Title: IEP Training Module: Developing IEPs
1IEP Training ModuleDeveloping IEPs
- Developed by Tai D. Doram of the Kentucky Special
Education Cooperative Network and Ky. Council for
Children with Behavior Disabilities
2 3Nothing worth learning is learned quickly, except
parachuting. David S. Brown
4Agenda Review
5 KY Learner GoalSchools shall develop their
students ability to
KY School Goals Schools shall
- Have high expectations for all students
- Develop students ability to apply KY Learner
Goals - Increase their students rate of school
attendance - Reduce their students dropout retention rates
- Reduce physical mental health barriers to
learning - Be measured on the proportion of students who
make a successful transition to work,
postsecondary education the military
- Use basic communication and mathematics skills
- Apply core concepts and principles from content
areas - Become self sufficient individuals
- Become responsible group members
- Think and solve problems in a variety of
situations - Connect and integrate experiences and new
6Framework for Curriculum and Instruction for All
Learner Goals
Academic Expectations
Program of Studies
Character Education
- Assessment
- Core Content OR
- Academic Expectations for
- Alternate Portfolio
School District Curricular Parameters For
Performance Level Descriptions
Instructional Units
Individual Student Planning Individual Education
Program 504 Plan
7Purpose of the IEP
8The IEP supports learning by
- Providing access to the general curriculum.
- Ensuring the student will make progress in the
general curriculum. - Addressing the childs other unique educational
9The Flow
Evaluation Data
Remember the flow
Benchmarks Short Term Objectives
- The Team shall consider in the development of an
IEP - the strengths of the child and the concerns of
the parents for enhancing the education of their
child - the results of the initial or most recent
evaluation of the child and - as appropriate, the results of the childs
performance on any general state or district-wide
assessment programs.
- Consideration of Special Factors
- Post-secondary Transition
- Present Levels of Educational Performance
- Annual Goals, Benchmarks Objectives
- IEP Services
- Participation
12Consideration of Special Factors
- Behavior Concerns
- Limited English Proficiency
- Blind or Visually Impaired
- Communication Needs
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Assistive Technology
13Consideration of Special Factors
- Behavior Concerns
- Limited English Proficiency
- Blind or Visually Impaired
- Communication Needs
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Assistive Technology
14 Post-Secondary Transition Needs
- Begins at age 14 (or younger if determined
appropriate) - Is updated annually
- Focuses on the course
- of study
- Addresses drop-out
- prevention
15 Post-Secondary Transition Services
- Begins at age 16, or younger if determined
appropriate - Includes transition services provided by the
school - Includes, if appropriate, the interagency
responsibilities or any needed linkages
16Transfer of RightsMove to another section of
- Beginning at least one year before the age of
majority - Statement that the student and their parents have
been informed of the rights that will transfer to
the student upon reaching the age of majority - Upon the students age of majority, parents
continue to receive Notice
17Present Levels of Educational Performance
- A statement of the childs present levels of
educational performance, including - How the childs disability affects the childs
involvement and progress in the general
curriculum as provided in the Program Of Study
or - For preschool children, as appropriate, how the
disability affects the childs participation in
appropriate activities
- What information would be helpful for the Team in
developing the Present Level of Educational
Performance? - What are some specific sources for this
19Educational Performance Areas To Consider
- Communication
- Academics
- Health, Vision, Hearing, and Motor
- Social and Emotional
- General Intelligence
- Transition to Post-Secondary
- Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment
20Sources of InformationPresent Level of
Educational Performance may include information
collected about the child including
- pre-referral intervention results
- work samples (e.g., portfolios, daily assignments
etc.) - behavioral observations
- results of standardized individualized
assessments - culminating products/projects
- state and district-wide assessment results
- progress data (including baseline data)
- interviews
- classroom tests
- formal/informal assessment
- journal writing
- student parent surveys
21PLEP Planning Process
- What skills does the student have and what
content does he know? - What skills and content does the student need to
learn? - What does the student need to learn that is not
addressed through the curricular documents?
22Let the Rabbits Run A Parable
23Let the Rabbits Run A Parable
24PLEP Planning Process
- What skills does the student have and what
content does the student know (baseline)?
25PLEP Planning Process
- What skills and content does the student need to
learn (goals, benchmarks, objectives)?
26PLEP Planning Process
- What does the student need to learn that is not
addressed through the curricular documents (to
address the childs other needs)?
27How the disability affects the childs
involvement and progress in the general
28Impact on Educational Performance(How problems
in various domains affect involvement and
progress in general curriculum.)
- academic areas (e.g., reading, math, vocational,
and communication skills) - nonacademic areas (e.g., social competence, life
skills, sensory and motor skills) - transition
- achievement of student capacities and life goals
(including how these are assessed)
29Impact on Educational Performance
- How problems in various domains affect
involvement and progress in general curriculum. - So what factor.
