Title: Module 1 Mathematical Practices Educator Training
1Common Core State Standards8 Mathematical
Practice StandardsBuilding Familiarity
- Module 1 Mathematical Practices Educator
Training - Idaho State Department of Education
2Day 1
The participant will become familiar with the
Standards for Mathematical Practice.
3Standards for Mathematical Practice Analysis
The participant will describe the behaviors of a
student who is proficient in the use of the
Standards for Mathematical Practice
48 Standards for Mathematical Practice
5Standards for Mathematical Practice Analysis
- Read your assigned Standard for Mathematical
- Practice.
- Underline the verbs in the standard.
- Reflect on the behaviors that a student who is
- proficient with this standard might display.
- Share your thoughts with your group members.
- Record a group summary on chart paper.
- Be prepared to report to the large group.
6Summary Questions
- What words are at the beginning of each
- of the 8 Standards for Mathematical
- Practice?
- Do the standards describe
- Student Behavior
- or
- Teacher Behavior?
- The mathematically proficient student
- should have such a well-grounded
- understanding of how to employ the
- Standards for Mathematical Practice
- that they become Habits of Mind.
- Our charge as educators is to provide
- students with experiences that help
- them reach this goal.
8Standards for Mathematical Practice Generic
The participant will identify the Standards for
Mathematical Practice employed when solving a
generic problem.
9Standards for Mathematical Practice Generic
- On your own, complete the generic problem.
- Reflect on
- The strategies that you used as you tackled the
problem (i.e. think about your thinking). - If and how did you display the actions described
in the Standard for Mathematical Practice you
were assigned in the Analysis Activity? - Share with your group.
10Check for Understanding
- What is the math that justifies your position on
the accuracy or inaccuracy of the report given by
the fast food chain? - What Standards for Mathematical Practice are most
evident in discussing and solving this problem? - Are there any Standards for Mathematical Practice
that were less evident in solving this math
11Standards for Mathematical Practice
- All Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
will not be demonstrated with every math exercise
given, but multiple standards should be evident.
- Many problems can be solved in a
- variety of ways and may also have more
- than one correct solution.
- Students must be able to explain how
- they arrived at their solution,
- regardless of which approach they used.
- Teachers should help students connect
- the Standards for Mathematical
- Practice to the various approaches used.
13Take Students Ideas Seriously
Focus on the Structure of the Mathematics
Encourage Multiple Strategies
Press Students Conceptually
Address Misconceptions
14 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice
- Habits of Mind.
- Fostered through a variety of experiences.
- Describe ways students ought to engage with
mathematics as they develop as practitioners of
154 Corners
The participant will be able to verbalize how
the Standards for Mathematical Practice could be
infused in instruction by various educators
within a school.
164 Corners
- Move to the appropriate corner.
- Review the descriptions of the 8 Standards for
Mathematical Practice. - Prepare responses to the assigned questions.
- Share responses with corner group.
- The mathematically proficient student should
have such a well-grounded understanding of the
Standards for Mathematical Practice that they
become habits of mind to be applied as needed
when dealing with any mathematics problem.
- Standards for Mathematical Practice are not
isolated skills or activities - instead they are the appropriate observable
actions that students display.
Think MTI