Title: Production of Crime Statistics
1Production of Crime Statistics
- Measuring Crime Statistics
- Chapter 3
2Categorizing and Measuring Crime and Criminal
- When attempting to understand, predict, and
control any social problem, including the crime
problem, the first step is to determine its
extent. - Three categories of major crime data sources in
the United States - Official statistics
- Victimization survey data
- Self-reported data
3Three Major Sources of Crime Statistics
- Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) - collected by local
police departments and forwarded to the FBI. - good or bad?
- - NIBRS - new what is it? good or bad?
- National Crime Victimization Surveys (NCVS) -
conducted jointly by the U.S. Census Bureau and
the U.S. Department of Justice. - - good or bad
- Self-Report Data (SRD) - conducted by independent
researchers. - - good or bad?
4Review of Research Methodology
- Theories are often grounded in crime stats, stats
are used to test theories, stats. guide theory
and research to address increases and decreases. - Independent and dependent variables.
- Correlation (-1 to 1) strength of a relationship
- Causality cause precedes the outcome while
other causal/potentially causal factors are
controlled. - Cross-sectional and longitudinal research
designs. - Micro-level and macro-level analyses.
- Sampling.
- Generalizability (apply to population), validity
correctly inferred, produced desired result), and
reliability (replicability).
5History of Official Crime Statistics
- Knowledge about the extent and distribution of
crime in the United States prior to the twentieth
century was based primarily upon local arrest
statistics, court records, and jail and prison
data. no uniformity! Q?- how do you work with
that to develop any degree of understanding of
crime? - Answer - you cant!
- The International Association of Chiefs of Police
(IACP). led the way for adoption of uniform
reporting and recording in 1929 - The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) was the result.
6Description of theUniform Crime Reports
- Part I (Index Crimes)
- Criminal homicide
- Forcible rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Larceny-theft
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
- Part I offenses include those illegal acts
considered to be particularly serious that occur
with sufficient frequency to provide an adequate
basis for comparison (U.S. Department of
Justice, 19803)
- Part II (Non-Index Crimes)
- Part II offenses include most other crimes not
itemized in Part I. Twenty specific crimes and a
catchall other category are in this section,
including other assaults, embezzlement,
vandalism, sex offenses, drunkenness, and status
offenses. (reporting only includes cries that are
cleared by an arrest)
7Strengths and Weaknesses of the UCR
- Strengths
- Easily accessible and relatively inexpensive to
obtain. - Lots of data available to work with and do
research SHR data - The UCR responds to political and societal
pressures to record additional information about
new developments example? - May not like it but its better than arrest or
conviction rates why? - How do you calculate a rate? How do you compare
it across time and place? What about different
denominators more or less appropriate for rape,
vehicle theft, etc. - Weaknesses
- The UCRs emphasis upon conventional street
crimes and its exclusion of other serious crimes. - Internet, white collar, federal,
- The UCR can be a tool for political manipulation
especially since street crimes seem to be the
only thing that matters given the UCR bias. This
is currently going on rise in murder rate and
other violent crimes. - Problems also arise from recording practices -
i.e., definitions of crimes. - Problem with the way crimes are counted.
hierarchical rule? - Crime rates are misleading (Las Vegas).
- It has a reactive nature - private citizens must
report crime.
8Figure 1. The FBI's Crime Clock
- Every 23.1 seconds One Violent Crime
- Every 32.6 minutes One Murder
- Every 5.6 minutes One Forcible Rape
- Every 1.3 minutes One Robbery
- Every 36.9 seconds One Aggravated Assault
- Every 3.1 seconds One Property Crime
- Every 14.7 seconds One Burglary
- Every 4.5 seconds One Larceny-theft
- Every 25.5 seconds One Motor Vehicle Theft
9Alternative Measures of CrimeNIBRS
http//www.icpsr.umich.edu/NACJD/NIBRS/ - a new
source of official records data
- Response to criticism about UCR
- Introduced in 1984 and today is used by abt. half
of all states slow to adopt though. - 2 purposes 1) enhance quantity, quality and
timeliness of data collected 2) improve the
methodology for compiling, analyzing, and
publishing data - Much more detail provided compared to UCR (46 A
and 11 B offenses) - Avoids Hierarchical rule
- Records Group A and B offenses instead of Part I
and II - Both groups are much more inclusive than UCR
(list on pg. 98) - Lots of data entry errors personal experience
CPV age, intimidate to death
10Strengths and Weaknesses of the NIBRS
- Strengths
- Has both a victim file and an offender file that
can be worked with a various levels of
aggregation local, state, U.S., etc. - Lots of data available to work with and do
research - Can study and look at event characteristics
including weapons, drugs, alcohol ,etc. not as
many as would like but a few - Broader age rage for both victim and offender
available than some other sources provide - Individual level data is available from arrest
records and victim reports available - Etc.
