Title: El Flamenco
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5El Flamenco
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7El flamenco, expresión genuinea de ese
particular sentir del ser andaluz y del gitano,
toma de la fusión de la cultura árabe, sefardita
y mora para expresarse a si mismo y traspasar,
asi, las barreras que por antonomasia envuelve a
este arte en un secreto casi místico. The
flamenco, a genuine expression of the Andalusian
gypsy experience, fuses the Arabic, Sephardic,
and Moorish cultures while, at the same time, the
transgression of these barriers envelops the art
in an almost mystical secrecy.
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10Flamenco exists in three forms el cante, the
song, el baile, the dance, and la guitarra,
guitar playing.
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17The flamenco dancer performs with passion,
fervor, even tortured expressions but always
strives for grace and dignity.
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21Like American jazz, flamenco dancing involves
improvisation. It is the dancers spontaneous
expression of the moments emotions. The Spanish
call it duende. The word means goblin or fairy,
but to the flamenco dancer it signifies an inner
force that fuels an inspired performance.
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25The Gypsies cultivated and popularized cante
jondo deep singing. The name refers to the
emotional depths reached by its singers.
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28What does duende mean to a flamenco dancer?
29What are the three forms of flamenco?
30What does a flamenco dancer strive for?
31What does cante jondo mean?