Title: Organic Weed Management
1Organic Weed Management
Alisha Rupple, University of Arkansas Heather
Friedrich, University of Arkansas
2Weeds Top Issue for Organic Farmers
- Successful Management Requires
- Multiple approaches
- Continual effort
- Knowledge of the biology of weeds species
- Reproduction, lifecycle, establishment annual,
perennial, wandering perennial, broadleaf, grass - Cornell Organic Weed Database, www.css.cornell.edu
3Basic Weed Ecology
- Weeds are natures way of keeping bare ground
covered and increasing biodiversity - Dynamic system involving the interaction of
weeds, crops, humans and environment - Factors affecting weed ecology are identical to
those affecting crop ecology - Light, temperature, water, pH, nutrients, organic
matter, insects and diseases, etc
4Impact of High Weed Pressure
- Compete with crops for nutrients, water, and
light - Reduced yields
- Lower crop quality
- Harbor pest insects and diseases
- Increase irrigation costs
- But, complete elimination of weeds is unnecessary
Crop yield
Weed numbers or size
5Multiple Prevention and Elimination Strategies
- Cultural
- Mechanical
- Biological
- Chemical (organically
- approved)
Many hammers approach. Liebman and Gallandt,
6Organic weed management practices Crop
Rotations on Organic Farms, Mohler Johnson, 2009
7Cultural Strategies
- Buy quality crop seed with low/no weed seeds
present - Do not allow weeds to form seed
- Thoroughly compost (gt130F for 15 days) all
manure and plant residues to ensure destruction
of weed seed - Stale seedbed technique
- Prepare soil for planting and bring weed seeds to
the surface allow weeds to germinate, kill weeds
with light tillage/minimal soil disruption. May
be repeated. Plant main crop.
8Cultural Practices
- Improve crop competitiveness
- Improve soil tilth, aeration, and fertility to
optimize crop growth - Increase crop density through narrow
row spacing and increased seeding
rate - Use transplants, rather than seed, when possible
- Plant at optimal soil temperatures to prevent
slow germination of crop - Choose competitive crop cultivars
- Manage fertility according to crop needs avoid
excess application
9Cultural Practices
- Reduce weed numbers
- Mulch (wood chips, mow and blow, paper, living,
plastic, etc) - Use weed-suppressive cover crops
- Quick germinating, high biomass
- Field with high weed pressure may warrant full
year of cover cropping and fallow to reduce weeds - Crop rotations
- altering narrowly spaced crops with closely
spaced crops, shallow rooted/deep rooted crops,
cold/warm season crops - Intercrop
- Clover underseeded in sweetcorn
- Prevent seeds from germinating by blocking light,
can smother out some weeds - Conserve water, minimal soil disruption
- Use local resources straw, fabric, wood,
newspaper, plastic - Be careful of weed seeds in straw or hay
- Avoid hay, unless you know its free of weeds
- Especially good for perennial systems
blueberries, blackberries, flowers, trees - Living mulches ie constant cover of clover on
orchard floor
11Wood chips
Shredded paper
12Cover Crops
- Smother weeds by out-competing for light, water,
nutrients - Release allelopathic chemicals that suppress weed
germination - May reduce weed emergence by 75-90
- e.g. sudan grass, buckwheat, annual rye grass,
sesbania, many more
Field pea-oat-mustard cover crop
Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd ed. SARE
f crops profitably. 3rd ed. SARE
Red Clover
13Crop Rotations
- Weeds tend to infest crops with similar life
cycles - Change crop ecology shallow/deep roots,
cold/warm season, row/drilled crops, foliage
density, and heavy/light feeders - Change cultural practices cultivation, mowing,
fertilization, herbicide application, and
planting/harvest dates
1410 Year Rotation SchemeAlex and Betsy Hitt,
Chapel Hill NC http//www.ssawg.org/hitt.html
15Physical and Mechanical Practices
- Mowing
- Prevents seeding
- Depletes storage reserves
- Better control for broadleaves
- Soil solarization
- Effective control of winter annuals
- Limited control of perennials
- Cost prohibitive on large acreages
- Avoid tillage deeper than 3 after solarization
- Hand weeding
- Cultivation
- Flaming
- Should be shallow to lessen disturbance to weed
seed bank - Better for perennial and biennial control than
annual weed control - Exhaust root system by depleting storage reserves
- Requires 6-8 timely treatments in yr 1, then 3-5
the following year
Wheel hoe
Thoroughly clean equipment before moving it
between fields to prevent weed transport
Various hoes
17Potential Downsides of Cultivation
- Exposes bare ground
- increased erosion,
- decreased biodiversity,
- speeds decomposition of OM,
- increases water run-off
- Major cause of soil compaction
- Cost expensive equipment, fuel
- Should not be done in wet conditions
18Use Cultivation Wisely
- USDA-ARS research showed organic methods can
increase OM more than conventional no-till - Teasdale et al., 2007. Potential Long-Term
Benefits of No-Tillage and Organic Cropping
Systems for Grain Production and Soil
Improvement. Agron J. 991297-1305 - Negative effects of tillage may be offset by the
use of cover crops and additions of organic
matter (compost, manures, mulch, etc) - Must still use caution to avoid negative effects
of cultivation
19Type of Horticultural Cultivators
- Spyders
- Torsion weeders
- Spring hoe weeders
- Finger weeder
- Basket weeder
- Multiple-component weeder frame
- Brush weeder
- Rotary tilling cultivators
- Rear- or front-tine tillers
- Hand implements push-pull hoes, hand scrapers,
Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-Up to
Market, Grubinger, 1999
20Other Cultivators
Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-Up to
Market, Grubinger 1999, NRAES 104
- Intense heat sears the leaf, causing the cell sap
to expand and disrupt cell walls - seedlings are most susceptible
- Broadleaf weeds are more susceptible than grasses
- May be used in wet soil conditions
- VIDEO www.extension.org/pages/Video_Clip_Backpac
Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-Up to
Market, Grubinger, 1999
22Uses for Flaming
- Stale seedbed technique
- Planting delayed after seed bed preparation
(tillage, irrigation, etc) - Flaming knockdowns flush of weed seedlings prior
to planting - Peak emergence technique
- Crop seeded promptly after seedbed preparation
- Just before crop germinates, flaming used to kill
weed seedlings - Good method for direct-seeded, slow-germinating
crops - Glass or plastic can be used as a
crop-germination indicator crop grown under
cover germinates 2-3 days before uncovered crop
flaming should occur when crop germinates under
cover - Post-emergent flaming
- Emerged crops protected by directing flame away
from crops, shielding the crop, or flaming at a
time when crop stems are resistant to heat - Older plants able to recover from heat damage,
while young seedlings are killed
23Flaming Tips
- Bigger weeds and wet weeds are harder to kill
- Target weeds while seedlings up to 3 to 4 leaves
- Avoid flaming with morning dew
- Light drying winds and hot days increase
effectiveness - Avoid flame deflection by soil clods or excessive
dust protect weeds - Match equipment for your needs
- Save on fuel, time
- Make time for adjustments
- Burner placement, fuel pressure, tractor speed
- How much is enough?
