Title: Entrepreneurship Development - AISSMS POLYTECHNIC
1 Entrepreneurship Development Concept
Mr. Vishal Shetkar Lecturer Information
2Entrepreneurship as a Career
- Entrepreneur (People) a person who sets up a
business or businesses, taking on financial risks
in the hope of profit. - Entrepreneurship(Process) The activity of setting
up a business or businesses, taking on financial
risks in the hope of profit. - Entreprise (Output) An enterprise is a project, a
willingness to take on a new project, an
undertaking or business venture. - Definitions
- Howard W. Johnson Entrepreneurship is a
composite of these basic element invention,
innovation and adaptation. - Rao and Mehta Entrepreneurship can be described
as creative and innovative response to the
3Traits of Entrepreneur
- Consistency
- Creativity
- Initiative
- Independent Decision Making
- Assertiveness
- Persuasion
- Persistence
- Business Communication
- Risk Taking
the action or fact of persuading someone or of
being persuaded to do or believe something.
firm or obstinate continuance in a course of
action in spite of difficulty or opposition
4Who is Entrepreneur
5Types of Entrepreneur
- Clarence Danhof Classification(1949)
- Innovative Entrepreneurs
- Imitative(Adoptive) Entrepreneurs
- Fabian Entrepreneurs
- Drone Entrepreneurs
6Classification of Entrepreneur
- Growth
- Growth Entrepreneur
- Super Growth Entrepreneur
- Motivation
- Pure
- Induced
- Motivated
- Spontaneous
- Use of Technology
- Technical Entrepreneur
- Non-technical Entrepreneur
- Professional Entrepreneur
- Types of Business
- Business Entrepreneur
- Trading Entrepreneur
- Industrial Entrepreneur
- Corporate Entrepreneur
- Agricultural Entrepreneur
- Types of Enterprise
- Micro-Scale Entrepreneur
- Small-Scale Entrepreneur
- Medium-Scale Entrepreneur
- Area
- Urban Entrepreneur
- Rural Entrepreneur
- Ownership
- Private Entrepreneur
- State Entrepreneur
- Joint Entrepreneur
- Co-operative Entrepreneur
- Gender
- Male Entrepreneur
- Female Entrepreneur
7Difference between Service, Trading,
Trading Entreprise Goods are Purchases Sold
without Further Processing. The major business
process of Trading concerns are Procurements
Sales. The time required from procurement to
sales will be relatively less for trading
Organisation. The Cost of Goods sold for the
trader(opening trading goods purchases of
trading goods closing trading goods).
Manufacturing Entreprise Raw materials are
purchased and converted into a new final product
for sales. The major business processes of
manufacturing concerns are procurement,
production and sales. The time required from
procurement to sales will be relatively more for
manufacturing organisations since the manufacture
requires conversion time for processing the
goods. The cost of goods sold for the
manufacturer(opening finishing goods cost of
goods manufactured closing finished goods).
Service Entreprise An Organization which
Provides Services to others as an occupation or
business. The major business process of a
service organisation is to provide service at the
point of consumption by the customers. There is
no Procurements of Products involved for service
organisation. The cost of services provided
depends on the demand for such a service as there
is no inventory.
8Steps to Start a Small Business
9Thank You!
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