Chapter 11: Moons, Rings and Pluto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 11: Moons, Rings and Pluto


It is believed that some of the rings are young, and must therefore be the result of a breakup. Rings of Saturn Many rings and sub-rings: A, B, C B-Ring : ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 11: Moons, Rings and Pluto

Chapter 11 Moons,Rings and Pluto
Ring and Satellite Systems
  • General properties.
  • Composition different from objects in the inner
    solar system
  • Most contain dark, organic compounds mixed with
    ice and rock
  • Dark materials imply small reflectivity
  • Most satellites in regular orbits
  • West-to-east direction
  • In the plane of the planets equator
  • Likely to have formed at about the same time as
    the planet
  • Irregular satellites
  • Retrograde (east-to-west), or else have orbits of
    high eccentricity, or high inclination
  • Usually smaller satellites, located relatively
    far from their planet
  • Formed subsequently or captured

Jupiter's Moons
  • 52 known satellites (as of about 2 years ago)
  • Four large moons (Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io)
  • Europa, Io are the size of our moon
  • Ganymede, Callisto the largest are bigger
    than mercury
  • Many smaller moons.
  • Note moon and satellite mean the same thing in

Large "Galilean" Moons
  • Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io
  • first seen by Galileo (the astronomer)
  • studied by the Galileo space probe
  • Hubble Space Telescope observations
  • combined data has found important similarities to
    the terrestrial planets
  • differences between moons mostly due to distance
    from Jupiter

Callisto Crater Packed
  • Outermost of the Galilean satellites.
  • 2 million km from Jupiter.
  • Noontime surface temperature 130 K (140oC below
  • Diameter 4820 km same as Mercury
  • Mass 1/3 Mercurys mass
  • Not as dense as Mercury
  • Composed largely of ice.
  • Not fully differentiated.
  • From details of gravitational pull on Galileo
  • Surprising!
  • Yet appears to be frozen
  • Covered with craters
  • Absence of interior forces geologically dead.

Craters on Callisto
Ganymede Largest, Most Varied
  • Largest satellite
  • Cratered, but less so than Callisto
  • ¾ of the surface seem to have formed recently
  • 1 billion years old rather than 4.4
  • Differentiated
  • Rock and metals sank to form a core about the
    size of the Moon
  • Mantle crust floating above core.
  • Magnetic Field
  • partly molten interior

  • Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system
  • Diameter 5262 km
  • Slightly larger than Mercury
  • Ganymede should have little tidal heating due to
    its distance from Jupiter
  • But, Ganymede shows evidence for surface
  • Ganymede must have had more geological activity
    in the past
  • Did it once have a more eccentric orbit?

Old Dark Terrain
  • Old it is covered with craters
  • Dark ice covered with dust from meteoroid impacts

New Bright Terrain
  • New due to fewer craters
  • Bright due to fracturing of the icy surface

Craters varying degradation
  • Geologically active.
  • Younger terrain result of tectonic and volcanic
  • Extensive Mountain ranges formed by compression
    of the crust.
  • Some indication of large scale crustal movements.

Why is Ganymede different from Callisto?
  • Small difference in
  • size.
  • Internal heating.
  • Gravity of Jupiter
  • Ganymede close enough to Jupiter to have tidal
    force effects episodically heating the crust.

Europa Ice-Covered Ocean
real color
enhanced color
  • Europas surface is covered with a layer of ice
  • Under the ice is water or warm fluid ice
  • Water flows up to the top continually resurfacing
  • Tidal heating produces the internal energy
  • It also has differentiated Europa into an iron
    core, a rocky mantle and an icy crust
  • Tidal flex may also crack the surface

Evidence for Warm Oceans on Europa
  • Europa has ice rafts where the surface has been
    broken up and reassembled
  • Galileo has imaged faults where the ice has
    pulled apart and water as flowed up
  • Europa also has smooth areas where water has
    flowed up and re-frozen
  • On Earth simple life forms evolved under water at
    warm deep ocean vents
  • Could something similar have happened on Europa?

