Title: NGO Management Manual
1NGO Management Manual
1. The original problem2. Issues with the first
solution3. Next Solution
2The Original Problem
- Social sector spending over last 10 years has
seen exponential growth. - New programmes and activities being covered,
requiring considerable additional staff with
management and domain skills- - Water harvesting
- Community mobilisation
- Agriculture diversification
- Livelihoods promotion
- Education
3Availability of Funds with TDD2009-10
4Major hindrances in Implementation
5Taluka Panchayat, Khedbrahma
- Receives maximum funds in SK district
- Staff position
- PO cum TDO- Vacant
- TP Staff- 20 filled, 8 vacant
- DRDA staff- 14 filled, 1 vacant
- AAE (R B)- 3 filled
- AAE (Irrigation)- 2 filled
- LI (AHD)- 1 post, vacant
6Current Issues with NGOs
- No uniform selection procedure leads to
- lack of transparency
- involvement of large number of incapable NGOs
- Increased programme administration cost
- Lack of domain knowledge, experienced manpower
financial resources. - Majority have no link with civil society.
- Lack of standardised practices.
- Vague outputs no monitoring mechanism
- Limited number of capable overstretched NGOs.
- No written guideline to streamline working
relationship with field offices. - Frequent hijacking of programme, indifferent
outputs. -
7Advantages of working with NGOs
- Selection of an NGO with domain knowledge over
the subject can be done. - NGO can bring the desired staff with technical
knowledge and expertise. - Work can be outcome oriented and funding can be
based on achievement of the targets. - Operational flexibility can be enjoyed as they
can be penalized in many ways, if the desired
outcomes are not achieved.
8TDD- Key sectors for intervention
- Education
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry
- Skill Training
- Water Harvesting
- Community Mobilization
9Projects Implemented by NGOs in Tapi
10Skill Training Programmes- key findings
- Poor quality training infrastructure.
- Very high students instructor ratio.
- Non-availability of quality trainers.
- Short duration training programs do not
facilitate process of learning- absorption among
the candidates lead to increased dropout. - High absenteeism / irregularity among the
candidates. - Agencies couldnt place the candidates.
- Examination schedule was usually delayed was
found uneven. - Certificates were not issued in many cases.
11Skill Training - key findings
- NGOs proposals are approved on the basis of
recommendations. - No market linkages for placement.
- Lack of own capital and full dependence on
Government for funding. - Outdated equipments used in training.
- No monitoring mechanism.
- Ownership of programme hijacked by NGOs
12Key Findings - Dairy Project
- In many cases animal with more than 4 pregnancies
were provided. - Gradual decline in the milk yield was observed,
very sharp in case of Baroda Dairy. - In Vadodara, animals were kept by persons other
than beneficiaries cattle sheds used for other
purposes. - Poor impact of training provided by Dairy.
13Wadi- Percentage Distribution of BPL Households
14Percentage Distribution of Respondents Who Have
Reported Names of NGOs Working in their Village
15Marketing of Wadi produce
16Problems faced while growing Wadi plants
17Income Before and After Wadi Programme
18Problems Faced in Cultivating Wadi crops
19Households attending training programmes
20Sources of Saplings
21 Farmers perception of NGOs
22Suggested approach
- Strengthening of Scheduled Area TDO offices by
providing additional staff on the line of DRDA - Revival of Scheduled Area posts kept in abeyance
- NGO Management Manual
- Independent monitoring evaluation agency
23NGO Management Manual1. Steps for Selection of
- Single source selection
- Competitive selection
- Preparation of EoI
- Advertisement of EoI
- Evaluation of proposals
- Technical
- Financial
24Technical Evaluation
- Specific experience
- Experience in similar projects
- Local experience
- Nature of clients
- Project management system
- Approach methodology
- Technical approach
- Work plan
- Organization staffing
- Key professionals
- Team leader
- Other key staff
25Technical Evaluation
- Organization
- Governing body structure
- Capacity building of staff
- Staff performance appraisal
- Financial management
- Project-wise accounts
- Well defined procurement procedure
- Internal controls
- Capacity to fund deficits
- Past audit remarks
- Local participation
- Involvement in Planning, Implementation
Management - Local capacity building Institutional
Development - Contribution in cash or kind
- Appointment of local/regional staff
26Project approvals
- District Technical Committee
- lt Rs. 50 lakh
- Commissioner, TDD
- Rs. 50- 150 lakh
- State Technical Committee
- gt Rs. 150 lakh
- Well defined MOU to be signed
27Fund flow
- Funds shall be released within one week of
furnishing required documents - Subsequent installments shall be released only if
50 of already released amount is utilized by the
NGO - 75 to be released pending minor clarifications
- Funds to go to project account only
- Interest on funds belongs to Government
- Stoppage of funds only when Project Review
Committee recommends or when booking ineligible
expenditure - Two reminders to be given before complete
stoppage of funds - Up to 1 of funds allowed as contingent expenses,
without vouchers
- Procurement plan to be drawn approved
- Procurement guidelines
- Preference to Government agency
- Preference to reputed suppliers
- Conflict of interest to be declared
- Single source- Rs. 50,000
- Local shopping- Rs. 50,000 (standard goods)
100,000 (non-standard goods) - For services Up to Rs. 10,000 (direct engagement
of service provider) - Over Rs. 10,000 (limited enquiry asking for rates
from 3 service providers) - Competitive bids- for rest
- Misapplication of funds
- Misprocurement
- Corrupt procurement practices
30Monitoring Evaluation
- Physical indicators
- Financial indicators
- Qualitative indicators
- Village level monitoring committee
- Computer based monitoring system
- Field visits
- Project Review Committee
- Can levy incentive/ penalty on NGO
- Monitoring by independent external agencies
31Gender Other Frameworks
- Gender Framework applicable to
- Project staffing
- Project participants
- Penalty for non-adherence
- IEC Publicity Framework for
- Community knowledge of the basic features of
project - Publicising source of funding
32Other related action
- Engagement of Concurrent Monitoring Evaluation
Agency - Baseline Endline surveys
- Quarterly CME
- Taluka-wise beneficiary assets mapping
- EOI for Check Dam NGOs at final stages
- Tender for seeds sapling supply being developed