- Weaknesses
- Only crimes reported to the police are recorded
similar to UCR in this respect. - Has a steep learning curve for departments and
requireds a good deal of training and resources. - States, counties, depts. Have been slow to
embrace and adapt hence only about half of all
states participating - Major prob. Is doing longitudinal and looking at
trends over time each year more places join or
drop off reporting list.Problems also arise from
recording practices - i.e., definitions of crimes.
11Alternative Measures of Crime
- Self-Report Studies been instrumental in
explaining etiology delinquency. Primary target
population is juveniles. - Short and Nye (1957) first major work -
revealed a different image of the juvenile
delinquent and the extent of delinquency than
official records had previously portrayed (SES
and quality of family life not related to
delinquency) - The National Youth Survey (NYS) 1977-
outstanding study great methodology cohort
study of 1700 - expensive elaborate - developed
to resemble the crime categories of the UCR - The Project on Human Development in Chicago
Neighborhoods (PHDCN). MacArthur funded project
a longitudinal probability sample of 80 city
neighborhoods (6200 kids in 7 cohorts w/ follow
12Strengths and Weaknessesof Self-Report Data
- Strengths
- Uncovers the dark figure of crime - the police
were only being informed about or discovering a
relatively small fraction of the crime that was
occurring. - Self-report studies go straight to the point of
investigation. - The self-report technique is not subject to
manipulation or politicization. - Weaknesses
- Self-report studies have been conducted primarily
with adolescent populations. Etiology has been
focus so this is understandable but should be
validated with other populations. - Places an emphasis upon trivial offenses and
status offenses (?) , especially in the NYS
making comparisons to adult crimes impossible . - The time frame it considers memory recall
issues - i.e., one year in the NYS. - Methodological concerns - sampling, selective
responding/socially desirable, falsification,
validity, reliability, memory decay, interviewer
measurement error. - Solution identify deception, promote anonymity,
new techniques (UCT)
13Victimization Studies
- The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
(pg. 114)- http//www.icpsr.umich.edu/NACJD/NCVS/
- Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau with DOJ.
- Questions are asked about fear of crime, the
perceived decline or improvement of the
neighborhood in regard to crime, and about steps
that have been taken to protect the household
against victimization. - Has been redesigned to help with incident recall
14Strengths of Victimization Surveys
- Can be compared with the UCR and therefore is a
validity check. - Violent crime down but rape up how so?
- Can be used to study geographical and temporal
variations in the crime rate. - Can provide a basis for evaluating local and
national law enforcement practices. - A lot of information is collected about
relatively few crimes. - Because of its panel design, it is also possible
to examine the psychosocial effects of
victimization upon victims.
15Weaknesses of Victimization Surveys
- Problems with falsification, series events,
interviewer effect, and sampling, coding see
rape example on pg. 116. - Underreporting resulted from the
household-respondent method of data collection. - Cost.
- Recording difficulty because many victimizations
reported represent trivial offenses, and the
surveys record crimes committed against
households and individuals. - Problems with reliability because individuals
vary in their reporting of victimization.
16Comparison of UCR, SRD,and NCVS Data Sources
- They paint different pictures of crime in the
United States. - Definitional differences among the three sources.
- UCR and NCVS allow city comparisons - the UCR
records crimes that occur in the city, whereas
the NCVS measures crimes that happened to city
residents. - Differences exist with regard to how the data get
17Other Measures of Crime
- Cohort Studies
- Biographies
- Observational Studies
- Another important source of data for theory
testing in Crim. and operationalization (?) comes
from the Census Bureau examples