Title: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
1Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
- Esko Ukkonen
- Director of the Basic Research Unit
Department of Computer Science HIIT Basic
Research Unit
2HIIT Mission and research profile
- Joint research institute of University of
Helsinki and Helsinki University of Technology
(TKK) - Goals
- strategic research in information technology and
related topics, aiming at high scientific,
industrial, and societal impact - strong and attractive research environment
joining the forces of the two universities - Main research themes mobile computing, user
experience, intelligent systems, semantic
Internet, societal media, digital economy,
adaptive computing, theory and applications of
data mining, computational neuroscience
- Two research units with common Board, Scientific
Advisory Board, and Industrial Advisory Board - Senior researchers of HIIT typically have
positions also in one of the departments of
computer science of the host universities - No permanent positions
4Organization (cont)
- Advanced Research Unit (ARU) 1999 ?
- 2-3 year industry co-funded strategic research
projects, typically funded by Tekes - Located primarily in Ruoholahti
- Basic Research Unit (BRU) 2002 ?
- Long-term research of computer science in areas
relevant to other sciences and to industry - Located in the premises of the departments of
computer science of the University of Helsinki
and Helsinki University of Technology - Basic funding from University of Helsinki
5The Basic Research Unit (BRU) of HIIT is
evaluated in this assessment
- the evaluation of Computer Science Department
covers all university-based groups that have
activity in HIIT - HIIT-BRU is also evaluated separately
6Basic Research Unit (BRU)
- established 2002
- basic funding from UH
- main location at the premises of CS Dept of UH
- activities also on Otaniemi campus of TKK, CS
Dept - infrastructure of CS Dept
- Director Heikki Mannila 2002 8/2004 /
Esko Ukkonen 9/2004
7Mode of operation
- high-quality basic research of computer science
on areas that have application potential in other
sciences or in industry - collaboration between universities
- close co-operation with CS departments
- strong participation in teaching
- international networking, international recruiting
11Research programme
- Theory and applications of data mining
- Academy Professor Heikki Mannila
- Professor Hannu Toivonen
- Neuroinformatics
- Dr. Aapo Hyvärinen
- Adaptive computing
- Dr. Patrik Floreen
- Professor Hannu Toivonen
12Strategy What application areas?
- More than enough of good application areas and
interested application research groups - What is a good application area?
- Important on its own
- Requires computational advances
- Algorithmic component
- World-class excellence in collaborating groups
- Analogous criteria for industrial co-operations
13Future vision
- strong international center in computational data
analysis - innovative multi-disciplinary research programmes
- senior researcher positions
- internationally leading scientific status
- recruiting
- networking
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16Data Mining Theory and Applications
Department of Computer Science HIIT Basic
Research Unit
17Goals and approach
- Develop novel data analysis techniques for the
use of other sciences and industry - Why?
- How? Combine basic research in computer science
with applications - Look at data analysis problems arising in
practice - Abstract new computational concepts from them
- Develop new computational methods
- Analyze complexity
- Implement
- Take the results into practice
- Theoretical work in algorithms can have fast
impact in the application areas - The applications feed interesting novel questions
to theoretical research in computer science
18Structure of the data mining group
- Seniors (2) Heikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen
- Postdocs (8) Aristides Gionis, Panyiotis
Tsaparas, Ella Bingham, Marko Salmenkivi, Mikko
Koivisto, Saara Hyvönen, Taneli Mielikäinen,
Petteri Sevon - Recruiting from abroad (Stanford, Toronto
Purdue) postdoc education - 8 Ph.D. students
- Funding HIIT BRU, Academy of Finland, Tekes,
companies, other departments - Group belongs to the FDK Center of Excellence
- Everybody teaches, everybody does research
- Very good international visibility
19Themes in methods
- Algorithms and concrete complexity
- Data mining pattern discovery and probabilistic
modelling - Combinatorial pattern matching
- Methods for sequential data
20Theory and applications
- Theory and practice interact a lot!
