Title: Logistic Toolbox
1Logistic Toolbox
2LogTool Course Training Objectives
- Curriculum runs through scenarios to demonstrate
the use of Navy, other Services, DLA and
Commercial automated logistic tools to solve
backorders, cancellations and other logistic
problems - Identify logistics tools available
- Understand purpose/capabilities
- Learn how to gain access
- Learn when and where to use
- Learn how they all work together
- Identify where help is available
3What the Process can do for You
- Focus of our training is batch processing to
improve efficiency whenever possible - Examples
- Screen NIINs against Army, Navy, USMC, Air
Force, DLA Disposition Services (DRMO),
reported excess to solve backorders. - Check status of all outstanding requisitions
through batch processing and get in-depth
information in minutes. - Screen NSNs for alternates in batch
- Screen for free parts every day in seconds
4Our Philosophy
- Today, no one system does everything
- No one perfect system
- Multiple systems may be required
- Redundancy in systems is an advantage if one goes
down - Selecting the right systems, based on
- System capabilities
- Your job requirements
- Information needed
5Logistics Portal
The LogTool Web site has been serving DoD since
- Logistics Portal Categorized by Service and
Function - Has always been Free
- Has over 65,000 unique users
- Nothing else like it in DoD
6Programs You Should Use
Training Material is available to everyone
7Some of the systems we trainService systems
like NAVSUPs OneTouch
8Some of the systems we train DLAs WebFLIS
FEDLOG On-Line and up to date
9Some of the systems we train DLAs DoD EMALL
- Technical Screening for DLA and Commercial
material -
- DLA Asset visibility
- Requisition
- Credit Card
- Line of Accounting
- Tracks Status
- Weapon System Management Data
- Batch upload
10Some of the systems we train WebVLIPS
- Provides real-time access to transaction
information that has passed through DAAS - Inventory Control Points Distribution Depots
send status on customers requisitions - Get current status, shipping and tracking
11Some of the systems we train DLA Asset Visibility
- Provides real-time access to requisition status
in batch - Batch query of FLIS data
- Total asset visibility of all Services
- One of the most powerful programs in DoD
12Some of the systems we train TRANSCOMs DSS
- Real-time shipping status
- No Login required
- Links to Shipping companies
- Allows batch up to 60 DOCs
13Systems we train TRANSCOMs GTN
- Get current shipping/ tracking information
- Search by TCN, DOC, RF Tag, Container , Air
Bill, GBL, et cetera.
14Some things to keep in mindwhen using these
As managers, you dont have to know how to use
all these systems but your people should. You
should also know what questions to ask them
15The LogTool Process
- Identify what needs to be worked
16The LogTool Focus
- Work on what can be fixed easily, many BBs may
have a positive outcome
17LogTool Rules of Engagement
- Train people to be educated customers who know
the rules
18Be Creative
- Look for suitable substitutions and dont
discount reports of excess material, it is part
of the supply system
19Verify Status of Requisitions
20Train yourself, SODHC, SR SODHC to use the best
programs and systems available
- Take advantage of a proven training program which
started at NSCS, it just needs some minor
updating! - Students take the book or download it to train
their people. - Once trained they can save money, improve
readiness, ask intelligent questions and know how
long the answers should take! - Once empowered with information, SUPPOs can use
it with PMO, GDSC, ICP, DDs and many other
organizations to get what they need.
21Contact Information
- POC Info
- Craig Pulver
- cpulver_at_logtool.net
- 609-929-7639