Title: Force: Page 78
1 Force Page 78 QUESTION What does
a force do? OBJECTIVE Students will be able
to define and give common examples of different
types of forces VOCABULARY force newton net
2- Forces
- Write these questions onto page 78
- What is a force?
- In what unit is force measured?
- How do you combine forces in the same direction?
- How do you combine forces in the opposite
direction? - How do you find the net force?
3 What is a Force?
A force is any push or pull.
4 Where does a force come from?
Sometimes humans provide the force
5 Where does a force come from?
Sometimes animals provide the force.
6 Where does a force come from?
Sometimes nature provides the force.
7 Where does a force come from?
Sometimes machines provide the force
8 In What Units is Force Measured?
Force is measured in a unit called newtons (N.).
This unit is named after the famous scientist,
Isaac Newton.
9 Combining Forces?
Draw and label this diagram
Forces in the same direction are added together.
The total force on the left side of the rope is
80 N.
The total force on the right side of the rope is
60 N.
10 Combining Forces?
Forces in the opposite direction are subtracted.
To find the net force on the rope, you subtract
the 60 N on the right from the 80 N. on the left
to get a net force of 20 N. left. The rope will
move to the left.
11Force page 78 Check that the answers to these
questions are in your notes.
- What is a force?
- In what unit is force measured?
- How do you combine forces in the same direction?
- How do you combine forces in the opposite
direction? - How do you find the net force?
Force- any push or pull.. Newton (N.)-the
metric unit for measuring force. Net force- the
overall force on an object when all the
individual forces are added and subtracted.
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