From Brain Operating Principles to Computer Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From Brain Operating Principles to Computer Technology


From Brain Operating Principles to Computer Technology Michael A. Arbib Computer Science, Neuroscience and the USC Brain Project University of Southern California – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: From Brain Operating Principles to Computer Technology

From Brain Operating Principles to Computer
  • Michael A. ArbibComputer Science, Neuroscience
    and the USC Brain ProjectUniversity of Southern
    CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 90089-2520arbib_at_pollux

Rounds of Neural Computing
  • Round 1
  • Hebbian adaptation and Perceptrons adaptation
    and self-organization in neural networks
  • Reinvigorated in the 1980s as work on
    reinforcement learning and backpropagation
    extended earlier insights.
  • Round 2
  • Compartmental modeling of the neuron
  • Mead (1989) built on his earlier work on digital
    VLSI (Mead and Conway) to show how to exploit
    neuromorphic function in highly parallel analog

A Prospectus for Round 3
  • Analyzing the architecture of the primate brain
  • to extract neural information processing
    principles and
  • translate them into biologically-inspired
    operating systems and computer architectures
  • interplay between feedforward and feedback
  • sharing of neural resources between perception
    and action
  • the role of plasticity in sensory, motor and
    central processing
  • A Contrast
  • Rounds 1 and 2 are based on brain capabilities
    that come from components of single neurons
    (synaptic plasticity and dendritic tree
    complexity, respectively)
  • Work on Round 3 will develop the theme that many
    of the most interesting capabilities of the brain
    result not just from the individual component
    mechanisms, but from large scale organization as

A Case Study Cerebellum
The Cerebellar Module The Microcomplex
The Microcomplex a patch of cerebellar cortex
and the nuclear cells it inhibits modulating the
activity of one MPG
  • Schematic of our cerebellar model
  • Inputs arrive via mossy fibers (MF)
  • nuclear cells (NUC) generate output
  • training signals are carried by climbing fibers
    (CF) from the inferior olive (IO) which depress
    the strength of PF?PC synapses
  • (plus further subtleties!!)

The Role of the CerebellumModulation and
coordination of MPGs is also critical for motor
skill learning
  • Hypothesis The cerebellum adjust the parameters
    of MPGs
  • To tune MPGs adjusting metrics within a
  • To coordinate MPGs grading the coordination
    between motor components

Plasticity within this system provides subtle
parameter adjustment dependent on an immense
wealth of context. In most cases, the tuning
often depends crucially on the uniquely rich
combinatorics of mossy fibers and granule cells,
and so cannot be replaced by processing in other
Lessons from the Cerebellum
  • This brief review of the cerebellum shows three
  • The special type of learning involved ? learning
    how to reduce errors by adjusting the inhibitory
    sculpting to apply in different contexts
  • The immense subtlety of individual neurons,
  • The way these details are all embedded within a
    high-level architecture.
  • Points (1), (2) and (3) correspond to what I call
    Rounds 1, 2 and 3 of neural computing.

A Few Brain Operating Principles
  • Winner-Take-All
  • Extensively used in several models
  • Dynamic re-mapping
  • Double saccade
  • Path integration for locomotion
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Actor-critic model
  • Hierarchical Reinforcement learning
  • Competitive Queuing
  • Attention control the combination of a
    saliency map with an inhibition of return
    mechanism forms the basic mechanism for
    controlling attention deployment in contemporary
    computational models of focal visual attention
  • Parallel recall from long term memory

What is a Database in the Brain?
  • Classic Database Style
  • Maintain (perhaps in a federation of databases)
    a coherent set of correct up-to-date master data
  • Provide a set of Views customized to
    different users
  • Passive data with external inference engines
  • The Brains Database Style is Cooperative
  • Maintain different views of the data as
    separate entities each separately updatable by
  • Coordinate views (more or less) as they are
    dynamically integrated for action in novel
  • Active schemas which integrate data and the
    processes for deploying them

