Title: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Ownership
1Entrepreneurship Small Business Ownership
- Is It Right for You?
- State Federal Resources
- How New Jersey Can Help
2North Jersey Partners
- This Webinar is part of the North Jersey
Partners Entrepreneurship Initiative to support
and provide information about small business
ownership. - In addition, North Jersey Partners has produced
a series of three Resource Guides entitled,
Entrepreneurship Seize the Opportunity along
with a fact sheet that lists the web sites for
federal, state, and other entities that support
and guide entrepreneurs.
- Judith A. Sheft
- Associate Vice President of Technology
Development - New Jersey Institute of Technology
- BIO at http//www.njit.edu/news/experts/sheft.php
- Jeffery Dunn
- Executive Director
- The B.O.S.S. Business One Stop Service
- BIO at http//www.thebusinessonestopservice.com
4What is Entrepreneurship?
- The act of organizing, managing, operating, and
assuming the risks of owning a business or an
enterprise. - Source Websters Online Dictionary
5Profile of an Entrepreneur
- Contrary to popularly held assumptions, the
highest rate of entrepreneurial activity belongs
to the 5564 age group over the past decade. The
2034 age bracket has the lowest. - The Coming Entrepreneurship Boom, June 2009
- In 2008, the immigrant rate of entrepreneurial
activity 51 percentwas substantially higher
than the native-born U.S. population28 percent. - Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity
1996-2008, April 2009
6Entrepreneurs Are Diverse
- Of new firms
- 70 percent are men-owned 30 percent are
women-owned - 81 percent are white-owned
- 9 percent are African-American-owned
- 6.6 percent are Hispanic-owned
- 4 percent are Asian-owned
- 5 percent are owned by Native Americans, Pacific
Islanders, and individuals of other racial groups - The Kauffman Firm Survey, March 2008
7What is a Small Business?
- In the United States, a private, independent
business is considered small if it has less than
500 employees. However, these standards vary by
8Small Business in the U.S.
- Since the mid-1990s, small businesses generally
have created 60 to 80 percent of the net new
employment in the United States. Further, net job
creation in the immediate years following the
1990-1991 and 2001 recessions stemmed from
employment generated by small firms with fewer
than 500 employees. - U.S. Small Business Administration
9Businesses Started During A Recession
- 14 businesses started during an economic slump
- Hyatt Corporation
- Burger King Corporation
- IHOP Corporation
- The Jim Henson Company
- LexisNexis
- FedEx Corporation
- Microsoft Corporation
10Businesses Started During A Recession cont..
- 14 businesses started during a recession
continued - CNN
- MTV Networks
- Trader Joes
- Wikipedia Foundation, Inc.
- Sports Illustrated Magazine
- General Electric (GE)
- Hewlett Packard (HP)
11Small Business in the U.S.
- Employ over half of all private sector employees
- Generated over 64 percent of new jobs over the
past 15 years - Are 52 percent home-based and 2 percent
franchised - Seven out of 10 new employer firms last two
years half survive five years -
12Small Business in NJ
- Per 2006 U.S. Government Business Statistics,
there are - Over 205,000 small businesses in New Jersey
- Small businesses employ approximately 1.86
million people almost half of New Jerseys
workforce - Small business account for over 77 billion in
annual payroll - United States Government Census 2006
13Why Own a Business?
- Profit Accumulating Wealth
- Independence Make Decisions
- Satisfaction Realize Goals
- Self-Esteem Feeling of Accomplishment
- Satisfying Lifestyle Personal Satisfaction
- Contributing to the Community Providing Jobs
- Flexible Schedule Managing Time
14Why Own a Business?
- Business Failure - Losing money
- Obstacles and Barriers
- Financial Insecurity Lack a Steady Income
- Long Working Hours 70 to 80 Hours Weekly
- Stress Responsibility
- Loneliness
15Being Right for Entrepreneurship
- Does the client have desire to work hard?
- Does the client have a vision about what he/she
wants to accomplish? - Does the client have the discipline to the meet
the challenges of owning a business? - Does the client have confidence in him/herself?
- Is the client willing to compete?
16Entrepreneur Characteristics
- Adaptability
- Competitiveness
- Confidence
- Discipline
- Drive
- Honesty
17Assessing Entrepreneurship
- How do you know your client is right for
entrepreneurship? - The U.S. Small Business Administration offers an
effective online assessment tool to evaluate a
clients readiness to be a small business owner.
- www.sba.gov/assessmenttool/index.html
18Where to Start?
- If your client is right for entrepreneurship, he
or she does not have to start from scratch.
There are three ways to own a business - Start-Up
- Buy an Existing Business
- Purchase a Franchise
19Why New Jersey?
- New Jersey is committed to assisting small
businesses and providing support to
entrepreneurs. - In turn, the Garden State offers a wide range of
support services specifically designed for small
and mid-sized businesses.
20Why New Jersey?
- Because NJ has the third largest port complex in
the United States and two international airports - Because NJ ranks fourth in venture capital
investment - Because NJ ranks fifth for college attainment
- Because if NJ was a country it would boast the
eighteenth largest economy in the world
21New Jersey Resources
- New Jersey makes it easy for potential
entrepreneurs to get started through its - Taking Care of Business Portal
- www.state.nj.us/njbusiness
- Clicking on Starting a Business takes the
client through a checklist of what is necessary
to begin to be a small business owner.
