Title: The Business of Yearbook, Now More Than Ever
1The Business of Yearbook, Now More Than Ever
- Scott Geesey
- Representative, Central Northern PA
- Jostens Yearbooks
2Scotts Story
- Yearbook representative for 12 years
- 1999 the hardest part of the job was
- Book creation
- Book sale easy part, most students bought one
- 2011 the easiest part of the job is
- Book creation
- Book sale hard part, bad economy, job losses,
students want to be sold
3Whos Struggling with Book Sales?
- Go around the room quickly and share stories
4What do we do?????
- Think out of the box
- Using a cliché at a journalism conference is not
a bright move, Scott
5What do we do?????
- Think out of the box
- Using a cliché at a journalism conference is not
a bright move, Scott - If what youre doing isnt working and you keep
doing the same old thing, whos at fault? The
economy? The students? How about - YOU!!!
6Its All About the MARKETING and PROMOTION!
- How do you currently sell your book? Go around
the room
7The first thing we need to do is recognize the
VALUE of the product youre creatingIts NOT
just a chore!
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9- The next time someone tells you that the yearbook
is too expensive or they cant afford one - REMEMBER THE LIST!!
10You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Rule One Dont underprice your book!
- How-tos and ideas
11Start with a budget
- Dont just wing it.
- Create your own budget, or ask your yearbook
representative for one. - Dont paint a rosy picture.
- Estimate high.
- Always make your goal to make MORE than youll
need to pay your entire bill, not just break
12You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Create a Yearbook Sales Team
- Separate group of students whose main job is to
market the book, sell ads, do fundraisers - Yearbook Business Manager, adult or responsible
student, to lead the effort - Yearbook Adviser is still in charge
- Maybe use business students? Get the business
teacher and class to handle your marketing and
sales as part of a real world project each year
13You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Create a Yearbook Sales Team
- Sales Team members can work on pages in the
yearbook they do the ad pages! - Create goals for the team and each member
- Offer sales incentives to team members for
hitting sales goals? - Free yearbook?
- Prizes?
- Money?
14You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Create a Staggered Book Sale through the school
year - Several book offerings through the year
- Plan the entire annual sale in advance
- Best price is the first offer
- The regular price for the book at the end of the
year will be 60. Our current price of 45 is the
best price offered this year. - Constantly inform everyone during the various
sales stages youre ALWAYS Promoting!
15You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Use your companys pay by mail program
- Parents/students are billed at home
- Can pay by check, money order or credit card
- Can pay in mail, by phone or online
- Money is collected for you and deposited into
your yearbook account with your company - Complete sales reports provided to you
- A must have for yearbook staffs without a sales
team - Extra charge for this service?
16You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Online book sales
- Rapidly becoming popular
- Always on, 24/7
- Can use a credit card
- No money handling at school
- Extra charge from your yearbook company?
17You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Email Marketing
- Get email addresses from students/parents
- Dont bury people in emails
- Include a link to an online sale
- Automated Phone Calling System
- Get school permission to use
- Dont bury people in phone calls
- Keep your message brief and to the point
- Texting Students?
18You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Social Networking
- Facebook, My Space
- School-specific channels
19You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- PERSONAL Marketing
- The yearbook should not be a secret
- Show students that they are in the book, how many
times they are in the book, and even a page where
they are pictured - Would you buy an iPod, clothing or ANYTHING
without first seeing it????
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21(No Transcript)
22You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Hold a Yearbook Assembly
- Hold the assembly early in the school year
- Do your book ordering all in one class period
- Get students fired up for your book
- Ask your yearbook company or company
representative to get involved
23You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Who else would be interested in buying your
yearbook? - Local doctors and dentists offices
- Other local businesses
- Local police department
- Local public libraries
- Alumni
- EBay
- Think out of the box, who would want one?
24You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- A New Idea the 12 Month Yearbook Sale
- Old way very limited sale, only in school,
maybe two weeks at a time, start in fall, wrap up
by December, stop at companys ordering deadline. - New way utilize online sales for the entire
school year. - Start with summer online sale, best possible
price for early birds. - Continue in fall and winter with different offers
online and in-school. - After your companys ordering deadline, continue
book selling through spring online and in-school. - Will your yearbook company cooperate?
25You have the VALUE, now make the SALE!!
- Build your brand
- Long term view
- Build your students a great product
- In future years, students will expect another
great product from your group and wont hesitate
to buy your book
26What about advertising sales?
- Business Ads
- Usually only done by high schools
- More difficult now with school restrictions
- But dont ignore! Local businesses want to
support local schools buying a yearbook ad
allows them to do that. - Needs to be well organized
- Needs motivated staffers to succeed
- Perfect for yearbook sales team
- Incentives??
27What about advertising sales?
- Business Ads
- Consider an ad sale over the summer when students
are more available to travel freely - IDEA Business Ad Packages
- How many people actually read ads in the book?
- Package one set price gets a ad in the book,
other mentions in school such as on a large
banner or advertising magnet, on school website
and elsewhere - Give the business more bang for their buck
28What about advertising sales?
- Personal ads/PDAs
- More popular than in the past
- Can be done by ANY school, ANY age group
- Ads, one liner messages
- Parents/relatives want to honor students
- Dont just limit ads to seniors
- Personal ads for ANY student
- Buddy ads friends buy ads for themselves
- Sell to booster clubs, sports teams, etc.
- What to charge?
- Business rates vs. Less expensive rates
29What about fundraisers?
- Schools are fundraised to death, right?
- Only use high return fundraisers
- OR school wide fundraisers
- Get the most people involved as possible
- Offer earn a free yearbook plus possible other
prizes - Consider using fundraiser companies
- They succeed when you succeed
- They give you extra assistance
- They often offer extra prizes for students to
earn - Consider fresh LOCAL fundraising ideas
- Work with local restaurants or businesses
30Any unique ideas from the group??
31The bottom lines for yearbook business success
- Take an ACTIVE, CONSTANT approach to sales, not a
passive approach dont wait for sales to come
to you because they rarely will. - Plan your ENTIRE sales campaign, books and ads,
well in advance. Never wing it. - There are no stimulus packages, no handouts, no
easy solutions, else everyone would do it. - BUT sales is not HARD, it just takes planning and
effort. A yearbook with a solid financial surplus
is a great reward. - The experience also looks GREAT on a resume or
college application!