Title: Force
2The Force
Population Demographics Force
Structure Missions
Criteria x Force Allowance
3The Force
- Population - counts people
- Demographics - describes people
- Force Structure - describes units and
organizations - People
- Equipment
- Organization
- Missions - what units and organizations do
4TOE Table of Organization and Equipment
5TDA Table of Distribution and Allowances
- The TDA is an Army document that prescribes the
structure, manpower and equipment for several
structural options for a non-combatant,
non-deployable organization. Each document is
unique for a particular organization or unit.
General support units and most organizations that
employ significant numbers of civilians are TDA
organizations. The TDA document includes the
following for General Support Forces - Personnel
- Equipment
- Both are available from FPS
6TOE versus TDA Summary of Differences
7ASIP Information
8ASIP Contents
- Army Units / Organizations
- Active Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard
- MTOE, TDA, and TDA augmentations to MTOE
- Army School Loads
- PCS / TDY students, trainees, receptees
- Special Army Populations
- Non-additive authorizations, RC FTS / AGR
- Rotational loads at major Army training sites
- Tenants Other than Army
- Contractors, Other Services, DOD Agencies,
KATUSA, USACE civil works, commercial activities,
state / local government - Below the Line Numbers
- RC training populations, other surrounding
9Unit Identification Code (UIC)
The Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a unique
6-character code assigned to each organization in
DOD Non-DOD units on Army bases are assigned
UICs by the local ASIP Manager DOD Joint Pub
1-03.3, Joint Reporting Structure Status Of
Resources and Training System (SORTS), is the
regulatory requirement for DOD UICs
10Reading a UIC
- 1st Position W (Army), I (Army students)
- 2nd Position Alpha (TOE), Numeric (TDA), N
(Multi-component) - 3rd - 4th Position With 2nd, form unique unit
identifier - 5th 6th Position Parent (AA)/derivative
- Examples TOE WH8PAA, WH8PA0
- Multi-component TOE WNAVX1
11ASIP School UICs (School Codes)
- 1st Position I (Army students)
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th Position Form unique unit
identifier. This is the ATRRS school code - 5th 6th Position Indicate BT, AIT, OSUT,
PCS, TDY, Receptee load - Examples BT I809/B
- AIT I809/T
- OSUT I809/S
- PCS I071/P
- TDY I071/Y
- Receptee load I809/R
12DOD UICs (Obtained from Tenant Units)
- Navy N12345
- Air Force FXXX
- Alphanumeric
- Air Force units may have 6 or 8 digit UICs. Use
the last 4 digits. That is the unique unit
identifier. - Marine Corps M12345
- Coast Guard C12345
- Alphanumeric
- AAFES 99999 (Store Code)
13Tenants Other Than Army (TOTA)
- Non-DOD
- Created by ASIP Manager
- Commercial Activities (Banks)
- _at_ Contractors and Concessionaires
- ! Other Federal Government
- Private Organizations
- State and Local Governments
14Army Units Data Sources
- SAMAS Structure And Manpower Allocation System
(G3 FMSA) - Top level Army force structure database
- Force file military authorizations and home
station - PBG civilian authorizations
- TAADS The Army Authorization Documents System
- TDA augmentations
- Non-additive authorizations
- SORTS Status of Resources and Training System
(G3 CCSA) - Registers all official UICs in DoD
- Registers home station information
- Field Input for Army Units (IMA Garrisons, ARNG
States/Territories and IMA Regions/NGB) (Annual) - Fine tunes stationing
- Identifies undocumented derivatives
15Student Loads Data Sources
- Army Training Resource Requirements System
(ATRRS) for Army Schools - PCS students
- TDY students
- 50 week average student load
- ATRRS for TRADOC Initial Entry Training (IET)
- Basic Training (BT)
- Advanced Individual Training (AIT)
- One Station Unit Training (OSUT)
- Special calculations for TRADOC IET schools
16RC Training Data Sources
- Training Evaluation and Support System (TESS)
- USAR Annual Training (AT) events
- Unit Training System (UTS)
- Future source for USAR AT and Inactive Duty
Training (IDT) events - Training, Readiness, Operations, Unit Planning,
Execution and Resourcing System (TROUPERS) - Source for ARNG AT and IDT events
- Algorithm for ASIP
- Average of three peak weeks of AT
17Facility Planning System
18Facility Planning System (FPS) Purpose
- Provide facility planners with information on
Army organizations and equipment - Provide facility planners with information on
both planning criteria and standard designs for
unit facilities - Provide allowances for unit facilities
- Provide requirements for unit facilities based on
user input
20FPS Components
- References
- Allowance calculations
- TOE units
- TDA organizations
- Requirements calculation with user input
21FPS Components Reference Information on TOE Units
- Mission
- Personnel
- Equipment
22Mission Statement
23Personnel Summary
24Detailed Personnel List
25Full Equipment List
26FPS Components Reference Information on TDA