Title: Biomes of the World
1Biomes of the World
Begin Here
2Find your biome vacation!
- You will be going through a series of questions
in order to narrow down which biome you would
enjoy the most and be able to create a travel
brochure to really sell your biome. - Please answer all questions based on how you
3What kind of weather do you prefer?
4Which bear would you go see at the zoo?
- Black Bear
- Polar Bear
- Grizzly Bear
5Which animal would you most enjoy as a pet?
6How does your snake kill its prey?
- Constricts its prey
- Bites and kills
7Do you like to see trees?
8You are off to the DESERT!!
- Obtain a rubric to start your brochure.
9Pack your parka. You will need it to survive the
- Obtain a rubric to start your brochure.
10You have won a round trip ticket to the Taiga!!
- Obtain a rubric to start your brochure.
11Which Disney movie did you enjoy most?
12Roar! You are going to be going to the
- Obtain a rubric to start your brochure.
13Your adventure takes you to the Tropical
- Obtain a rubric to start your brochure.
14Enjoy the trees and animals in the Deciduous
- Obtain a rubric to start your brochure.