The Claim Brain Operating Principles have much
to offer for future Computer Technology
  • But theres a paradox
  • millions or billions
  • 15 to 25
  • 8 plus 2
  • six billion

Point and Counterpoint
  • I argue
  • for the promise for computer science of
    developing an explicit formulation of the brains
    approach to reusable computing by adding
    evolutionary refinements to augment available
    circuitry to handle new tasks
  • that what is known about the organization and
    architecture of these capabilities is also
    critical to the development of a new approach to
    computer architecture and operating systems.
  • However, new architectural developments will
    include, but not be restricted by, biological
  • Example the inclusion of a non-biological
    reflection technology will allow the re-use of
    biological computing strategies in a way that in
    biology is available only on an evolutionary time

Programmable, Reflective Self-Organization
  • The goal Extending brain-style computing by
    augmenting self-organization with
    wrappings-based programming to mobilize
    resources for each new problem
  • Seeking to exploit an understanding of how the
    brain marshals the specialized capabilities of
    different subsystems such as
  • multiple levels of sensory analysis and
  • declarative and episodic memory
  • planning and motor control
  • emotion and social interaction
  • language and other communication interfaces
  • Issue How can we have the wrappings/high-level
    specifications (the essence of a reflective
    architecture) keep track of the distributed
    self-organization of successful systems so that
    emergent resources can be recognized as providing
    approximate solutions to subproblems?
  • Aim To have novel problems programmed by
    negotiating assemblages of resources

Focusing on the Mirror
  • We now consider a dramatic pattern of "re-use" in
    a neural architecture, focused on a whole
    progression of neural systems concerned with
    behaviors ranging from
  • the visual control of grasping to
  • the mirror system action recognition and even
  • the mirror system hypothesis human language
  • Prior and continuing research
  • modeling the primate mirror system
  • extending the Mirror System Hypothesis
  • Round 3 of Neural Computation
  • Studying how sensory, planning and executive
    stages of neural processing converge in a
    flexible manner to yield a very powerful
    integrated system
  • Building on this to translate high-level neural
    computation principles into new computer systems
    and architectures.

Visual Control of Grasping
A recurring theme of mammalian brain
design parietal affordances are coupled to
frontal motor schemas
AIP - grasp affordances in parietal cortex Hideo
F5 - grasp commands in premotor cortex Giacomo
A Mirror Neuron
Rizzolatti, Fadiga, Gallese, and Fogassi, 1995
Premotor cortex and the recognition of motor
actions This neuron is active for both execution
and observation of a precision pinch
A New Approach to the Evolution of Human Language
Monkey Not to scale Human
  • Monkey F5 is homologous to human Brocas area
  • Rizzolatti, G, and Arbib, M.A., 1998, Language
    Within Our Grasp, Trends in Neuroscience,
  • Thus suggest an evolutionary basis for language
  • rooting speech in communication based on manual

The Room-Brain is Sometimes Like a Colony of
Reassignable Brains
  • Bottom-Up Attention ? Target acquisition ?
  • Top-Down Attention ? Locating a designated target
  • Fovea versus Periphery
  • Retinal coordinates ? Other reference frames
  • Sensor Fusion Cues from different sensor sets
  • Smooth Pursuit
  • Social Invoking extra cameras for different
  • Generalizing the BOPs
  • Going from 2 eyes to n cameras
  • What happens when you need to keep track of more
    objects and agents than you have cameras?

A Room with a ViewAllocentric and Egocentric
Room Strategy
Body is fixed, its circum global
Reach for what the eye is looking at
Sensors may (a) move (b) form transientcoalitions
. BOP Sensor fusion Sensor data must be linked
to room coordinates and/or effector coordinates
Deploy locomotion as needed.
An Invitation
  • To learn more about this subject, take
  • CS564 Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence
  • next Fall.
  • . and read the book!!
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