Title: Crime and Crime Control Policy in Modern Russia
1Crime and Crime Control Policy in Modern Russia
- Anna Smorgunova
- Russian State Pedagogical University of Herzen
- St. Petersburg, Russia
- anna_smorgunova_at_yahoo.com
2What is Crime?
- Article 14 Criminal Code of Russian Federation
- Crime is a socially dangerous illegal act
prohibited by this code under a threat of
punishment - Criminologists disagree with such a narrow
definition - Are these crimes? Is there an agreement in
society that they should be punished? - Homicide? (Capital punishment?)
- Theft of 100 euros? (max 5 years in prison)
- Theft committed by a son?
- Human beings traffic and use of slaves labor
(max 5 years in prison) - Regular beating? (max 3 years in prison)
- Rape by a stranger? (max 6 years in prison)
- Rape by a husband?
3- No objective criteria social harm? social
agreement? status of the offender
(dangerousness)? - Crime is a social construct
- Definitions vary in different times, cultures,
social settings - It can be a product of social agreement
(consensus) or a result of a conflict when those
who gain power define what acts should be
prohibited and punished - Fear of crime produced by mass media affects our
perception of crime - Specific type of crime becomes a social problem
when in fact it is not
- How can we measure crime if we dont know what it
is? - Latent crime and crime that is registered but is
not really a crime - Crime statistics is socially constructed
- How can we explore causes of crime, make
judgements about typical criminals and victims? - How can we find solutions for crime control? What
are we trying to control?
5Crime in Russia
- Is measured by ministry of internal affairs
- Only official militsia statistics is used
- No official victims surveys
- No self-reports of the offenders
- Experts claim that real crime is 4-5 times higher
(it is 1,17 times higher for homicide 4,21 for
thefts 70 for the use of coercion to get
testimony from the offender 107 times for
illegal arrest)
6Crime in Russia 1961-2006
7Crime rate per 100 000 (1961-2005)
8Crime in Russia
9Crime in Russia last 5 years tendencies
10Crime in 2 major cities
11Registered crimes - 2006
12Offenders (gender and age)
13Offenders (employment)
14Offenders distribution(gender, age, employment)
15In total number of registered crimes Russia is 6
in the world, Finland is 19 with 530 270
registered crimes a year
16When we measure crime per capita Rusiia is
31, Finland is 3
17Tendencies of crime in Russia
- Crime is growing (as almost everywhere in the
world) - The largest growth is in 1989-1993
- Decline in the middle of 90ies probably due to
latent crime (unofficial policy of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs not to register crimes) - Significant growth in registration of property
crimes in the last 2 years (theft 2003 -1150800
2004 1276880 2005 1572996)
18Structure of crime
Note The rate of homicide in Russia is over 20
per 100000. It is twice higher than in the
world (9,8 on average). Homicide rate in
Finland is 2 per 100000.
19Offenders convicted by the court ()
20Distribution across types of punishment (12 types
of punishment in Russian Criminal Code)
21Prisons in Russia
- 871,2 thousand people are imprisoned (59,2
females) - There are 765 prisons for convicted criminals
- 368 detention centers
- 62 prisons for juvenile delinquents (13,3
thousand prisoners) - 572 thousand people are on parole and probation
- 350 thousand people are employees of these
22Prisoners (1999-2006)
23Detention center Matrosskaja tishina (Moscow) few
years ago 140 people (36 beds)
24Number of prisoners per 100 000 in different
parts of the world
25Number of prisoners at the beginning of the 20th
and 21st centuries
26Rates of prisoners with tuberculosis and HIV (per
1000 prisoners)
28Criminal Justice Agencies
- According to public opinion polls (Demos center)
60 of people have negative attitude towards
police - According to Levada center 69 do not trust
police 84 believe that the problem of
arbitrariness is very serious 56 do not believe
that there is a legal way to protect their
rights - According to Center of Research of Public Opinion
(?????) 65 do not believe that government is
capable of protection of its citizens from
terrorism - The biggest issue is tortures by police and
administration of penitentiary institutions in
the middle of November UN Committee against
Torture gives recommendations to Russia
29Tendencies in Crime Control Policy
- Slight decline in the use of imprisonment as
punishment - No real alternatives
- Restorative justice initiatives but is not
widely implemented - Juvenile justice initiatives
- Lack of legal regulations (no laws on domestic
violence prevention, anti-corruption, restorative
justice etc.)