- Based on various factors, such as age of the
child or number of years left in school.
30Examples of Present Levels of Educational
31Write a PLEP
- Using Anita, write the PLEP
32Prioritizing Student Needs
- Students strengths and weaknesses
- Amount of time left in school
- Skills needed to achieve life/transition goals
- Behaviors that appear most modifiable
- Parent, teacher and student concerns
33Annual Goals, Benchmarks/Short-Term Objectives
- A statement of measurable annual goals, including
benchmarks or short-term objectives, related to - Enabling the child to be involved in and progress
in the general curriculum, and - Meeting the childs other educational needs that
result from the childs disability.
34Remember the flow
Identified Need
Annual Goal from Academic Expectations
Add methods to make measurable
35Remember the flow
Johnny can use visual strategies to understand
words. He has a limited sight word vocabulary
and has difficulty with employing sight word
vocabulary to make sense of text.
Identified Need
Increase sight word vocabulary and improve
comprehension skills.
Annual Goal
AE 1.2 Johnny will make sense of a variety of
materials he reads
Methods of Measurement
as measured by scoring proficient on teacher made
36Remember the flow
Suzie can solve single digit computation problems
but has difficulty with multi-digit computation.
To learn skills to use resources (calculator) in
order to comprehend grade level content.
Identified Need
Annual Goal
AE 2.7 Suzie will understand number concepts and
use numbers appropriately and accurately
Methods of Measurement
as measured by achieving a score of 80 on
textbook chapter tests with the use of a
37Remember the flow
Verbally and in writing, Anitas ideas are
expressed by completing simple sentences due to
her limited vocabulary. Anita lacks the skills
for interviewing, writing resumes, and completing
applications that will be required for post
secondary training or placement.
Identified Need
To develop skills for transitional writing.
Annual Goal
- AE 2.38 Anita will demonstrate skills such as
interviewing, writing resumes, and completing
applications that are needed to get a job
Methods of Measurement
- as measured by a score of proficient on a rubric
to assess her job portfolio and interviewing
38 Writing Measurable Annual Goals
- Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives
39Methods of Measurement
- An Individual Education Program (IEP) shall
include a statement of how a childs progress
toward the annual goals will be measured.
40What is Measurable?
- Measurable means it must be possible to measure
whether the student has achieved the goals. - A Guide to the Individual Education Programs
41 Methods of Measurement
- Scoring guide
- -holistic -conventional
- -checklist -combination
- Curriculum-based measurement
- - teacher made test - error analysis
- - running record - task analysis
- Teacher observations
- -anecdotal -intentional
42Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives
- One Way
- By October, when presented with appropriate
materials, John will use a picture board to relay
three messages daily with 80 accuracy as
indicated in staff observations and recorded by
the teacher. - Another Way
- John will sequence pictures to relay a message or
retell a story.
43Benchmarks Steps to the Annual Goal
Annual Goal
- PLEP Johnny knows the beginning sounds and
letters of words. He has a limited sight word
vocabulary and has difficulty with employing
sight word vocabulary to make sense of text. - Annual Goal AE 1.2 Johnny will make sense of a
variety of materials he reads as evidenced by
scoring proficient on teacher made tests. - Benchmarks
- 1. Johnny will use word identification
strategies, including prediction, context cues,
and phonetic awareness, to read and understand
unknown words. (POS) - 2. Johnny will summarize the events of a story
in sequence through drawing and writing. (POS) - 3. Johnny will explain the meaning of a passage
taken from texts appropriate for elementary
school students. (CC)
- PLEP Suzie can solve single digit computation
problems but has difficulty with multi-digit
computation. - Annual Goal AE 2.7 Suzie will understand number
concepts and use numbers appropriately and
accurately as demonstrated by achieving a score
of 80 on textbook chapter and teacher-made
tests. - Benchmarks
- 1. Suzie will extend and apply addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division of
integers both concretely and symbolically
(mental, pencil and paper, calculators). (POS) - 2. Suzie will compute (e.g., estimate, use
pencil and paper, use calculator, round, use
mental math) large and small quantities and check
for reasonable and appropriate computational
results. (CC)
- PLEP Verbally and in writing, Anitas ideas are
expressed by completing simple sentences due to
her limited vocabulary. Anita lacks the skills
for interviewing, writing resumes, and completing
applications that will be required for post
secondary training or placement. - Annual Goal AE 2.38 Anita will demonstrate
skills such as interviewing, writing resumes, and
completing applications that are needed to get a
job as demonstrated by a score of proficient on a
rubric to assess her job portfolio and
interviewing skills. - Benchmarks
- 1. Anita will prepare a job portfolio including
a resume and samples of work. (POS) - 2. Anita will demonstrate appropriate
interviewing skills (e.g., friendly greeting,
maintain eye contact, responding positively.)
47Test your IEP
- Do you know what you just wrote?