- When you squeeze plant leaf between finger and
thumb, want to see your thumb imprint cells
have burst and weed will die/setback
24Biological Control Practices
- Insects may consume large numbers of weed seeds
or feeding injury to plant or vector virus - Thistle adult thistle-head weevil, Rhinocyllus
conicus - Multiflora rose rose rosette disease
transmitted by fungi or a (mite) - Selective grazing
- Sheep clean fields after harvest
- Weeder geese useful against grass weeds and in
perennial systems
- Biofumigation
- Use of Brassica species (canola, Indian mustard)
as cover crop or in rotation - May be incorporated or left as residue
- Brassicas produce glucosinolates, which may by
converted to cyanate compounds during
decomposition - Cyantes toxic to many bacteria, fungi, nematodes,
insects, and germinating seeds
25Chemical Control
- Organic options
- Corn gluten meal (pre-emergent herbicide)
- Suppresses many common grasses and herbaceous
weeds - WeedBan and Corn Weed Blocker
- Look for non-gmo sources
- Commonly based on vinegar or lemon juice or clove
oil ingredients (post-emergent burndown
herbicide) - Perennials may require multiple applications
- Corrodes metal sprayer parts
- Burnout, Bioganic, AllDown , MATRAN, and
Weed Bye Bye - Post-emergent chemicals are phytotoxic (burn
plant tissue) use caution when applying in crops
Organic herbicide in an orchard
Cost can be decreased by knowing pattern of weed
distribution (spot treatment v. overall
2612 Steps to Sustainable Weed Management Mark
- Pre-season Planning
- Step 1. Know the weeds on your farm.
- Step 2. Plan cropping systems to minimize open
niches for weeds. - Step 3. Keep the weeds guessing.
- Step 4. Design the cropping system and select
tools for effective weed control.
27Preventive (Cultural) Practices
- Step 5. Grow vigorous, competitive crops.
- Step 6. Put the weeds out of work grow cover
crops. - Step 7. Manage the weed seedbank minimize
deposits and maximize withdrawls.
28Control Tactics
Step 8. Knock the weeds out at critical times.
No-till organic farm Weed-free bed of
weed-sensitive onion crop.
- Step 9. Utilize biological processes to enhance
weed control. - Step 10. Bring existing weeds under control
before planting weed-sensitive crops and
long-term perennial crops.
29Enhancing and Fine-tuning the Weed Management
- Step 11. Keep observing the weeds and adapt
practices accordingly. - Keep notes
- What is suitable for one crop may not be for
another - Step 12. Experiment and stay educated. Keep up on
new developments and practices. - Night time cultivation
- Soil solarization
- Others
Weed free bed of carrots
- Using multiple approaches (many hammers) to
manage weeds will yield greater impact than
relying on a few practices. - Develop a weed management strategy that is
designed for the needs of your farm.
- Big Hammers
- Competitive crops
- Rotation
- Cover Crops
- Mulches
- Weed predators
- Livestock/grazers
- Cultivation tools
- Rollers/roller-crimper
- Flamers
- Growers Observation
- Little Hammers
- Solarization
- Organic herbicides
- Bioherbicides
- Soil microorganisms
- Crop-weed interactions
- The Sustainable Weed Control Rag, Mark Schonbeck,
e-Organic, www.extension.org/article/18529,
www.extension.org/article/18539 - www.extension.org/article/18538
- Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-up to
Market, Grubinger, 1999. NRAES-104 - Crop rotation on Organic Farms A Planning
Manual, Mohler and Johnson, 2009. NRAES-177 - Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd ed. SARE
f - Michigan Field Crop Pest Ecology Management.
Cavigelli et al. 2000, MSU Extension Bulletin
E-2704 - Cornell Organic Weed Management Website,
m l
- This presentation address general organic
production practices. It is to be to use in
planning and conducting organic horticulture
trainings. The presentation is part of project
funded by a Southern SARE PDP titled Building
Organic Agriculture Extension Training Capacity
in the Southeast - Project Collaborators
- Elena Garcia, University of Arkansas CESHeather
Friedrich, University of ArkansasObadiah Njue,
University of Arkansas at Pine BluffJeanine
Davis, North Carolina State UniversityGeoff
Zehnder, Clemson UniversityCharles Mitchell,
Auburn UniversityRufina Ward, Alabama AM
UniversityKen Ward, Alabama AM UniversityKaren
Wynne, Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network -