Io Volcano World
  • Io is the most volcanically active world in the
    solar system
  • Io has an elliptical orbit, so the tidal forces
    on it vary with time
  • These changing forces squeeze and flex Io
    producing heat
  • The hot interior produces massive volcanism
  • The interior heat has also produced a
    differentiated interior
  • Io has an iron core surrounded by a molten, rocky

Volcanism on Io
  • Io has no impact craters
  • They have been eradicated by lava
  • Volcanoes produce plumes of material that extend
    up to 280 km above the surface
  • The colors on Io come from sulfur (yellow, black,
    red) and from sulfur dioxide (SO2, white)
  • Volcanoes can be very long lived
  • Some have been observed for 20 years

Loki volcano erupts
Pele Volcano
Ios Plasma Torus
  • Ios volcanoes put lots of ions into its orbit
  • Ions are atoms that have lost an electron giving
    them a net electrical charge
  • The ions are effected by Jupiters magnetic field
    producing a plasma torus
  • As Jupiter rotates its changing magnetic field
    produces an electrical current through the torus
    and interior

Saturns Moons and Rings
  • 30 known satellites (before Cassini)
  • Titan largest of Saturns satellites
  • Almost as big as Ganymede
  • Only satellite with substantial atmosphere
  • Rings of Saturn

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  • The second largest moon in the solar system
  • Hint on the test, dont be fooled by the name!
  • Only moon with a significant atmosphere
  • Thick atmosphere makes the surface impossible to
  • Why does Titan have an atmosphere?
  • Titan is large enough to have a strong
    gravitational field
  • Titan is cold enough so that the gas in the
    atmosphere is slow moving

Titan Cloud World
  • Dense atmosphere
  • pressure 1.5 times Earth's
  • mostly nitrogen plus 6 argon and a few percent
  • trace amounts of organic compounds (i.e. ethane,
    hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide) and water
  • water is formed when methane in Titan's upper
    atmosphere is exposed to sunlight.
  • chemical activity despite low surface
    temperature, 94 K (-290 F).
  • like the smog found over large cities, but much
  • Conditions like Earth early in its history when
    life was first getting started.
  • May have the necessary building blocks for life!

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Huygens Probe Lands on Titan
Uranus System
  • Ring and Satellite tilted at 98o just like the
    planet itself.
  • 11 rings
  • Composed of very dark particles
  • Discovered 1977
  • Narrow ribbons of material with broad gaps
  • very different from the rings of Saturn
  • 20 known satellites none really large

Neptune System
  • 8 known satellites
  • 6 regular close to the planet
  • 2 irregular farther out
  • Triton (remember, Neptune carries a trident in
    mythology, Triton is Neptunes son)
  • large moon in retrograde orbit,
  • has an atmosphere,
  • active volcanism,
  • Bears some resemblance to Pluto

Triton Ice World
Triton Ice World
  • orbit is retrograde
  • didnt form with Neptune!
  • Perhaps a captured Kuiper Belt object
  • Capture may have shattered another Neptunian moon
  • Capture scenario accounts for
  • Triton's orbit
  • unusual orbit of Nereid
  • provides energy to melt and differentiate
    Triton's interior
  • Historical connection to Pluto?
  • similar bulk properties
  • Pluto has eccentric Neptune-crossing orbit

Is Triton a captured comet? What about Pluto?
  • Ice volcanoes on Triton
  • plume rising 8 km above the surface and extending
    140 km "downwind"
  • Triton eruptions of volatile gases like nitrogen
    or methane driven by seasonal heating from the
  • Earth, Venus, Mars rocky magma driven by
    internal heat.
  • Io sulfur compounds driven by tidal
    interactions with Jupiter.

Triton's Atmosphere
  • Tritons Atmosphere
  • Triton has a very thin nitrogen atmosphere (1.6 X
    10-5 atmospheres of pressure)
  • Triton is very cold (37 K) and thus nitrogen is
    mostly frozen on the surface
  • A little bit of nitrogen evaporates to produce
    the atmosphere
  • Motions of the atmosphere (wind) seem to effect
    the plumes

Tenuous Clouds
Summary Six Large Moons
  • The six large moons of the gas giants resemble
    the terrestrial planets of the inner solar system
  • They can have volcanoes, atmospheres, and
    evidence of resurfacing
  • In general they are cold and have rocky interiors
    and icy exteriors
  • Some produce internal energy through tidal
  • Europa and Titan may have the conditions for life
    to exist

HST Picture
  • Discovered through systematic search.
  • At P. Lowell observatory in 1930.
  • Named Pluto after the roman god of the underworld
    (also PL are the initials of Percival Lowell).
  • Highest inclination to the ecliptic (17o).
  • Largest eccentricity 0.248.
  • Average distance 40 AU 5.9 billion km.
  • Perihelion closer than Neptune
  • Orbital period 248.6 earth years.
  • Rotation 6.4 days on its side.
  • Pluto's diameter 2240 km
  • Largest satellite Charon
  • Charons orbit is locked to Pluto Charon
    revolves and rotates in the same time as Pluto
  • Also two smaller satellites found.