- Do you know what it means?
- Do you know how to teach it?
- Does it clearly explain what you are going to
work on? - Do you know how to evaluate it?
- Can you teach this tomorrow?
48Example Reading Goal
- Goal Apply appropriate reading strategies to
make sense of a variety of print and non-print
text (literary, informational, practical/
workplace, persuasive) -
49Reading Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives
- Primary
- Makes connections between letters and their
corresponding sounds - Uses word patterns to make sense of print
- Summarizes a variety of reading passages
- Retells stories
- Uses monitoring strategies to self-correct
- Uses prior experiences, pictures and
illustrations to make sense of stories - Uses sight word vocabulary to make sense of text
- Uses word identification strategies of
prediction, context clues and phonetic awareness
to understand unknown words
50Evaluate Activity
- Goal Apply appropriate reading strategies to
make sense of a variety of print and non-print
text (literary, informational, practical/
workplace, persuasive)
- Short Term Objectives/
- Benchmarks
- Uses word identification strategies
- Uses prediction
- Uses context clues
- Uses phonetic awareness
51Methods of Evaluation
- Timed reading sample
- Error analysis
- Teacher observation
- Application of phonetic rules
- Number of self-corrections
- Cloze procedure
- Running records
- Teacher logs
- Anecdotal records
- Graphs, charts, checklists
52Write Your Own
- Goal
- Short-Term Objective/Benchmark
- Method of Measurement
53Progress Report to Parents
- Parents informed as often as parents are informed
of their nondisabled childrens progress - Progress toward annual goals
- Extent to which that progress is sufficient to
enable the child to achieve the goals by the end
of the year -
54Whats special about special education?
- IEP services address unique needs
- Specially-designed instruction
- Supplementary aids and services
- Related services
- Program modifications
- Supports for school personnel
55Specially Designed Instruction, Related Services,
Supplementary Aids and Services, Program
Modifications and Supports for School Personnel
- Services are provided to the child or on behalf
of the child - to advance appropriately toward attaining annual
goals - be involved and progress in the general
curriculum and to participate in extracurricular
and other nonacademic activities and - to be educated and participate with other
children with disabilities and nondisabled
56SDI The Definition
- Specially-designed instruction (SDI) means
adapting, as appropriate, the content,
methodology, or delivery of instruction to
address the unique needs of the child with a
disability and to ensure access of the child to
the general curriculum included in the Program of
- Brainstorm several different forms of specially
designed instruction.
58Examples of SDI
- Oral presentation of printed material
- Use of talking calculator
- Manipulatives
- Procedural prompts
- Visual cues
- Multi-sensory approach to reading
- Reinforcement strategies
- Text/Screen readers
- Advanced organizers
- Signed instruction
- Word identification strategies
- Paraphrasing strategies
59Supplementary Aids and Services Are
- Aids, services, and other supports that are
provided in regular education classes or other
education-related settings to enable children
with disabilities to be educated with
non-disabled children to the maximum extent
- Brainstorm several different types of
supplementary aids and services.
61Examples of Supplementary Aids and Services
- Manipulatives
- Calculators
- Extra time
- Preferential seating
- Adapted test format
- Behavior contracts
- Shortened assignments
- Use of computer
- Text/Screen readers
- Enlarged text
- Self-monitoring
- Augmentative communication
- Scribe
62Assessment Modifications
- Related to verified disability (with evaluation
data to support it) - Documented as a part of the IEP
- Part of regular instructional routine
- Purpose of accessing general curriculum
(demonstrating what student knows)
63Related Services
- Transportation and such developmental,
corrective, or supportive services as are
required to assist a child with a disability to
benefit from special education.
64Related Services...
- facilitate provision of specially designed
instruction - facilitate participation in the regular education
program - need to be provided in school facilities
- facilitate access to public school
- are not needed solely for aesthetic, medical, or
health reasons
- In small groups, brainstorm a list of related
66Examples of Related Services
- transportation
- psychological services
- counseling
- parent education
- interpreting
- orientation and mobility
- occupational therapy
- physical therapy
- recreational therapy
- speech and language therapy
67Program Modifications Support for School
- Support to meet the unique needs of the child may
include - Specialized Training
- Use and maintenance of specialized equipment
- Use of school time
- Shared planning time
- Use of school staff
- Additional adult supervision (note when
68Write Your Own
- Goal
- Benchmark/short-term objective
- Method of measurement
- IEP Services
69Beginning Date, Frequency, Location, Duration
- Stated for services modifications
- Anticipated frequency how often
- Anticipated duration anticipated amount of time
beginning date - Location
70Learning Goals
Academic Expectations
Program of Studies
IEP Services
Core Content
Short Term Objectives/ Benchmarks
Aligned District Curriculum
Standards-Based Instructional Units
Annual Goals
Lesson Plan
Design Down-Deliver Up Model