Title: conan@donga.ac.kr
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? ? ? conan_at_donga.ac.kr
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Vacuum tube
Materials Processing Laboratory
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Materials Processing Laboratory
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Epi growth
Ion implantation(doping)
Materials Processing Laboratory
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PVD Physical Vapor Depostion
CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition
Thermal evaporation
Thermal CVD
DC or RF sputtering
Low pressure CVD
Ion Beam sputtering
Plasma enhanced CVD
Pulsed Laser Depostion
Metal-organic CVD
Molecular beam epitaxy
Materials Processing Laboratory
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Physical properties are no longer same as those
of bulk
High surface to volume ratio
Existence of surface energy states
Different crystal structure
Different inter-atomic distance
Materials Processing Laboratory
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Materials Processing Laboratory
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Materials Processing Laboratory
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Materials Processing Laboratory
10DC sputter
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Materials Processing Laboratory
11RF sputter
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Materials Processing Laboratory
12Magnetron sputter
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Materials Processing Laboratory
13DCRF Magnetron sputter
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Materials Processing Laboratory
14Ion beam sputter
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Materials Processing Laboratory
15Sputter vs. evaporation
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Comparison of evaporation and sputtering
Materials Processing Laboratory
16Pulsed laser deposition
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Materials Processing Laboratory
17Molecular beam epitaxy
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- evaporation at very low deposition rates
- typically in UHV
- very well controlled
- grow films with good crystal structure
- expensive
- often use multiple sources to grow alloy films
- deposition rate is so low that substrate
temperature does not need to be as high
Materials Processing Laboratory
18PVD Summary
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Cost evaporation lt sputtering lt PLD lt MBE
Film quality evaporation lt sputtering lt PLD lt
Growth rate evaporation gt sputtering gt PLD gt MBE
Materials Processing Laboratory
19Chemical vapor deposition
20CVD overview (I)
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Reacts on substrate to deposit film
Not all components are found in all CVD systems
Materials Processing Laboratory
21CVD overview (II)
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Types of CVD reactions
Pyrolysis thermal decomposition
- Advantages
- high growth rates possible
- can deposit materials which are hard to
evaporate - can grow epitaxial films
- Disadvantages
- high temperatures
- complex processes
- toxic and corrosive gasses
Compound formation
Reversible transfer
Materials Processing Laboratory
22Low pressure CVD
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- Gas pressure 1 mtorr 1 torr ( lt 1 atm )
- Lower P gt higher D of gas to substrates
- ltAdvantagesgt
- Better film uniformity
- Better film coverage over steps
- Fewer defects
Materials Processing Laboratory
23Plasma enhanced CVD
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- Plasma breaks up gas molecules
- Higher reactivity
- can use lower temperatures
- can use lower pressures
Materials Processing Laboratory
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Materials Processing Laboratory
25NMOS transistor
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- Thermal oxidation
- Nitride deposition by LPCVD
- Active area mask and etching
- Boron implant
- Thermal oxidation
- Remove nitride and oxide pad
- Regrow thin gate oxide
- Boron threshold adjustment implant
- CVD polysilicon deposition
- Gate definition
- Source/drain implantation
- Source/drain diffusion
- CVD oxide deposition
- Contact openings
- Metal deposition
- Pattern metal
- Etch metal
- Passivation layer deposition
- Open bonding pads
Materials Processing Laboratory