- Most theoretical directions are motivated by
practical issues - Application areas selected by theoretical
21Application areas
- Genome structure
- Gene mapping
- Ubiquitous computing (adaptive computing)
- Palaeontology, ecology, paleoecology
- Climate studies
- Linguistics
22Application partners
- Genome structure and gene mapping
- Leena Peltonen (KTL), Juha Kere (Karolinska), Anu
Jalanko (KTL), Irma Thesleff (Institute of
Biotechnology), Orion Pharma, GeneOS, Jurilab - Linguistics
- R.-L. Pitkänen (Research Center for the Languages
of Finland) Terttu Nevalainen (Department of
English) - Paleontology
- Mikael Fortelius (Dept. of Geology), Jukka
Jernvall (Institute of Biotechnology) - Climate studies
- Markku Kulmala (Dept. of Physics)
- Telecommunications (Nokia Research Center)
23Interaction with society
- Direct impact of research in computer science
- Industrial collaborations
- Industry ?? university interchange of personnel
- Impact through the applications
24Recent highlights
- Segmentation problems
- How to understand the structure of the genome
- Definition of the (k,h)-segmentation problem
- Algorithms with constant factor approximation
guarantees (ReComb 2003) - Very good practical performance
- New views on genome structure
- Ongoing practical work
- Recent very general theorem
25Recent highlights
- Seriation problems in paleontology ? novel
algorithmic techniques ? reinterpretation of
certain fossil sites (Paleobiology, in press) - Algorithmic techniques
- spectral ordering, combinatorial search over
permutions, finding partial orders that fit the
26Recent highlights
- D. Gunopulos, R. Khardon, H. Mannila, S. Saluja,
H. Toivonen, and R.S. Sharma. Discovering all
most specific sentences. ACM Transactions on
Database Systems 28 (2) 140-174, June 2003. - F. Geerts, H. Mannila, E. Terzi Relational
link-based ranking . The 30th International
Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'04) ,
2004. - A. Gionis, H. Mannila, P.Tsaparas, Clustering
aggregation, 21st International Conference on
Data Engineering (ICDE) 2005. - A. Gionis, A. Hinnenburg, S. Papadimitriou, P.
Tsaparas, Dimension-induced clustering, 11th
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining (KDD 2005 )
27Recent highlights
- ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award 2003
- Principles of Data Mining (Hand, Mannila, Smyth,
MIT Press 2001)
28Collaborations and publications
- Publications with CS people from
- University of California at Irvine, University of
California at Riverside, Stanford University,
Microsoft Research, Universität Freiburg, Tufts
University, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, University of Minnesota,
Technical University of Athens, ATT Research,
University of British Columbia, University of
Memphis, Technion, Nokia Research Center,
University of Antwerpen, TU München, University
of Wales, Oxford University, New Jersey IT, RPI
(NY), Carnegie-Mellon University - Conference publications in 2004
EDBT, - Journals
- ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, Information Retrieval, IEEE
Pervasive Computing, Bioinformatics, Annals of
Human Genetics, Ecology, Quaternary Science
Reviews, Br J Haematol, Leukemia, CACM,
Ecological Applications,
29Connections networking
- Editorial board memberships
- Data Mining Knowledge Discovery
- Program Committee activities
- EU projects
- April
- IQ
- networks
- Theory and applications
- Fundamental issues in computation
- Strong focus on 35 application areas
- More industrial applications
- Good application partners
- Publications software actual use
- Strong international recruiting, excellent
networking - Internationally leading unit in its area
- Seniors
- Mannila, Heikki
- Toivonen, Hannu
- Postdocs
- Gionis, Aristides
- Tsaparas, Panayiotis
- Salmenkivi, Marko
- Koivisto, Mikko
- Bingham, Ella
- Hyvönen, Saara
- Mielikäinen, Taneli
- Sevon, Petteri
- Ph.D. students
- Eronen, Lauri
- Heino, Jaana
- Hintsanen, Petteri
- Haiminen, Niina
- Laasonen, Kari
- Terzi, Evimaria
- Leino, Antti
- Kollin, Jussi
32Past personnel and postdocs
- Previous postdocs
- Geerts, Floris 09/200204/2004
- Goethals, Bart 01/200309/2004
- Hinneburg, Alexander 04/200404/2005
- Ollikainen, Vesa 01/200212/2002
- Onkamo, Päivi 11/200212/2004
- Vasko, Kari 04/200212/2003
- Visitors etc.
