Title: Philosophical Issues in Neuroscience
1Philosophical Issues in Neuroscience
2I. What is Physiological Psychology?
- The study of the biological basis of behavior.
- Behavior is observed the putative mechanisms
underlying such behavior is examined. - Most research focuses on brain mechanisms.
3II. Fields related to physiological Psychology
- Neurology study of brain disease
- Neurophysiology study of brain function
- Neuropsychology study treatment of brain
damage in people - Psychophysiology study of relationship between
- the ANS
behavior - Psychophysics study of sensory stimuli
- behavior
4Physiological Research draws from diverse
- 1. Human nonhuman subjects
- 2. Experiments, quasi-experimental studies,
case studies - 3. Pure applied research
5III. The Search for the soul
- Since earliest times, humankind has engaged in a
search for the soul the body part in which it
is housed. - A of body parts were thought to house the
soul liver, blood, heart.
6The Heart vs. The Brain Hypothesis
- Many thought the soul was in the heart.
- Greeks noticed that people died from chest
wounds, leading them to infer the mind is in
the heart.
7Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
- Thought the heart is the source of mental
processes because it is warm active. - The brain, cool by contrast, was thought to cool
the blood heart.
8Hippocrates argued for the brain hypothesis
(460-377 B.C.)
- He observed loss of mental functions associated
with brain injury. - He concluded all mental processes must be brain
processes. Hence, the soul or mind must be
located in the brain. - Mind brain were one.
9Galen The Roman Physician (129-199 A.D.)
- Romes leading physician surgeon to gladiators,
noticed link between brain injury loss of
mental functions. - Argued that nerves from sense organs go to the
brain, not the heart.
10IV. The Mind/Body Problem
- What is it???
- The relationship between the mind the brain.
- Two basic views dualism monism
11A. Rene Descartes Dualism
- Argued the mind exists independently of the
brain, but interacts with the brain through the
pineal gland to control behavior. - Pineal gland was seat of soul.
- How can a non-material mind produce movements in
a material body????
12Dualists try to get around this problem by saying
- 1. The mind body operate in parallel without
interacting. - 2. The body can affect the mind, but the mind
cant affect the body. - Both offer dualists a loophole to explain
behavior without considering the mind.
13B. Monism
- Avoids the mind/body problem, because it argues
that the mind body are the same thing. - Most popular among scholars
- Monist materialism argues that everything that
exists is material. - Psychological experiences are the result of
physical events taking place in our brains.
14C. Current view
- We really dont know whether mental processes
come first or brain processes come first?
15V. Phrenology Heads up!!!
- Studied individual differences in mental
functions by examining the bumps on the skull. - Theorya well-developed brain region associated
with a given function (memory) would produce a
larger bump on the skull, indicating greater
performance in that area.
16Phrenologists Gull Spurzheim
- Identified a list of traits they could examine
people for. - Although Gall gathered an impressive amount of
data, there were no statistics to examine his
findings. - His correct observations can easily be
explained by confirmation bias.
17Behavioral Neurology Broca
- Paul Broca- found an area of brain damage
associated with a language disorder. - Language must be produced by the left frontal
lobe. - Method laid foundation for neurology