Title: Integrated Flood Management
1 Integrated Flood Management
Photo by Liang Changsheng
World Meteorological Organization
2Settling on floodplains has enormous advantages
and at the same time poses great risks
3Flood damages are increasing
4Traditional Flood Management Options
- Storing runoff Reservoirs Detention basins
- Separating floods and the population
- Increasing the carrying capacity of rivers
- Source control to reduce runoff
- Emergency responses
- Recovery and Rehabilitation
5Shortcomings of past FM Practises
- Reactive rather than proactive
- Emphasis on structural measures
- Failure to learn from past
- Flood policy is a neglected water policy issue on
the international as well as, in many cases, the
national level
6Challenges of Flood Management
7Challenges of Flood Management
Climate Variability and Change
Absolute safety from flooding is a myth
Changes in the decision making processes
(Community Participation)
8Integrated Flood Management Objectives
- Sustainable development balancing development
needs and flood risks
- Maximising net benefits from floodplains ensure
livelihood security and poverty alleviation
thereby reducing vulnerability
- Environmental preservation
Risk Management
- Preparedness
- Mitigation and Response
- Recovery and rehabilitation
Risk Management
Water Cycle as a whole
- Flood and drought management
- Effective use of flood waters
- Ground water and surface water interaction in
flood plains
Risk Management
Water Cycle as a whole
Multi-hazard approach
- Cross-sectoral integration of
- disaster management strategies
- Disaster risk assessment
- Early warning and forecasts
Risk Management
Water Cycle as a whole
Multi-hazard approach
River Basin approach
Risk Management
Water Cycle as a whole
Multi-hazard approach
River Basin approach
Public Participation
14IFM Towards an
- Land and Water Management
- Upstream and Downstream
- Structural and Non-structural
- Short term and Long-term
- Local and basin level measures
- Top down and Bottom up decision making
- Development needs with ecologic and economic
concerns - Functional Integration of Institutions
15Characteristics of IFM
- Adoption of a layered approach of complementary
options with regard to time and space - Pre-, inter-, and post flood measures
- Head reaches, middle reaches and lower flood
plains - Short-, mid- and long-term strategies
16Characteristics of IFM
Integration particularly in terms of
institutional arrangements
17Characteristics of IFM
Recognition that a river basin is a dynamic
system with many interactions/fluxes between land
and water bodies
Improvements in the functioning of the river
basin as a whole without just fixing local
18Characteristics of IFM Managing the water cycle
as a whole
- Flood management should be intertwined with
drought management through the effective use of
floodwater - Measures to change the runoff regime should
consider effects holistically (e.g. link between
deforestation, urbanisation, runoff and
landslides) - All floods should be managed and not just the
ones up to a certain design standard
19Characteristics of IFM Participatory Approach
- Involvement of a good representative range of
stakeholders in the dialogue/decision-making
process - Decentralization of decision-making with full
public consultation - Optimal mix of bottom-up and top-down approaches
- (extreme bottom-up risks fragmentation)
- Effective conflict resolution mechanisms
20Characteristics of IFM Integrated hazard
management approaches
- Cross-sectoral integration to implement disaster
management plans and ensure consistency in
approaches to all natural hazards - Multi-hazard emergency planning and management
on appropriate institutional levels (including
riverine and coastal floods/tsunamis) - Effective dissemination of forecasts and early
warnings of all natural hazards by a single
designated authority
21Requirements of IFM
Clear and objective policies with a
multidisciplinary approach
- supported with appropriate
- Legislation and regulations
- Institutional structures for proper coordination
and appropriate linkages - Economic instruments
- Enabling participatory processes and
- Information management and exchange mechanisms.
22- Activities and outputs of the
- WMO/GWP Associated
- Programme on Flood Management (APFM)
23APFM Project TermInception Phase 2001-
2002Implementation Phase I 2002-
2006Implementation Phase II 2006-2010
- Secretariat
- Technical Support Unit (TSU) in WMO
- Fund
- Governments of Japan and the Netherlands
24Activities being taken by APFM
- Compilation of IFM concept paper and
supplementary papers - Implementation of regional pilot projects
- Compilation of flood management case studies
- Establishment of linkages with APFM partners and
contacts - Dissemination of information
25Regional pilot projects
- Pilot projects are being executed in
- South Asia,
- Africa,
- South America, and
- Central and Eastern Europe
- through GWP/ WMO regional networks..
