Title: Public Service Productivity Measurement:
1Public Service Productivity Measurement Macro or
Micro? Aileen Simkins, Department of
Health Co-Director of the Atkinson Review
2What I will Talk About
- Some concepts
- Macro productivity measurement the Atkinson
Review (and Gershon) - Micro productivity measurement some NHS examples
- Challenges for the future
3Productivity What do we mean?
Technical efficiency allocative efficiency value
for money effectiveness economy cuts
Increase in output divided by increase in
volume of input
Getting more for the same, or the same for less
Improving services while money is tight
4Measuring Productivity Who By, What for?
Do you get what you pay for? Accountability to
the tax payer
The XX industry is inefficient by international
standards Evidence of use of resources
Best of breed have 3 times more throughput than
bottom quartile Benchmarking, competitive
Just try harder Performance management
Cant we get another one in? - Local drivers to
expand/ improve
5Some key questions
- Can Government measures of public service
productivity be valid? - Is measuring productivity the same as measuring
performance? - Improving productivity matters is measurement a
side alley? - Does measurement of efficiency create
6The Atkinson Review
- How to use National Accounts
- to measure public service productivity
- and
- How to do it better
7How National Accounts Measure Public Services
- Traditionally, output input
- From 1997, System for National Accounts changed
measure outputs via activities - UK early implementer health (cost weighted
activity index), schools (pupil days and quality
adjustment), social services, social security
admin - ONS began publishing productivity articles
8ONS Output Measure, 2003
9Better Measures for the National Accounts
- Queries on basis of public service measures
- National Statistician set up Review Dec 2003,
chaired Sir Tony Atkinson - Measurement of Government Output and
Productivity for the National Accounts
10Atkinson Report Jan 2005
- 9 principles
- output should be measured in a way that is
adjusted for quality, taking account of the
attributable incremental contribution of the
service to the outcome - Specific recommendations for improvement to
measures used in NA - Encouraged ONS productivity articles
- UK Centre for Measurement of Government Activity
11ONS Health Productivity Oct 2004
12DH Press Release Oct 04
- John Reid (Secretary of State for Health) says
- it is absurd to measure NHS output without
taking account of quality
13Quality as part of NHS Output
- How many domains of quality?
- Health gain
- Patient experience
- What can we measure?
- How can we link quality measures to the NHS
output index? - How should we weight different aspects of
quality? - How valid is a partial story?
14Accounting for Quality Change
- Average over last 5 years
- Value of health 1.5
- Value weight for statins 0.81
- York/NIESR adjustment 0.17
- Patient experience 0.07
- Blood pressure control 0.05
- Heart attack survival 0.01
- Total 2.68
- Quality adjusted output growth 6.29
15ONS Health Productivity 2006
16Education and Other Areas
- DfES action following Atkinson new use of pupil
attainment tests and GCSE grades - DfES article, ONS education productivity article
- Controversial issues grade drift, real
earnings effect - Also productivity articles for adult social care,
social security administration
17(No Transcript)
18Value and Validity of Atkinson-based Productivity
- Designed to compare total outputs with total
inputs - Focus on attributable impact on outcomes and
quality change - Data incomplete biased towards areas of
attention / improvement analysis by Depts - Major developmental issues on techniques
- ONS consultation document Sept 2006
19Performance Productivity?
- A perfect Atkinson measure captures all
activities, all contributions to outcomes - Is this the same as measuring organisation
performance? - If not choices about key priorities, value
judgements - Should those values inform the aggregate
productivity measure?
20Another macro measure Gershon
- Gershon includes savings from better procurement,
Atkinson doesnt - Specific changes in use of inputs valued as m
- Better use of productive time evidence from
outputs and outcomes?
21Gershon and Atkinson
- Gershon efficiency improvements are managed, not
just measured - Strong delivery support for Gershon, changes
evident - Measured to deliver target? NAO scrutiny
- Will measured productivity gains match? HMT,
OGC and UKCeMGA should be able to explain
22Micro Measures NHS
- NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement,
with DH - Developing and issuing key metrics for health
authorities, PCTs, Trusts, FTs - Systematic focus on key areas for improvement
volume, costs, variation - Clinical engagement, benchmarking
23First Metrics 22 Sept 2006
- Pdfs and web based tool
- Finance, workforce, procurement
- Clinical productivity
- Potential bed days saved through reduced length
of stay - Day case rate
- Reduce pre-operative bed days
24Reduce wasted bed days
390,000 bed days
- Evidence based assessment of performance
- Addressing variations and helping outliers
- Providing a tool kit
- Opportunity to test performance against peers
- Stimulus to learn how to improve practice
- Recognition of success and challenge to do better
26XXX NHS Trust
27Value and Power of Micro Productivity Indicators
- Practical engagement in what to change
- Service based, clinical focus
- Small steps on long journey
- Risks that change happens, savings dont
- Check for unintended perverse incentives
- Tipping points for cutting overheads
28Impact of Micro Changes on Macro Measure
- NHS III says
- 1 Reduce Avoidable Emergency Admissions
- 2 Reduce Unnecessary Outpatient Appointments,
Follows-up, and DNAs - 3 Avoid Unnecessary Procedures
- 4 Improve Day Case Performance
- 5 Reduce Wasted Bed Days
- 6 Accurate Clinical Coding
- 7 Reduce Variation in Length of Stay
- 8 Improve Staff Productivity
- 9 Actively Manage Staff Costs
29If NHS follows NHS III advice..
- Lower growth in some hospital activities
- Shifts in unit costs
- Shifts in NHS spending to primary care,
community, public health (harder to count) - Probably, slower growth in output
- Measurable change in quality, outcomes?
- Productivity measure?
30Measures, not Targets
- Macro and micro productivity measures both need
careful interpretation - Micro are more useful for managers, front line,
actionability - Macro should help with do you get what you pay
for but may mislead - Use of any efficiency measures changes behaviours
intended, maybe also unintended
31Lessons of History
- For the first decade of its existence
(1982-92) the HCHS efficiency index received
little adverse comment either from the NHS or
policy analysts. However, once it was converted
from a retrospective analytical exercise into a
management tool it attracted a barrage of
criticism.attaching rewards to counts of
particular activities led to reporting drift,
reclassification and at worst statistical
dishonesty - Clive Smee Speaking Truth to Power 2005
32Dilemma Measuring with Right Impact
- Productivity is Govt business accountability
- Many drivers in public service to improve
productivity - Accountability needs metrics
- Metrics are almost always partial, may mislead or
have unintended incentives - Choice of metrics affects what is delivered
- Moral use mix of macro and micro indicators,
with intelligence transparency