Chapter 15 Eolian Processes and Arid Landscapes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 15 Eolian Processes and Arid Landscapes


Chapter 15 Eolian Processes and Arid Landscapes Geosystems 5e An Introduction to Physical Geography Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen Final Exam The final exam ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 15 Eolian Processes and Arid Landscapes

Chapter 15Eolian Processes and Arid Landscapes
Geosystems 5e An Introduction to Physical
Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen
Final Exam
  • The final exam is going to take place on April 11
    at 2pm. It will last about 2 hours.
  • It is going to take place at the lecture room.
  • It is non-cumulative.
  • Bring 2 pencil.
  • Same format as the midterm.

Key Learning Concepts
  • After reading the chapter you should be able to
  • Characterize the unique work accomplished by wind
    and eolian (caused by wind refers to erosion,
    transportation, and deposition of materials
    spelled aeolian in some countries) processes.
  • Describe eolian erosion, including deflation,
    abrasion, and the resultant landforms.
  • Describe eolian transportation and explain
    saltation, and surface creep.
  • Identify the major classes of sand dunes and
    present examples within each class.
  • Define loess deposits, their origins, locations,
    and landforms.
  • Portray desert landscapes and locate these
    regions on a world map.

1. Who was Ralph Bagnold? What was his
contribution to eolian studies?
  • A British major, Ralph Bagnold was stationed in
    Egypt in 1925. Bagnold was an engineering
    officer who spent much of his time in the deserts
    west of the Nile, where he measured, sketched,
    and developed hypotheses about the wind and
    desert forms. His often-cited work, The Physics
    of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes, was published in
    1941 following the completion of wind-tunnel
    simulations in London.
  • Bagnold took Henry Ford at his word that a
    Model-T Ford could handle the most difficult
    terrain. He drove a Model-T all over the desert,
    carrying sections of chicken wire for areas where
    support was needed under the wheels. Additional
    wind-tunnel tests completed key aspects of his
    research on eolian processes.

2. Explain the term eolian and its application in
this chapter.
  • Wind-eroded, wind-transported, and wind-deposited
    materials are called eolian (also spelled
    aeolian named for Aeolus, the ruler of the winds
    in Greek mythology). The actual ability of wind
    to move materials is small compared with that of
    other transporting agents such as water and ice,
    because air is so much less dense than these
    other media.

3. Describe the erosional processes associated
with moving air.
  • Two principal wind-erosion processes are
    deflation, the removal and lifting of individual
    loose particles, and abrasion, the grinding of
    rock surfaces with a sandblasting action by
    particles captured in the air. (See next slides)

Desert pavement is formed from larger rocks and
fragments left after deflation.
Yardang A small wind-sculpted rock formation
caused by abrasion in Utah.
Figure 15.4
4. How are ventifacts and yardangs formed by the
  • Rocks exposed to eolian abrasion appear pitted,
    grooved, or polished, and usually are
    aerodynamically shaped in a specific direction,
    according to the flow of airborne particles.
    Rocks that bear such evidence of eolian erosion
    are called ventifacts. On a larger scale,
    deflation and abrasion are capable of
    streamlining rock structures that are aligned
    parallel to the most effective wind direction,
    leaving behind distinctive, elongated ridges
    called yardangs. These can range from meters to
    kilometers in length and up to many meters in

5. Differentiate between a dust storm and a sand
  • Only the finest dust particles travel significant
    distances, and consequently the finer material
    suspended in a dust storm is lifted much higher
    than the coarser particles of a sand storm, which
    may be lifted only about 2 meters.

6. What is the difference between eolian
saltation and fluvial saltation?
  • The term saltation was used in Chapter 14 to
    describe movement of particles along stream beds.
    The term saltation also is used in eolian
    processes to describe the wind transport of
    grains along the ground, grains usually larger
    than 0.2 mm. About 80 of wind transport of
    particles is accomplished by this skipping and
    bouncing action (See Figure 15-6). In comparison
    with fluvial transport, in which saltation is
    accomplished by hydraulic lift, eolian saltation
    is executed by aerodynamic lift, elastic bounce,
    and impact.

Figure 15.6 Sand Transport Eolian suspension,
saltation, and surface creep are mechanisms of
sediment transportation.
7. Explain the concept of surface creep.
  • Wind exerts a drag or frictional pull on surface
    particles. Bagnold studied the relationship
    between wind velocity and grain size, determining
    the fluid threshold (minimum wind speed) required
    for initial movement of grains of various sizes.
    A slightly lower wind velocity suffices if the
    particle already has been set into motion by the
    impact of a saltating grain. Bagnold termed this
    lesser velocity the impact threshold. Once in
    motion, particles continue to be transported by
    lower wind velocities.

8. What is the difference between an erg and a
reg desert? Which type is a sand sea?
  • A common assumption is that most deserts are
    covered by sand. Instead, desert pavements
    predominate across most sub-tropical arid
    landscapes only about 10 of desert areas are
    covered with sand. Sand grains generally are
    deposited as transient ridges or hills called
    dunes. A dune is a wind-sculpted accumulation of
    sand (See next slide). An extensive area of
    dunes, such as that found in North Africa, is
    characteristic of an erg desert, which means sand
    sea. Most desert landscapes are not covered with
    sand but are desert pavements, which are so
    common that many provincial names have been used
    for themfor example, gibber plain in
    Australia, gobi in China, and in Africa, lag
    gravels or serir or reg desert.

