Title: NARA
1 NARAs Records Management Training and
Certification Program
2FY 05 Training Initiatives
- The FY-05 training program supports NARAs new
records management policies. - Our aim is to reach a broad audience of Federal
employees and contractors who have responsibility
for Federal records management.
- Inform managers about new RM approach that better
supports business operations - Teach RM staff about tools available to help them
provide valued services to their agencies - Focus more attention on electronic records
- NARAs Records Management Training Opportunities.
- NARAs Certification of Federal Records
Management Training Program - Available NARA Guidance
5NARAs Records Management Training Program
- Incorporates adult-learning principles
- Explores different methods of delivery
- Provides practical information agencies can use
to manage their information - Contains practical task-oriented, hands-on
exercises throughout each course.
6Records Management Fundamentals
Creating and Maintaining Agency Business
Records Scheduling
7Records Schedule Implementation
Asset and Risk Management
Records Management Program Development
8Specific Training
- Short ½ day courses will be geared specifically
towards - program managers
- information technology managers
- legal counsel
- general records responsibilities for all
9NARAs Certification of Federal Records
Management Training
- The primary purposes of providing certification
is to ensure that individuals who work with
Federal records are able to perform the entire
scope of Federal records management.
10NARAs Certification of Federal Records
Management Training
- NARAs Certification of Federal Records
Management Training Program is strictly
11Records Management Information Resource Links
- Federal Employees
- Federal Records Officer
- Federal Program Manager
- Information Technology Manager
- Agency Counsel
12Distance Learning
- Videoconference
- Web Seminars
- Virtual Classroom
- Web-based on demand
- Broadcasts
13NARAs Records Management Training Program is
Committed to
- Defining core curriculum based on competencies
- Designing and developing learning opportunities
- Determining effective delivery methods
- Offering an annual program of learning
opportunities to meet organizational and employee
14Learning Spans Your Career
Organizational Changes
Changing Responsibilities
Evolving Technologies
15NARAs Records ManagementTraining Program Web
Site http//www.archives.gov/records_management
16NARAs Training Contact Pat Day Rocky Mountain
Region Denver, CO (303) 407-5725 Pat.day_at_nara.gov
Email Questions to RM.Communications_at_nara.gov