Pluto Basics
  • Not visited by spacecraft,
  • very faint,
  • observation requires best telescopes
  • Diameter 2190 km (60 of the Moon)
  • Density 2.1 g/cm3
  • Mixture of rocky material and water ice
  • Similar to Triton (Neptune)
  • Highly reflective surface
  • frozen methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen
  • Surface temperature 50 K/ 60 K
  • Tenuous atmosphere.

Quaoar new planet?
  • orbit more circular than Pluto's
  • closer to the ecliptic 7.9 degree inclination
    compared to Pluto's 17 degrees.
  • diameter 1280 km vs. Pluto's 2240 km
  • possibly Pluto and Quaoar are both Kuiper belt

Pluto's Orbit
11.3.4 The Nature of Pluto
  • Pluto is not like the Terrestrial or Jovian
  • Pluto, Quaoar, Xena, Charon, and possibly Triton,
    are examples of Kuiper belt objects.

  • All four giant planets have rings
  • Each ring is a system of billions of small
    particles (moonlets).
  • Each ring displays complicated structure related
    to the interaction between the rings and
  • The four ring systems are quite different.

Ring Basics
  • Saturn
  • Made up of icy particles spread out into several
    vast, flat rings, with a great deal of fine
  • Neptune/Uranus
  • Made up of dark particles, confined to a few
    narrow rings, with broad empty gaps.
  • Jupiter
  • Rings are transient dust bands, constantly
    renewed by erosion of dust grains from small

What causes Rings?
  • Ring collection of vast numbers of particles
  • Each particle obeys Keplers laws.
  • Inner particles revolve faster
  • Ring does not rotate as a solid body.
  • Better to consider the revolution of individual
  • Particles within the ring are close to one
  • Exert mutual gravitational influence, even
    collide in low speed collisions.
  • Gives rise to waves that move across the rings.
  • Two basic theories
  • Breakup theory, remains of a shattered satellite.
  • Make up of particles that did not fuse into a
    single body

Ring Causes Continued
  • Gravitation of the planet
  • Tidal forces for orbits close to the planet, can
    tear bodies apart, or inhibit loose particles to
    come together.
  • Rings of Saturn, Uranus are close to the planet
  • Breakup a satellite, or a passing comet may
    have come too close and torn apart under tidal
    forces, or through some collision.
  • It is believed that some of the rings are young,
    and must therefore be the result of a breakup.

Rings of Saturn
  • Many rings and sub-rings A, B, C
  • B-Ring Brightest, most closely packed particles
  • A/C-rings translucent.
  • Total mass of B that of icy satellite 250 km in
    a diameter.
  • A B separated by a wide gap called Cassini
  • Rings are broad and very thin.
  • Main ring 70000 km, thickness 20 m.
  • Composed of water ice.
  • Particles range from grains the size of sand up
    to house-sized boulders
  • A handful of narrow rings 100 km, in addition
    to the main rings.

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Rings of Uranus and Neptune
  • Narrow and black
  • Almost invisible from Earth
  • Nine rings discovered (1977) during observation
    of a star occultation
  • First seen by Voyager (1986)
  • Outermost and most massive called Epsilon
  • 100 km wide, 100 m thick, 51000 km from the
  • Other rings much smaller 10 km wide.
  • Particles are very dark black carbon and
    hydrocarbon compounds.
  • Rings of Neptune are similar but even more

Satellite-Ring Interactions
  • Rings have intricate structure as discovered by
  • Structures due to mainly gravitational effects of
  • Without satellites, the rings would be flat and
  • There could even be no rings at all
  • Gaps in Saturn A-ring result from gravitational
    resonances with smaller inner satellites. (Mimas)

  • Uranus' moon Miranda innermost and smallest of
    the five major satellites, just 480 kilometers
    (about 300 miles) in diameter.
  • Two major strikingly different types of terrain
  • old, heavily cratered, rolling terrain with
    relatively uniform reflectivity.
  • young, complex terrain characterized by sets of
    bright and dark bands, scarps and ridges (ovoid
    regions at right and left and the distinctive
    chevron feature below and right of center).
  • likely due to upwelling of partially melted ices

Discussion Question
  • Astronomers wish to search for life in the ocean
    believed to lie beneath the ice of Europa. How
    should we approach this exploration to avoid
    possible cross contamination of Earth and Europa
    with organisms (DNA) from each other?
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