- Muilu, Juha 09/200212/2004 (20)
- Afrati, Foto 10/200411/2004
- Jaeger, Manfred 03/200205/2002, 11/200212/2002
06/200006/2003 - de Raedt, Luc 03/200203/2002, 06/200006/2003
- Zaki, Mohammed, J. 05/200306/2003
- Papadimitriou Spiros 08/200410/2004
- Sood, Kismat 01/200312/2003
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34Adaptive Computing Systems
Department of Computer Science HIIT Basic
Research Unit
35Mission and Approach
- Mission Research on multi-optimisation problems
for resource-constrained distributed environments - Context-aware mobile systems ad hoc and sensor
networks - Methodological research and software development
- Methods Combinatorial algorithms, probabilistic
modelling techniques and component-based software
- Started 2003
- Funding from the Academy of Finland, Nokia and EU
IST - Collaboration in-house and with several
organisations - TKK, MIT, Universität Kassel, Nokia, Ericsson,
Suunto, Vaisala, NEC, Telematica Instituut,
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Finnish Meteorological
37Present ACS Researchers
- Prof. Hannu Toivonen
- Kari Laasonen
- Renaud Petit
- Mika Raento
- Dr. Patrik Floréen
- Petteri Nurmi
- Michael Przybilski
- Jukka Suomela
- In addition Dr. Greger Lindén Coordinator of
38Themes and Results
- Context reasoning process and algorithms
- On-device location recognition algorithm
(Pervasive 2004) - Structuring of context reasoning process for
activity recognition - Software architectures and software development
- Distributed context management framework based on
software components - Implementation work on Symbian
- Algorithms for ad hoc and sensor networks
- Multicast lifetime maximisation under energy
constraints (IEEE JSAC 2005) - Balanced data gathering (Theor. Comp. Sci. 2005)
39Highlight ContextPhone
- ContextPhone software in use at MIT (100
persons), U. Berkeley, U. Oslo and University of
Art and Design Helsinki - Presented in IEEE Pervasive Computing 4 (2005) 2,
p. 51-59
40Future Vision
- Continue on path taken, guided by our group
strategy - Data-centric view quality and quantity of data
- Example how to construct and operate a sensor
network to ensure minimum error in the data
forwarded and in inferences drawn from that data - Computational requirements and efficiency
- Example how to minimise the data and resources
required in a context-aware system to recognise
the activities of a user and predicting the
users next actions - Continued industrial collaboration
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Department of Computer Science HIIT Basic
Research Unit
44Mission and goals
- Neuroinformatics means intersection of
information-processing sciences and neuroscience
- Three interconnected goals
- Build computational models of information
processing in the brain - Understanding the brain
- Development of "intelligent" computer algorithms
- Develop data analysis methods for neuroscience
- Advance general theory of multivariate
computational data analysis
- People
- Leader Aapo Hyvärinen
- Postdocs Patrik Hoyer, Jarmo Hurri
- PhD students Urs Köster, Ilmari Kurki, Jussi
Lindgren, Jukka Perkiö (50) - Visitors Shohei Shimizu, Michael Gutmann, Asun
Vicente - Moved from TKK ( Helsinki U of Tech) in 2003
- Partners
- Neuroscience Dept of Psych (UH), Brain imaging
centers (Naples, Maastricht, Würzburg,
TKK, Oulu) - Theory TKK, Osaka U, U of Alicante
- Networking Canadian Inst. of Adv. Res. (G.
46Core competence
- Unsupervised statistical multivariate models with
nongaussian factors - Starting point independent component analysis
(ICA) - Statistical models of early visual processing in
the brain - Adapted to statistical structure of natural images
- At TKK Book Independent component analysis
(Hyvärinen, Karhunen Oja, Wiley, 2001 in
Japanese 2005) - Models of statistical structure of natural
images prediction of cells properties in new
areas, i.e. predictive computational
neuroscience (BMC Neurosci., 2005)
- At TKK Book Independent component analysis
(Hyvärinen, Karhunen Oja, Wiley, 2001 in
Japanese 2005) - Models of statistical structure of natural
images prediction of cells properties in new
areas, i.e. predictive computational
neuroscience (BMC Neurosci., 2005) - Stability/reliability analysis of ICA
(NeuroImage, 2004) - New principle for estimation of non-normalized
statistical models (J. of Machine Learning
Research, 2005) - Linear nongaussian structural equation model for
causal discovery (Proc. Uncertainty in AI, 2005)
49Future vision
- Paradigms unifying computer science and
neuroscience - 1960s classic AI / symbolic cognitive science
- 1980s parallel distributed processing / neural
networks - 2000s probabilistic inference based on real
sensory data - Brain imaging methods produce huge amounts of
data - need for analysis methods
- nongaussianity prominent, as in ICA
- Spin-off data analysis methods to be applied