Dune Cross Section Successive slipfaces exhibit
a distinctive pattern as the dune migrates in the
direction of the effective wind.
9. What are the three classes of dune forms?
  • We can simplify dune forms into three
    classescrescentic, linear, star dunes, and
    others. Crescentic dunes are divided into four
    types Barchan, Transverse, Parabolic, and
    Barchanoid Ridge. Barchan dunes are crescent
    shaped dunes with horns pointed downwind. Winds
    are constant with little directional variability.
    Limited sand availability. Transverse dunes are
    asymmetrical ridges which are transverse
    (perpendicular) to the wind direction. Surface
    has abundant sand supply. Parabolic dunes are
    generated by vegetation, open end faces upwind
    with U-shaped and arms shaped by the vegetation.
    Barchanoid ridge dunes, are wavy, symmetrical
    dune ridges aligned in right angels to the winds.
    Formed from coalesced barchans. (See next

(No Transcript)
9. What are the three classes of dune forms?
  • The next class of dunes is called linear dunes.
    They are divided into two types Longitudinal and
    Seif. Longitudinal dunes are long, ridge-shaped
    dunes that are aligned parallel to the wind
    direction and have two slipface. Average 100
    meters high and 100 kilometers long and can reach
    to 400 meters high. Seif dunes (means sword in
    Arabic) a sharp-crested sand dune with curved
    edges, often several miles long. Runs in a series
    of parallel ridges most common in the Sahara

Longitudinal Dunes (left) and a Satellite photo
of Seif Dunes in Saudi Arabia (Right).
9. What are the three classes of dune forms?
  • The third class of dunes is called a Star dune
    (One type only). Star dunes are giant dunes
    Pyramidal or star shaped. Slipsurfaces in
    multiple directions. Resulting from winds
    shifting in all directions. (See next slide).

Star Dunes
9. What are the three classes of dune forms?
  • The last class is named other for other types.
    There are two of them Dome dunes and Reversing
    dunes. Dome dunes are circular or elliptical
    mounds with no slipface. Reversing dunes are
    asymmetrical ridges formed intermediately between
    star dunes and transverse dunes formations. Wind
    direction can alter their shapes between forms.
    (See next slide).

Dome and Reversing dunes.
Sandy Regions of the World World wide
distribution of active and stable sand regions.
10. Another form of material deposits are loess
deposits. How are loess materials generated?
What form do they assume when deposited?
  • Pleistocene glaciers advanced and retreated in
    many parts of the world, leaving behind large
    glacial outwash deposits of fine-grained clays
    and silts (lt0.06 mm). These materials were blown
    great distances by the wind and redeposited in
    unstratified, homogeneous deposits named loess.
    Loess deposits form some complex weathered
    badlands and some good agricultural land.

11. Name a few examples of significant loess
deposits on Earth. Answer In Europe and North
America, loess is thought to be derived mainly
from glacial and periglacial sources. The vast
deposits of loess in China, covering more than
300,000 km2, are thought to be derived from
desert rather than glacial sources.
12. Desert features Describe a desert bolson
formation from crest to crest.
  • A typical bolson is a slope-and-basin area
    between the crests of two adjacent ridges in a
    dry region- the physiology and geography combine
    to give the bolson a dry climate, few permanent
    streams, and internal drainage pattern (no ocean
    drainage). Basin-and-range relief is abrupt, and
    rock structures are angular and rugged. As the
    ranges erode, the transported materials
    accumulate to great depths in the basins,
    gradually producing extensive desert plains. (See
    next slide).

An example of a Bolson.
13. What is meant by desertification?
  • An unwanted expansion of the Earths desert lands
    in a process known as desertification. This now
    is a worldwide phenomenon along the margins of
    semiarid and arid lands. Desertification is due
    principally to poor agricultural practices
    (overgrazing and agricultural activities that
    abuse soil structure and fertility), improper
    soil-moisture management, erosion and
    salinization, deforestation, and the ongoing
    global climatic change which is shifting
    temperature and precipitation patterns.
  • The United Nations estimates that degraded lands
    have covered some 2 billion acres since 1930
    many millions of additional acres are added each
    year. An immediate need is to improve the data
    base for a more accurate accounting of the
    problem and a better understanding of what is

The process of desertification
  • Figure 15-24 (next slide) is drawn from a map
    prepared for a U.N. Conference on
    Desertification. Desertification areas are
    ranked A moderate hazard area has an average
    1025 drop in agricultural productivity a high
    hazard area has a 2550 drop and a very high
    hazard area has more than a 50 decrease. Because
    human activities and economies, especially unwise
    grazing practices, appear to be the major cause
    of desertification, actions to slow the process
    are readily available. The severity of this
    problem is magnified by the poverty in many of
    the affected regions.

Figure 15.24 Desertification
Figure 15.24
Movie Wind, Dust and Deserts
  • This program shows how deserts are defined by
    infrequent precipitation and how desertification
    relates to proximity to the equator, proximity to
    mountains, and ultimately plate tectonics. Images
    of landscapes illustrate how wind creates
    features such as dunes, playas, blow-outs, and
    even oases.
  • http//

End of Chapter 15Eolian Processes and Arid
Geosystems 5e An Introduction to Physical
Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen
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