social media - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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social media


social media – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Tmallette


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: social media

Todays Social Media How it impacts us
Mission Statement
To show the importance of social media on
consumers as well as the retail industry.
Worlds Largest Social Network
Facebook originally opened as Facemash on
October 28, 2003 as a hot or not game website.
It was created by Harvard Student Mark Zuckerberg
and three of his classmates. The game allowed for
students to be compared side by side and
ultimately chosen who was the better looking. The
website continued expansion through Harvard
University and then to other Ivy League and
colleges within Boston. The name was later
changed to Facebook and has is now all over the
world and a social phenomenon.
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Facebook now suggests you promote your post by
paying a fee and they will move it to the top!
Case Studies with Results
-American Express -Redbull -Bergdorf
Goodman -Victorias Secrets
American Express
  • American Express opened a forum by creating a
    contest specifically for small businesses and
    leaders. The winner of the contest would be
    whoever/whatever business generated the most
    interest and increased their overall fan base.
    The grand prize was 20,000.

Helpful tools used during contest
-Create engaging posts Amex used questions,
quotes, and articles to engage conversation
-Integrated rewards program Amex allowed for
their viewers to redeem their points through
Facebook -Blog constantly blogged on their
page -Partnerships created partnerships with
companies to increase their viewers and audience
Red Bull created a very fun interactive Facebook
page for the fans. However, the content is
restricted until you like the page. Take a look
Tips learned from Red Bulls Facebook page
1- Use bold and creative ways to gain likes and
viewers 2- Keep fans lingering and coming back
through TV channel, games, photos and stories 3-
Create events to meet fans in person
This luxury retailer engages its followers who
total over 173,900 by peaking their interests
How has VS grown their Facebook traffic to nearly
20 million followers?
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-An information network, that allows for both
companies and consumers to post 140 carat
comments. -Twitter messages are called tweets
-Twitter address to the point of advertising by
encouraging that all information should be short
and sweet....too the point --Twitter has a
positive impact in keeping the communication open
between retailer and consumer.
to better business
  • On the Twitter website it states the 8 steps of
  • best practices through Twitter.
  • 1-Share
  • 2-Listen
  • 3- Ask
  • 4- Respond
  • 5-Reward
  • 6-Demonstrate wider leadership know-how
  • 7-Champion your stakeholders
  • 8- Establish the right voice

Promoted Tweets and Trends
  • Use Promoted Tweets to amplify your message
    with targeting options on and across
    mobile devices to reach the right person, in the
    right place, at the right time.
  • Use Promoted Trends to drive conversations and
    interest around your brand or product by
    capturing a users attention on Twitter.

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Dont Believe Us?Believe Them!
Case Studies with Results
  • 1- Cirque du Soleil
  • 2- Virgin America
  • 3- Absolute Radio

Cirque du Soleil _at_Cirque
  • Problem Wanted to create and emotional
    connection with the audience through media
    marketing that reflects the excitement and
    emotion of the onstage performances.
  • Solution They incorporated promoted accounts to
    gain a conversation with their audience. They
    provided the audience with real time answers to
    questions about tours and shows.
  • Result Gained about 360 new followers daily. The
    Zarkana tour which was taking placed received
    higher twitter amounts than its traditional
    marketing tactics.

  • Twitter allows us to emotionally connect with
    our audience by conversing with them in such an
    immediate and relevant way, explains Lou
    DAngeli Director of Marketing and PR, Cirque Du
    Soleil, Resident Show Division/North America.
    Asking our Twitter followers about the show they
    have just seen brings back vivid memories for
    them. They not only love to talk about the
    amazing moments on stage but also how many
    performances theyve seen. We retweet these
    comments to extend the reach and emotional
    resonance of our performances.

  • Problem In 2007 Virgin America launched their
    Virgin America in the United States. The company
    stressed the importance of social media during
    this campy. They wanted to reach a broader
    audience to advertise their low fares that
    resonated with positive brand association.
  • Solution Virgin American teamed up with Stand Up
    to Cancer and launched a one-day flash sale
    exclusively on Twitter, a campaign that became
    known as Fly Forward, Give Back. Each fare stated
    as low as 49 with 5 going to the charity.
  • Result The flash sale raised 50,000 in
    donations to the charity. It also become one of
    the top 5 airline sales. Virgin Americas loyalty
    program saw an increase in 25.

  • As an early adopter, weve had a lot of success
    with Twitters other beta products in naturally
    amplifying the ongoing conversations we already
    see, so we were excited to see the results of
    Promoted Tweets together with a Promoted Trend,
    says Abby Lunardini, Vice President of Corporate
    Communications at Virgin America. We targeted
    our Promoted Tweets to our followers so while the
    Promoted Trend drove mass awareness, the Promoted
    Tweet helped us connect with users who came
    searching for the sale information on Twitter.

Microsoft Safer Online
  • Challenge To increase online awareness about
    privacy and safety concerns. They also wanted to
    increase their followers on Microsofts Safety
    Security Center.
  • Solution Microsoft worked with Uptown Tree house
    to leverage twitter to open the forum for
    communication. Their strategies included
    Country-specific targeting, Interest-specific
    targeting, monthly targeting optimization and
    daily bid optimization.
  • Result In two months Microsoft Safer Onlines
    cost per month decreased 25. Their follow rate
    increased 24 and gained about 24,000 followers.

  • In order to help make the web a safer place,
    everyone has to do their part Microsoft cant
    do this alone, and Twitter is more dynamic than
    some other marketing communications channels,
    says Dillon Bianchi, Director of Social Marketing
    at Uptown Treehouse. Consumers can easily share
    risks with their friends and family by
    broadcasting them on Twitter. They can also raise
    concerns through Safer Onlines Twitter handle
    (_at_safer_online), and Microsoft can quickly
    respond by using the at reply function.

  • Early in 2010, founder Ben Silbermann launched
    the social networking site
  • On 16 August 2011, Time magazine listed Pinterest
    in Its "50 Best Websites of 2011" article
  • In December 2011, the site became one of the top
    10 largest social network services
  • The company remains a private company and is
    valued at over 7.7 Billion Dollars today

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  • Pinterest page views average 2 Billion per month
  • Its growing!!! average of 4 million unique views
  • 14 minutes is the average time spent on site
  • Pinterest users follow an average of 9.3 retail
    companies compared with 6.9 retailers for
    Facebook users

Retailers are onboard
  • Wholefoods has 75,977 followers
  • Bergdorf Goodman has 39,271 followers
  • Victorias Secrets has 42,311 followers
  • These retailers images are then repined over and
    over again

It pays to be social
  • Pinterest users purchases from a retailer click
    through averaged 80 in value, twice what
    Facebook users spend per order.

Social Media and Hurricane Sandy
Twitter and Hurricane Sandy
-The usage of Twitter more than doubled during
Hurricane Sandy
After the hurricane people were using social
media such as Facebook and Twitter to stay
connect with friends and family who were
impacted. It was also used for obtaining
information on efforts being done to provide
relief. Twitter quickly became the way
information was disbursed and received.
Tags were created to help people stay informed as
to where and what was impacted. Information was
also tweeted on the different relief efforts
being provided and could be found on the twitter
blog broken down by each state.
and Hurricane Sandy
A facebook page was created specifically about
the hurricane. People were able to post things
such as relief locations, current weather
conditions in affect areas, politicians advice,
and transportation tips. -FEMA, Red cross,
politicians also provided helpful information for
those in need.
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