Title: Biomes are regions in the world with similar:
1Biomes are regions in the world with similar
- Climate (weather, temperature)
- Flora (vegetation, or plants)
- Fauna (animals insects)
2How is sunlight different at different latitudes?
90N North Pole
Arctic circle
Tropic of Cancer
Most direct sunlight
Tropic of Capricorn
Arctic circle
90S South Pole
3Figure 4-11 The Worlds Major Land Biomes
Temperate grassland
Tropical rain forest
Temperate forest
Northwestern coniferous forest
Mountains and ice caps
Tropical dry forest
Temperate woodland and shrubland
Tropical savanna
Boreal forest (Taiga)
- Tundra
- Northwest Coniferous Forest
- Temperate Forest
- Temperate Grassland
- Temperate Woodlands
- Boreal Forest
- Tropical Rainforest
- Tropical Savannah
- Tropical Dry
- Desert
5 Tundra
Deciduous Forest
Coniferous forest
- Has a permanently frozen subsoil called
permafrost - too cold for many animals or plants to survive
(Avg. temp. -10 c) - Average precipitation is less than 50 cm/year
- Plants includes mosses, lichens, grass small
- shrubs.
- Animals Polar bears, Arctic foxes, caribou
9 10(No Transcript)
11Coniferous Forest
- Cold, wet climate
- Has long cold winters (average temp. 0 c)
- Average annual precipitation 100 cm.
- Animals Deer, lynx, fox, hare and grizzly
- bears. Many animals hibernate or migrate to
- escape the long, cold winter months.
- - Plants Coniferous trees
- (pine tree, fir, evergreens)
12Coniferous Forest
13Coniferous Forest
14(No Transcript)
15TEMPERATE FOREST Deciduous Forest
- Deciduous trees lose their leaves once each
- year when weather turns cold.
- Houston, Texas is in a temperate forest
- Weather is moderate (Avg. temp. 10 c)
- Rainfall tends to be heavy (70-105 cm).
- Animals include deer, black bear, squirrels
- Oak and hickory trees, grasses and flowering
- plants grow here.
TEMPERATE FOREST (Deciduous Forest)
17Temperate Forest
- Most diverse biome over 2 million species.
- Humid, temperature is consistent, (avg. temp. 25
c). - lots of rain - year round (avg. 200-400 cm/year)
- Plants diverse flowers, hard wood trees,
medicinal plants and canopy trees. - Animals monkeys, cat like mammals (jaguar),
reptiles, sloth and insects.
19R A I N F O R E S T
20R A I N F O R E S T
21Tropical Rain ForestWashington State
Costa Rica
22The Amazon River
23Tropical Savannah
- Also called prairies or savannahs
- Good soil, most crops are grown here.
- Average temperature 15 c.
- semi-dry biome. Rain Avg. (25-75 cm/year)
- Plants Grasses are the main plant life.
- Animals antelope, buffalo, giraffes
- and other large herbivores. Also, lions and
- cheetahs.
25S A V A N N A H
- Very hot, dry biomes
- there is little rainfall (less than 25 cm/year)
- few types of plants. Vegetation includes
- cactus and the Joshua tree.
- Desert animals include snakes and lizards.
- Animals are nocturnal or live underground
- or under rocks when the sun is out.
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30Tropical Dry Forest
- Biome that experiences an annual hard, dry season
- Precipitation VARIES
- Mild Temperature, RICH SOIL
- Many found in Mexico and Central America
- Plants and trees can survive long periods of
little to no precipitation-a leafless period
exists and plants/trees have DEEP roots. - Vegetation includes Acacias, Giant Barrel Cactus
- TREES/GRASSES medium Moderate diversity
- Animals include Howler Monkeys, scorpions
- Estivation- The summer equivalency of
31Tropical Dry Forest
32Tropical Dry Forest
33Temperate Grassland
- Contain some of the worlds most fertile soil.
- Drought and fire play large roles in keeping
trees from taking over the grasslands. - Avg. rain 20-35 in/yr (moderate)
- Temp is HOT
- Vegetation includes buffalo grass, Johnson grass
(GRASSES dense!) Trees ABSENT - Animals include bison, pronghorns, deer, mice,
rabbits, grouse, badgers, skunks, owls, garter
snakes, rattle-snakes, red-tailed hawks and
prairie dogs.
34Temperate Grassland
35Temperate Woodlands
- Also known as the Mediterranean Biome
- Summers are hot and dry in interior locations and
cooler near the coasts. Their winters are rainy
but mild. - Poor soil, low diversity
- Vegetation Trees and grasses are medium
- Animals include Coyotes, bobcats, mountain
lions, badgers, foxes, small rodents - Avg. Rainfall- 27 in/yr growing season
about 140 to 200 days -
36Temperate Woodlands
37Boreal Forest/ Taiga
- Climate in the taiga is cold, with average annual
temperatures from about 5 to -5 degrees C - Precipitation varies
38Boreal Forest/Taiga
39Aquatic Environments
- Fresh Water Ecosystems lakes, ponds, streams,
rivers and Wetlands. - Marine Ecosystems intertidal and estuaries
- photic zone area of the marine biome where
sunlight can penetrate. It is the most
productive region. Why? - Aphotic zone the area of the marine biome where
sunlight does not penetrate. Animals in this
biome are heterotrophic. Why?
40Ten Major Biomes Ten Major Biomes Ten Major Biomes Ten Major Biomes Ten Major Biomes Ten Major Biomes Ten Major Biomes
Biome Precipitation Temperature Soil Diversity Trees Grasses
Tropical Rain Forest high hot poor high dense sparse
Tropical Dry Forest variable mild rich moderate medium medium
Tropical Savanna variable mild clay moderate sparse dense
Desert low variable poor moderate sparse sparse
Temperate Grassland moderate summer hot rich moderate absent dense
Temperate woodland and Shrubland summer low, winter moderate summer hot poor low medium medium
Temperate Forest moderate summer moderate, winter cold rich high dense sparse
Northwestern Coniferous Forest high summer mild, winter cold rocky, acidic low dense sparse
Boreal Forest moderate summer mild, winter cool poor, acidic moderate dense sparse
Tundra low summer mild, winter cold poor low absent medium