Boa Vista School
Jardim Conceição School (2004)
13Financial Resources will be used for(millions
of U.S. dollars) - 2003
- EXPENSES 37,294
- Personnel Expenses 26,386
- Students Expenses 3,820 - uniform - school
material - meals - Buildings Maintenance 3,207
- Other Operating Expenses 3,879
- INVESTMENTS (Fixed Assets) 1,286
- Construction of a new school 598
- New hardware/software 455
- Others Investments 233
14Projects in Development - 2003
- Assistance in technologic, citizenship and
ethics projects for public schools - Information system courses for people with
visual disabilities (Internet and Office) - Integrated projects using constructivism
approach - Distance Learning by Internet (WBT) for
training elementary and high schools teachers - Internet Portal for Native Brazilian Comunities
15Projects in Development - 2003
- Distance Learning by Internet for Basic
Education (2002 year) - More than 3000 computers in 39 schools will
be connected by satellite and VPN network - Courses for training students in CCNA
Certification - Partnership with Cisco Systems
(19,000 students)
16Projects in Development - 2003
- e-Learning Website Virtual School project
complementary classes 150,000 students in
basic education and technical courses. -
Partnership with Docent, ABAN/India, Centra,
NIIT/India, Microsoft and Cisco - Media LAB MIT Partnership Digital Nations
and Digital Life Consortiums (learning hubs
and lifelong kindergarten projects)
17Projects in Development - 2003
- Volunteer Projects More than 197.240
attendances in Brazil including our 39
schools. We provided services like documents
emission, health and legal attendance, art and
tecnology workshops and recreation.
18Projects in Development - 2003
- Intel
- Public School System 23
- Public Universities 9
- Teachers 3.680
- Senior Teachers 369
19Projects in Development - 2003
- Month of the Digital Inclusion Center of
Digital Inclusion (CID)
We be able to hold the National Month of Digital
Inclusion (Mês Nacional de Inclusão Digital)
(which will be held on the last two weekends of
November) and, from this initiative, we
considered offering the lower income population
access to technology in a permanent way,
mobilizing the society and the corporations to
allow them to get more involved with their local
20Media Lab PartnershipTime Line
Definition of the consortiuns and projects
groups according Bradesco Foundation needs
Mr. Rodrigo Mesquita and Bradesco Foundation in
the Consortium News in the Future
Mr. Nivaldo Marcusso at Media Lab to know the
project about the Consortium Digital Life
DTE at the Summer Institute - MexicoLearning
Hubs Project
21Media Lab PartnershipTime Line
Bradesco Foundation directors visit the Media
Lab to know the projects
DTE at Winter InstituteCuritiba, PR Learning
Hubs Project
1st Workshop Learning Hubs The City we want
at Campinas schoolin São Paulo
Beginning of the partnership to the consortiuns
and definition of the projects leaders Bradesco
Foundation (Digital Nations) and
Bradesco(Digital Life and e-Market)
DTE in the meeting with the Consortium of
Digital Nations - Nicarágua
2nd WorkshopCampinas school in São Paulo
3rd Workshop Salvador school in Bahia
Beginning of the partnership MIT Media Lab X
Bradesco Foundation
22Media Lab PartnershipTime Line
5th Workshop Osasco school in São Paulo
4th Workshop Manaus school in Amazonas
8th Workshop Manaus school in Amazonas
Accompaniment of the City we want project in
the Bradesco Foundation schools
6th Workshop Bodoquena school in Mato Grosso do
Sharing the projects developed in the first fase
(Campinas, SPSalvador, BAManaus, AMOsasco, SP
and Bodoquena, MS)
7th Workshop Campinas schoolin São Paulo
23Media Lab PartnershipTime Line
Tower in Campinas
13th Workshop Manaus school in Amazonas
9th Workshop Osasco school in São Paulo
11th Workshop Gravataà school in Rio Grande do
14th WorkshopJoão Pessoa school in ParaÃba
12th Workshop Bodoquena schoolin Mato Grosso do
Webconference with Seymour Papert
SeptemberTower Workshop
Webconference with Edith Ackermann
10th Workshop Salvador school in Bahia
November The City we want Workshop
24Digital Nations Consortium
- 1 Project The City we want
- Group Learning Hubs (David Cavallo)
- 1st Phase Schools of Campinas, Bodoquena,
Manaus, Salvador and Osasco - 2nd Phase Schools of Irecê, GravataÃ, Rio de
Janeiro,Vila Velha, São João del Rei, ParanavaÃ,
MarÃlia, Laguna, Ceilândia, Aparecida de Goiânia
and Canuanã - 3rd Phase Schools of João Pessoa, Maceió,
Caucaia, Jaboatão, Natal, Pinheiro, Propriá, São
LuÃs, Rio Branco, Cacoal, Macapá and Cuiabá - Public Schools Partnerships 20(RO, CE, RS, BA,
PE, PB, RN, MA, AC) - Professors and Students trained 840
- Participation in workhops Mexico and Panama
- Investiment in our schools US 150,000.00
25Digital Nations Consortium
