Title: Police Administration and Organization
1Police Administration and Organization
2Organization and Administration Arranging and
using resources to reach certain objectives
- Nature of Police Work
- Deliver Emergency Services
- Unpredictable
- Scrutinized by public
- Needs to be accountable
Legal Moral Social Political
- Still part of a Bureaucracy
- Regularized Procedures
- Division of Responsibilities
- Hierarchical (top down)
- Impersonal Relationships
Focus on Public
Rigid/Inflexible Hard to change
Importance of 1) Communication 2) Chain of
Command 3) Leadership
1) Thought out 2) Evaluated 3) Adapted to
Instruction v. Indoctrination
How / Tasks 90 of time Top Down Frustration
Why / Essence Progressive More Lateral in
Nature Enlightenment
Those who know
Those who do
- Heavy reliance on Written Communication
- Slow / Ineffective Chain of Command
- Goal Efficiency or CYA?
- Police Headquarters Problem
But these are inherent parts of Bureaucracies
Trick Can proper org. and admin change the
4Organization and Administration Arranging and
using resources to reach certain objectives
SYSTEMS IDEA Interrelatedness
Question What are the goals and objectives of
the police? What should they focus on? (social
component idea) How do they best honor the
social contract?
5SYSTEMS IDEA Interrelatedness
- Mission Statement
- Hospitaliano
- Goals
- Repeat Customers
- Objectives
- -Increase customers by 20
- Strategies
- -Advertise / coupons in RGJ
- Implementation
- Did you advertise?
- Results
- - Did it work? Bottom line (), etc.
- Mission Statement
- Broad aim / Slogan
- Abstract / General
- Goals
- What you want to achieve
- Objectives
- Quantifiable measurable outcome
- Strategies
- How to achieve goals
- -Clearly defined
- -Should rely on research / experts
- Implementation
- Were strategies carried out?
- How do you know?
- Results
- - Did it work?
6- Mission Statement
- Safety
- CPR (Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect
- Happy Residents
- Goals
- Reduce crime / graffiti / murders / etc.
- Objectives
- By 50
- Strategies
- Zero Tolerance Zones
- Arrest youths with paint
- Implementation
- Were strategies carried out?
- How do you know?
- Results
- - Did it work?
Who Decides?
- Good Administration
- Goals are clearly communicated to entire
organization - Results are key
- Consequences if results are not met (Compstat
Idea) - Goals and Strategies involve Community
- Problem of official and unofficial track
- When supervisors and workers are not on same page
- When goals/strategies differ
7Goals, Strategies, and Objectives need to be
- Efficient
- Is it the best, cost effective method?
- Can be effective, but is it efficient?
- Legal
- Must meet legal standards
- No violation of constitution
- (poisoning drug supply)
- Equitable
- All groups treated the same
- All criminal activity is considered
- Accountable to public
- No abuse of power
- No secrecy
- Must answer/explain to residents
Honors Social Contract Good Administration
8- Bureaucracy
- To achieve police goals and objectives
- Part of other social systems (interrelatedness)
- Importance of taking all elements and other
systems into account - Planning
- Mission/goals/objectives/strategies/implementation
/results - (MGOSIR)
- Efficient, legal/ethical, equitable, accountable
- Problem of official and unofficial track (loss of
vision and support of strategies) - Violation of social contract public outrage /
lack of support - Importance of proper planning / knowing impact of
strategies / aware of complexities (other
systems) - Closed and Open Systems
- Mission Goals Objectives Strategies
Implementation Results - Use Results to change objectives, strategies,
implementation, etc -
Closed System
Feedback (Public, Police, Politicians, Experts)
10Organizational Structure / Chart
- Tools to reach goals and objectives
- Includes bureaucracy, hierarchy, chain of
command, planning - Organizes what you have to work with
- People, equipment, ideas
- The bigger the department, the bigger the Org.
Structure - (and all of its components)
- Purpose of Org. Structure
- Divide workload
- Make lines of authority clear / creates chain of
command - Allows delegation creates accountability,
11Reality Check
- Org. Structure should lead to delegation and
accountability - Problem The bigger the Org. Struct. more
bureaucracy less efficiency - Enemies of Org. Struct.
- Politics / Egos / Competence
- Doing things for wrong reasons
- Avoiding / rejecting feedback
- Not following through
- Too much delegation (creates incompetence)
- Not enough delegation (not sharing wanting all
the credit) - Fear of realizing that you need to do things
differently (fear of feedback) - Having to do what you are actually paid to do
- Importance of EDUCATION in policing do the
RIGHT thing!
12City of Reno Organizational Chart
13(No Transcript)
14Question How Big?
- How many boxes in the Org Chart?
- More boxes more hierarchy, more chain of
command, more bureaucracy - Issue Specialization of Organization how many
units? - Important elements
- Size of department
- Size of service population
- Extent and nature of the problem
- Problems
- Boredom
- Competence in other skills (poor individual
development) - Not my problem syndrome (inefficient)
- Isolation (from other units)
- Politics/Cliques (unit assignments as rewards)
- Sub-optimization (competition between units)
- SOLUTION Mandatory rotation of personnel
15Vision Delegation Competent Staff NO Peter
- Personnel
- Equipment
- Funding
- Objectives
Internal Role (Run Organization)
Mission statement Meet Objectives Maintain
Integrity Reduce Unofficial Track
- Poor Leadership Signs
- Inertia
- Poor Customer Contact
- No Autonomy
- Rigid Hierarchy
- Inefficiency
External Role (Sell Organization)
- Politics
- Media
- Community
- Other Agencies
- Police Leaders
- Administrators
- Top Cop
- Politician
- Statesman
From within or from outside?