- Aim of pilot projects develop and implement IFM
concept and its application through
26Pilot Projects Principles
- Demonstrate IFM elements
- Demand-driven
- Distributed geographical coverage
- Potential for up-scaling and outreach
- ? Synergy of local flood management requirements
and APFM outreach requirements
27South Asia
- Objectives
- Enable flood-prone communities to develop and
strengthen self-help capacity and community-based
institutions to improve flood preparedness and
management on community level in Bangladesh,
India and Nepal.
- Process and Outcomes
- Establishment of Community Flood Management
Committees (CFMC) - Compilation and distribution of Flood Management
Manuals in both English and local languages - Compilation of Synthesis Manual for wider
distribution of outcomes - Field-testing of Manuals in actual flood
28South Asia
- Outreach process
- (National)
- Country representatives pledged at national
workshop to internalize the project approach and
results into the overall national planning
process and programmes for disaster reduction and
flood management
(Regional) Regional workshop was organized and
there has been an interest to implement the
project regionally
29South Asia Main lessons learned
- Importance of allocating formal role to CFMC to
enhance a sense of responsibility to tackle
issues - Effectiveness of Manual to develop skills to cope
with floods - Only field experience can give confidence for
self help capacity - Necessity of provision of continuous basic
support to sustain community based activities
30Quarai/Cuarheim transboundry basin
- Purpose and objectives
- Establish a mechanism for coordinated bi-national
management - Launch joint risk assessment in a transboundary
- Activities implemented
- Identification of existing flood management legal
framework - Socio-economic characterization of flood-prone
population - Joint risk assessment of flood plains in the
rural areas and flood plain mapping of urban
areas - Implementation of a shared database on
hydro-meteorological network and floods - Design and implementation of preliminary warning
systems and - Awareness building and education and training.
31Quarai/Cuarheim transboundry basin
- The key to sustainability of the project
- Continued involvement of the Water Authorities
from Brazil and Uruguay
- Outreach
- Exemplary project within the La Plata Basin
- Project outcomes provide important inputs to
flood management practices in Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
32Central and Eastern Europe
- Objective
- Increase the preparedness and response capacity
of the local authorities and population in flash
flood prone pilot communities to forecasts and
warnings issued by respective authorities in
order to reduce the vulnerability of the affected
- Stakeholders Local authorities and population,
including mayors, civil defence forces,
33Central and Eastern Europe
- Outputs Guidance materials for outreach on the
national and regional level - Outreach and Sustainability First national
outreach activities, larger country-wide or
regional projects have identified for outreach - Local NGOs crucial for sustaining project outputs
on the local level
34Main lessons learned CEE
- A dedicated team is crucial for innovation
- Reaching out to communities beyond traditional
scope of hydromet institutes bears large
potential for improved flash floods management
procedures - Continuous development of institutional framework
is absolutely essential to back up roles of
various actors
35Flood Management Strategy Lake Victoria Basin,
- Objective put in place a Flood Management
Strategy for the Lake Victoria Basin to prevent
flood disasters hampering development processes
- Outcomes Stakeholder based FM Strategy for the
basin - Sustainability
- Cooperation with the Government of Kenya and
JICA in implementation of the strategy.
36Flood Management Strategy Kafue Basin, Zambia
- Purpose/Objectives
- Assessing flood impacts in the Kafue Basin
- Drawing up a flood management strategy for the
basin - Designing a flood forecasting system for the
- Outreach Opportunities will be identified to
develop a flood management strategy for the whole
of Zambezi basin.
37Flood Management Policy Series
- Key characteristics
- Instrumental in bridging disciplinary gaps for
IFM - Expert-group based
- Peer-reviewed
- Specific target groups
- Policy Makers
- Flood Managers
- Experts in respective special fields
- Target group adapted language and format
- With FHRC to compile IFM concept paper
- With DFO to compile a flood inundation map in
Kenya, utilizing satellite imageries - With UNECE on the IFM legal and environmental
advocacy papers (on the latter also with IUCN and
RAMSAR) - With IWLRI to compile IFM legal advocacy paper
- With ADPC to compile advocacy paper on IFM social
aspects - With CapNet and UNITAR to develop IFM training
module - With WMO Member Countries through APFM contact
points - Close collaboration planned with ICHARM
39For more details and outputshttp//www.apfm.info