- 2 Project Tower System
- Group GIG - Grassroots Invention Group
- 1st Phase Schools of Campinas, Osasco, Rio de
Janeiro, Gravataà and Manaus - Professors and Students trained 40
- Participation in workhops Puebla Mexico
- Investiment in our schools US 50,000.00
26Digital Nations Consortium 2002/2003
- 3 Results and gains
- Manaus
- Winner of Fucape/CNPq Prize Innovation
Technology Project Cercas Inteligentes - Communities Mobilization (Public Schools
27FUCAPI/CNPQ Prize The City we want Manaus
The project Cerquinha of 8th grade students of
Manaus School Best project of Innovation and
creativityFUCAPI/CNPq de Tecnologia/2002 - 8ª
28Media Lab PartnershipNext Steps
- Workshop The City we wantNovember 10
14/2003Bradesco Foundation Schools other
countries - Computer ClubhousePartners Cidade Aprendiz,
Intel and MIT Media LabPlace
Jardim Conceição (New School of the
Bradesco Foundation)Date March 2004
29Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT)Objectives
- Development and integration of technologies and
applications in the areas of banking and
education Centers of Excellence - Teacher Training in the Education Technology
area - Social and digital inclusion through
professional certification in IT for low
income communities - Talent formation for the development and
application of new technologies in IT and
Banking - Project integration and application in banking
through partnerships with Universities such
as MIT/Sloan, USP, UNICAMP among others
30Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT) Objectives
- Development of the concept of the Bank of the
Future, through the exhibition and
application of technologies developed in the
MIT Media Lab and by leading provides of
technologies in their industries - Development of competencies in technology for
future executives in the Bradesco
Organization - Permanent Laboratory for innovation and
discussion forums about technology for the
Bradesco Organization in banking and
education, with the participation of leading
providers of technologies, universities and
research institutes
31Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT) Partners
INTEL Servers and Educational Techonology
NIIT and ABAN (India) E-Learning
MEDIA LAB Digital Nations
32Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT) Consortium
- Bank of the Future Project
- Wireless agency
- Center for the development of competencies in
Technology and banking for collaborators of
the Organization Bradesco - Information security solutions development
center - Center for technology application to serve the
customers - Estimated number of collaborators 12
- Area available 400 m2
33Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT) Consortium
- School of the Future Project
- Virtual School
- Center for the development of applications for
mobile equipment and WI-FI connections
wireless school - Center for the development of solution for the
automation of the classroom and
administrative areas - Center of digital inclusion Caravan project of
digital inclusion - Estimated number of collaborators 12
- Area available 160 m2
34Bradesco Institute of Technology
(BIT) Localization
Sete Quedas FarmRod. Anhanguera, Campinas,
SP Total area 110.000 m² Constructed area
10.000 m² (2 x 5.000 m²) Number of Room
30 Auditorium 400 people Network infra-structure
and internet access Distance from Osasco 1h15
35Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT)Time Line
November 2003
September 2003
March 2003
Concept Development
Partners Invitation
Partnership Meetings
October 2003
August 2003
March 2004
1st Draft
Bradesco Foundation Approval and Partnership
BITStart Activities
36Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT) Project
Direction BIT
Managing Advice (1)
Consortium Bank of the Future
Consortium School of the Future
Consortium Digital Inclusion
Consortium CRM
ConsultingAdvice (2)
Consulting Advice
Consulting Advice
(1) Formed for members of the Executive
Direction, the Advice and Companies Partners (2)
Formed for members of the Executive Direction and
Companies Partners
37January, 2003
Workshop Rapid Prototyping Solutions to
Representative Community and Educational
Challenges- Mexico
38Workshops The City we want 2003
Gravataà march
Osasco february
João Pessoa - may
Salvador february
Bodoquena april
39Workshop Tower 2003 (September in Campinas)
40Boa Vista School in Roraima, RR
44Type of Access
45Number of ISP
Middle West
46Distribution of ISP for Region
South 19
Southeast 58
Middle West7
47Distribution of the ISP for Cities
Cities without providers
Cities with providers
48Population with Local ISP
Total Population 169 million
Population not Served
Population Served
49Other entities that have projects of digital
50Nivaldo Tadeu Marcusso nmarcusso_at_fundacaobradesco.
org.br Phone 55 11 3684-2922 www.fundacaobra