Chapter One and Two Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter One and Two Review


Blackface was introduced to film along with ... Harry Pollard ... of his eyes and costarred Harold Lloyd who was the highest paid juveniles in the industry. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter One and Two Review

Chapter One and Two Review
  • Shayla Solomon,
  • Courtney Tokarzyk,
  • Korina Cecchetti,
  • David Ganser

Chapter One
  • Black Beginnings

Key Movies
Uncle Toms Cabin
  • (1903 Edwin S. Porter) This movie presented
    Americas first (none) black character.
  • Blackface was introduced to film along with
    several images of black characters. There were
    several remakes of this film Universal Pictures
    filmed it in 1927.

The Birth of a Nation
  • (1915 D.W. Griffith) This controversial movie was
    condemned as the most slanderous anti-Negro movie
    ever released. It was longer than any film that
    came before it. The author shared several
    comments about the effect of this film. Some
    included the belief that this movie altered the
    entire course and concept of American

Other Movies Mentioned
  • Ten Pickanninnies-1904
  • The Masher-1905
  • The Debt-1912
  • Coon Town Suffragettes- 1914

 Most Significant Media People
Edwin S. Porter
Sam Lucas
D.W. Griffith
Edwin S. Porter
  • Mechanic turned movie director, who was
    responsible for the original twelve minute Uncle
    Toms Cabin. He introduced the Tom character to
    the motion picture industry.

William Robert Daly Sam Lucas
  • Directed the fourth version of Uncle Toms Cabin
    in 1914. He is responsible for casting the first
    black actor in a title role.
  • First black actor to star in a leading role in
    the film Uncle Toms Cabin in 1914.

Harry Pollard
  • Directed the 1927 remake of Uncle Toms Cabin
    which was filmed by Universal Pictures. Twelve
    years prior he filmed a similar version with a
    Caucasian character in blackface.

James B. Lowe
  • He was signed by Universal Pictures for the 1927
    leading role in Uncle Toms Cabin. Press releases
    were sent out in his favor to praise him for his
    outstanding job in the film.
  • He was also sent to England to promote the film.
    He is also credited as the first black actor to
    be publicized by his studio.

D.W. Griffith
  • His controversial Civil War Drama, The Birth of
    a Nation changed the movie industry and history.
  • First feature film to deal with a black theme and
    longest running film of its time.
  • His film depicted images of the Klu Klux Klan and
    a variety of offensive anti-Negro characters.

Most Significant Words or Terms
  • The Tom- This term was used to originally
    describe the leading character in Uncle Toms
    Cabin. The Tom was categorized as a Good Negro
    Character. Toms later appeared in a long line of
    stereotypical films. They were depicted as being
    generous, submissive, selfless, kind, stoic, and
    never turning against their master.
  • The Coon- Depicted as an amusement object and
    black buffoon in film, there were two variants of
    the Coon.

  • The Pickaninny- Falling under the category of a
    Coon the pickanniny was the first of the two to
    make its screen debut. Characteristics of the
    picknniny included being harmless and full of
    antics. The pickanniny was portrayed by the Negro
  • Uncle Remus- Characterized as being harmless and
    congenial, Remus is the cousin to Uncle Tom.
    Remus however is quaint, naïve, and comic
    philosophizing. Appeared abundantly in the 1930s
    and 1940s.

  • The Mammy- Closely related to the Coons,
    distinguished by her sex, independence, features,
    and leadership personality. Mammy is typically
    portrayed as fat, black, and cantankerous. Also
    seen as a caretaker of the white mans home and
    her own. Mammy debuted around 1914 in blackface
    in the film Coon Town Suffragettes. Her offspring
    is the Aunt Jemima image.
  • The Tragic Mulatto- Often considered the movie
    makers darling, the tragic mulatto is a realistic
    view of the Old South. The offspring of a white
    slave owner and a black mistress. One of the
    mulattos earliest appearances was in the movie
    The Debt in 1912.

  • The Brutal Buck- Closely categorized and related
    to the Black Brute. These characters were
    depicted in The Birth of a Nation as barbaric,
    physically violent, sexually repressed, subhuman,
    feral, and full of black rage.

Most Significant Concepts/ Historical Events
  • Blackface characters in film
  • Stereotypical depictions of blacks
  • Civil War/ Birth of a Nation
  • Controversial anti- Negro Themes

Chapter Two
  • Into the 1920s The Jesters

Key Movies
The Greatest Thing in Life Free and
  • Opened in 1915 it is about intermarriage and
    portrayed the black man as the villain
  • Opened in 1918 depicting a heroic black soldier

Our Gang 1922
  • (little rascals) short films about black school
    children crew with cornball names of Farina
    Stymie and Buckwheat. Sunshine Sammy was known of
    the widening of his eyes and costarred Harold
    Lloyd who was the highest paid juveniles in the

Hearts in Dixie
  • 1929 black musical and Hallelujah. 1929 brought
    the 1920s era to a close.
  • Hallelujah was banned from the south because the
    southern folk were not ready for the leading
    roles to be an all African American cast.
  • All the movies showed a huge impact on the
    contributions the black actor could add to the
    Sound era. All these films opened the door of
    opportunity that started out with a crash but was
    headed for a bang.

Most Significant People In Media
Stepin Fetchit
  • started the jester idea and production of the
    jester era in the 1930s

Director King Vidor
  • He wanted to depict black in their true culture
    he produced Hallelujah which was on of the first
    movies of sound, and Hearts of Dixie.

Nina McKinney
  • First acknowledged black actress on the big
  • She was one of the light Skinned black leading
    ladies. Considered beautiful but America forgot
    about her after her film and she turned to the
    European Audiences for support.
  • Farina wore pig tails character in Our Gang

Hal Roach
  • Produced Little Rascals and Farina one of his top
    child actors paved the way for other young black
  • No one knew if Farina was a boy or girl and that
    is how the director wanted it.

Most Significant Words or Terms
  • pick ninnies
  • mammy
  • talkie era
  • black face fixation

Most Significant Concepts/ Historical Events
  • The black face tradition had worn out its welcome
    in the industry. However the actors still needed
    to fit that profile to a degree. Some actors
    would even add more color to their face as a
  • The Birth of a Nation by Griffith was protested
    because there was an all white cast and the NAACP
    was defiantly there to protest this demeaning
  • By the 1920s to think that a white person could
    be in black face and portray a black person was
    absurd and the demand for black actors for black
    roles started to become the obvious choice for
    Hollywood. The film that had this break through
    for black actors was The Jazz Singer, ironically
    it was the film that started black face.

  • 1927-1940 more parts became available for black
    actors talkies
  • The talkie era proved to be the major breaks
    through for the black culture from 1927-1940 the
    number of black parts increased.
  • Hollywood knew that movies would need music,
    rhythm dancing and singing. MGM a
  • and Fox were two production companies that jumped
    on this opportunity.
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