Title: Byzantine Empire
1Byzantine Empire
2Fall of Roman Empire
- 330 Constantine moves the capital of Roman
empire to Byzantium - Had been a Greek city
- He renames the city Constantinople
- Constantinople is in a key location
- Entrance to Black Sea
- Important trade route (water and land)
3Byzantine Empire 481
4They Might Be Giants
Istanbul was ConstantinopleNow it's Istanbul,
not ConstantinopleBeen a long time gone,
ConstantinopleNow it's Turkish delight on a
moonlit nightEvery gal in ConstantinopleLives
in Istanbul, not ConstantinopleSo if you've a
date in ConstantinopleShe'll be waiting in
IstanbulEven old New York was once New
AmsterdamWhy they changed it I can't sayPeople
just liked it better that way So take me back
to ConstantinopleNo, you can't go back to
ConstantinopleBeen a long time gone,
ConstantinopleWhy did Constantinople get the
works?That's nobody's business but the
TurksIstanbul (Istanbul)Istanbul (Istanbul)
Even old New York was once New AmsterdamWhy
they changed it I can't sayPeople just liked it
better that wayIstanbul was ConstantinopleNow
it's Istanbul, not ConstantinopleBeen a long
time gone, ConstantinopleWhy did Constantinople
get the works?That's nobody's business but the
TurksSo take me back to ConstantinopleNo, you
can't go back to ConstantinopleBeen a long time
gone, ConstantinopleWhy did Constantinople get
the works?That's nobody's business but the
- Art is very similar
- Art is very religious
6Justinian Empire
- Justinian on throne 527
- Wanted to restore empire to size of Roman Empire
- Monumental building plans
- Codified law (Codex Justinianus)
- Latin and Greek
- Persecuted non Christian
- Jews and polytheists
- Shut down some philosophy schools
- Built more than 25 churches
7Empress Theodora
- Former dancer/actress/courtesan
- She had many admirers
- She was outside of Justinians class but he
married her anyway - Assisted with state decisions and was very
decisive - Fought for womens rights
- Abortion
- Right to commit adultry
- Justinians equal
- Died of cancer (breast) 20 years before Justinian
8Procopius - Historian
- Published many histories
- Secret History was the scandals of Justinian
Byzantine - May have fallen out of favor with Justinian
- Wrote of a plague Justinian Plague
- Probably bubonic
- Killed 10,000 people per day in Constantinople
9Byzantine Empire under Justinian
10Nika Revolt
- Chariot Racing fans divided into 4 groups
- Blue, Green, White, and Red
- Justinian favored the blues
- Some blues greens charged with murder but not
hanged - Wanted to be pardoned-Justinian refused
- Riots occur try to overthrow Justinian
11Hagia Sophia
- Main church of Constantinople
- Greek for Holy Wisdom
- Destroyed twice
- 1. Fire
- 2. Civil Disorder of Nika Revolt
- Shape of basilica with domed center
12Dome construction
- Pendentives triangular masonry that carried the
weight of dome in sections and not on a circular
drum - Increased the size of domes
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16Hagia Sophia
- After Justinian, other emperors made additions
- Added mosaics and paintings
- Conquered by Turks and turned into a mosque
- Mosaics covered because Islam prohibits the use
of images - Some have since been recovered
- City in northern Italy
- Roman, barbarian Gothic, Byzantine
- Home to many Byzantine buildings and art
(especially mosaics)
18The Good Shepherd
BeardlessTogaPersian rug
20Icon debate
- Icon painting of a religious figure that is
used in worship - a window into the world of sacred
- God said that you should not worship idols
- It is just a thing not a religious entity
21San Vitale
22Saint Catherines Monastery
- In the shadow of Mount Sinai
- Where God spoke to Moses in a burning bush
- Where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments
- Justinian built a monastery that is still used
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24Next up.
- Philosophers of Byzantine
- Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Boethius