Title: One sticky bun
1Notes for teachers. Sing or chant One, one, a
big sticky bun. Hold up a thumb to indicate
one. Then pretend to bite the big sticky
bun! Two, two, Look at my shoes! Hold up thumb
and first finger to match the two and then
point at your shoes. Three, three, clever old me!
Hold up thumb and two fingers to match three
and then point at yourself! Four, four, knock on
the floor. Hold up thumb and three fingers to
match four and then knock on the floor. Five,
five, bees in a hive. Hold up all five fingers
on one hand and then make the fingers all buzz
Encourage the children to match their fingers to
the number each time, one thumb to the spoken
one, thumb and one finger to the spoken two,
and so on. Choose a child to say a number less
than five, e.g. three. Everyone shows three
fingers. Choose another child to specify three
things, e.g. Three biscuits. Perhaps have a theme
e.g. a type of sweet, or a type of animal.
Repeat, specifying one or two.
2One sticky bun
3Twolook at my shoes!
4Threeclever old me!
5Fourknock at the door!
6Fivebees in a hive!