Title: Measuring crime and the fear of crime
1National data local knowledge NDC National
Workshop A Measuring crime and the fear of
crime Case study New Cross Gate NDC
2Measuring crime and the fear of crime
- Examples from New Cross Gate NDC
- Steve Broome, Evaluation and Strategy Manager
- 5 December 2006
3This presentation
- Notifiable crime
- Experience of crime
- Fear of crime
- Additional data
New Cross Gate NDC
4Notifiable offences
Notifiable Offences New Cross Gate NDC New Cross Gate NDC New Cross Gate NDC New Cross Gate NDC New Cross Gate NDC New Cross Gate NDC New Cross Gate NDC Lewisham Lewisham
Notifiable Offences 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 change (2001-02 to 2005-06) Offences per 1000 pop (2005-06) change (2001-02 to 2005-06) Offences per 1000 pop (2005-06)
Burglary 166 211 137 131 136 -18.1 16.4 1.0 14.3
Criminal Damage 191 154 168 176 166 -13.1 20.0 -2.3 18.5
Drugs 36 58 73 119 101 180.6 12.1 82.2 5.5
Fraud or Forgery 116 65 104 149 32 -72.4 3.8 -11.1 7.0
Other Notifiable Offences 5 14 22 21 9 80.0 1.1 7.0 1.3
Robbery 130 104 129 99 122 -6.2 14.7 17.2 9.3
Sexual Offences 16 19 12 15 12 -25.0 1.4 -2.3 1.5
Theft and Handling 443 513 479 368 412 -7.0 49.5 7.4 43.5
Violence Against the Person 301 281 310 373 361 19.9 43.4 53.8 34.3
Total 1,404 1,419 1,434 1,451 1,351 -3.8 162.5 15.1 135.2
change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) change in NXG crime stats needed to reach LBL level (at current rates) -16.8 Â Â
New Cross Gate NDC
5Notifiable offences
New Cross Gate NDC
6Notifiable offences
- Temporal analysis identifying spikes in
offending - Geographical analysis locating hotspots
- theft 4pm 6pm along main high street
- burglary on isolated estate 8pm 10pm
- robbery 12am 2am outside late night venue
New Cross Gate NDC
7Crime and fear of crime
New Cross Gate NDC
8Crime and fear of crime
- Fear of crime burglary
- White ethnic groups, particularly older people,
fearful of having home broken into - Experience of crime burglary
- Economically inactive and low income households
most likely to suffer break-ins
New Cross Gate NDC
9Additional data
- Geo-coded data can the MORI and SDRC be broken
down into neighbourhoods within NDC areas? - Time series can the longitudinal element of the
MORI survey be provided to track individual
answers from 2002 to 2004 to 2006? - Data on concentration of victimisation
- Data from local research very important when
and where crime and fear of crime occur, impact
on behaviour, local solutions
New Cross Gate NDC