22New Jersey Resources
- NJ Business Incubation Network - NJBIN
- www.njbin.org
- NJBIN is a collaborative statewide community of
business experts and resource facilities
dedicated to assisting small business succeed in
the early stages of operation. Incubator
services include coaching, access to capital,
technical and business resources, and networking
23NJBIN Locations
- There are 12 NJBIN locations throughout New
Jersey - Picatinny Innovation Center, Dover
- Sustainable Biz at FDU, Madison
- NJ Meadowlands Commission Business Accelerator,
Lyndhurst - Biz Development Incubator, Jersey City
- Enterprise Development Center, Newark
24NJBIN Locations cont..
- Incubator Inc./THE B.O.S.S. (Business One Stop
Service), Plainfield - CCIT, North Brunswick
- Rutgers EcoComplex, Bordentown
- BCC High Tech Life Sciences, Mt. Laurel
- Rutgers Camden Tech Center, Camden
- Rohrer Biz incubator, Mullica Hill
- Rutgers Food Innovation Center, Bridgeton
25NJ Resources - Financing
- New Jersey Economic Development Authority
- (NJEDA www.njeda.com)
- NJEDA offers a wide variety of programs and
services to retain and grow businesses through
access to capital, loans, loan guarantees,
venture capital, and business and tax incentives.
In addition, the EDA offers real estate
development assistance and state-of-the-art
technology facilities.
26New Jersey Resources
- Workforce New Jersey Public Information Network
- www.wnjpin.com
- WNJPIN is a resource for hiring employees,
developing current employees, and providing
information on workforce programs. Small
business owners can find training grants and
resources to recruit skilled candidates. It also
provides information to small business owners on
insurance, wages, and safety obligations.
27New Jersey Resources
- New Jersey Department of Labor Workforce
Development - www.dol.state.nj.us
- NJLWD is dedicated to promoting economic growth,
job creation, and critical services. This is
accomplished through the WIBs, One Stops and
Business Resource Centers.
28New Jersey Resources
- NJ Commission on Science and Technology
- www.state.nj.us/scitech/about
- The Commission on Science and Technology funds
projects focused on New Jersey priorities
including life sciences, nanotechnology, and
computational methods. It is responsible for the
development and oversight of policies and
programs promoting science and technology
research and entrepreneurship.
29New Jersey Resources
- NJ Small Business Set-Aside Program
- This program was established to award 25 percent
of state contracts and purchase order dollars to
small businesses. Certain requirements must be
met. If your client meets those eligibility
requirements, he or she can register with the
State of New Jersey online through the Taking
Care of Business Portal Small and Medium
30U.S. Government Resources
- Small Business Administration (SBA)
- www.sba.gov
- The SBA is the official business link to the
U.S. government. It offers entrepreneurs the
ability to find compliance information for all
major U.S. federal agencies regulating or serving
small businesses.
31SBA Continued
- Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to
- Assess the Their Potential in Becoming a Small
Business Owner - Ask Questions
- Register a Business
- Find Loans and Grants
- Obtain Business Licenses
- Share Ideas
- Receive Answers to Common Questions
- Discuss Issues
32U.S. Government Resources
- Self-Employment Assistance (SEA)
- www.ows.doleta.gov/unemploy/self.asp
- New Jersey is a voluntary participant in the SEA
program that offers dislocated or unemployed
workers the opportunity to create their own jobs
by starting a small business. Under this
program, New Jersey pays a self-employment
allowance instead of regular unemployment
insurance benefits to help unemployed workers
while they establish their businesses.
33U.S. Government Resources
- Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
- www.njsbdc.com
- SDBCs are located throughout New Jersey and
provide management assistance to current and
prospective business owners. These centers offer
one-stop assistance to business owners by
providing a wide range of information and
34U.S. Government Resources
- Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE)
- www.score.org
- SCORE is a resource partner of the Small
Business Administration that provides mentoring,
workshops, how-to information, and online
training. You can search SCORE by zip code on
its web site to direct your client to a chapter
in his or her area.
35U.S. Government Resources
- U.S. Export Assistance Centers
- www.export.gov
- Small businesses operate in a global
marketplace, U.S. Export Assistance Centers
provide local export assistance as well as
counseling services. The New Jersey Centers are
in Newark and Trenton.
36U.S. Government Resources
- Defense Procurement Technical Assistance Center
(DPTAC) - www.njit.edu/dptac
- If your client is interested in marketing its
products or services to federal, state, or local
government agencies, DPTAC is the place to go.
DPTAC provides contractual and technical
assistance to small New Jersey businesses wanting
to do business with government.
37Taking Advantage
- North Jersey Partners encourages all current and
potential entrepreneurs and small business owners
to take advantage of what the U.S. Government and
New Jersey has to offer. The abundance of
resources at the federal and state level should
be utilized by your clients to assist them in
starting and building their business.
38Information Sources
- U.S. Small Business Administration Frequently
Asked Questions www.sba.gov - The Coming Entrepreneurship Boom, June 2009,
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
www.kauffman.org - Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity
1996-2008, April 2009, Ewing Marion Kauffman
Foundation www.kauffman.org - The Kauffman Firm Survey, March 2008, Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation www.kauffman.org
39Information Sources
- 5. United States Government Census 2006
www.census.gov - 6. 14 Big Businesses That Started in a Recession,
Sarah Caron - http//www.insidecrm.com/features/bu
- This Webinar has been funded in whole by funds
from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and
Training Administration through the WIRED