Children First - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Children First


Children First – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Children First

Children First
Welcome to theSchool-based Budget Development
  • A Collaborative Presentation.ISC DBOR DHR
  • Presenters
  • ISC
  • Rosemary Tafaro, Deputy Director for Business
  • Karen Moser, Lead Customer Service Manager
  • Ricardo Duran, Lead Customer Service Manager
  • DBOR
  • Annie Finn, Assistant Budget Director Galaxy
  • DHR
  • Lawrence Becker, CEO, Division of Human Resources

Todays format will be interactive
  • The webcast will include
  • Key Information
  • Review
  • Polls
  • Q A

  • 2008-09 School Budget Allocation
    30 min
  • Fair Student Funding Refresher Whats New?
  • Contract for Excellence (C4E)
  • Allocation Release Timetable
  • Building Your Table of Organization (T/O)
    10 min
  • School Organization/Instructional Program
  • Alignment of Resources
  • Galaxy - Budgeting Tool
  • Budget Rollover, FY 08 to FY 09
  • Whats New?
  • Galaxy Checklist
  • Human Resources - Staffing 15 min
  • Timeline 10 min
  • Resources

  • ISC Support

Budgets Should Be Driven By Data And
Instructional Goals
Align Resources
Develop Action Plan
Set Educational Goals
Complete Needs Assessment
A budget that works for your school and your
students begins with an annual planning process
using data to create clear goals and plans. With
that groundwork in place, you will be able to
most strategically align your resources to
realize your goals.
2008-09 School Budget Allocation
  • Fair Student Funding (FSF)
  • Budget Reduction
  • Refresher Whats New?
  • Contract for Excellence (C4E)
  • Allocation Release Timetable

NYC DOEs FY09 Budget Situation
  • We face an economic downturn. Our
    non-discretionary new costs are greater than our
    new State and City funds.
  • Even though times are tough, the overall impact
    on school budgets is modest (99M).
  • This is true largely because weve made it our
    first priority to minimize the impact of our
    budget shortfall on schools.
  • We are honoring the principles and commitments of
  • As of now, all schools will take at least a 1.4
    reduction. Because of State restrictions,
    however, some schools will experience reductions
    in spending power of up to 6. If we could
    distribute the new State funds equitably, all
    schools would experience a 1.4 reduction in
    spending power.
  • We are appealing to Albany to reduce restrictions
    on 63M in Contract for Excellence (C4E) dollars
    to make this more equitable for our schools and
    our schoolchildren.

What Schools See in Galaxy
  • Preliminary budgets appeared in Galaxy on
    Thursday evening, May 22nd.
  • Please note
  • This budget has much of your 2008-09 resources.
    You might actually see more dollars, in absolute
    terms, than you see in your 2007-08 school year
    budget. But, with costs up, this might mean you
    have less spending power.
  • Because not all funding streams are allocated at
    this point in time, you wont see the total
    impact on the budget.
  • The amount shown as the FY 09 Budget Adjustment
    is just one step in creating the school budget.
    It does not represent the net reductions.
  • ISC staff contacted every school on Friday, May
    23rd to advise each principal of the net
    percentage change to the total budget each school
    will see.

What Schools See in Galaxy (continued)
  • The percentage reduction to the budget, that your
    ISC Officer communicated on May 23rd, pertains to
    the net change to what your schools FY 09 budget
    would have been without the reduction in the tax
    levy dollars and addition of Contract for
    Excellence (C4E) money and the Legacy Teacher
    Supplement. The net change is taken as a
    percentage of the total budget, excluding federal
    dollars like Title I.
  • Based upon what we know currently, we do not
    believe any school will be at a lower level of
    dollars than what is seen in Galaxy. Depending
    upon the outcome of the appeal to the State
    concerning the 63M, some schools may see an
    increase in C4E dollars.
  • The C4E funds are subject to a public engagement
    process and approval by the SED. This means
    that there could be changes in that budget line,
    so be cautious with the use of these funds.
  • ISC Officers are available to answer any other

Fair Student Funding (FSF)
Key Goals
  • Increase equity without sacrificing stability
  • Encourage better use of resources to strengthen
    achievement by giving principals
  • More discretion over dollars
  • Greater responsibility for costs of new teachers
  • Incentives to enroll high-need students and
    enable them to succeed
  • Maintain transparency
  • Create a sound process for improving budgeting
    over time

FSF Formula Four Basic Components
  • Grade weights based on student grade levels
    K-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Needs weights based on student needs
  • Enhanced weights for students in portfolio
    high schools
  • Foundation a fixed, 225,000 sum for all schools

200809 Weights
FSF Formula Overview

Student Need weights

NOTE Weight per capita amounts are purely
Grade Weights
FSF Grade Weights
  • Each student has a base level of funding
    depending on grade level.
  • Schools with non-traditional grade configurations
    will receive base weight in more than one
  • For example, a K8 school will receive K5 weight
    for grades K5 and 68 weight for grades 68.
  • A 6th grader carries the same weight at a 68,
    K8, or 612 school.

Academic Intervention Weight
  • Significant weight for students in schools
    beginning before 4th grade 0.24.
  • No weight for 68 or 912 gradersthose students
    receive the Achievement weight.
  • Eligibility is based on the same factors as Title

Academic Intervention Weight
  • Based on students academic standing when they
    enter a school remains if they improve not
    punishing a schools success
  • Weight split into two tiers Category 1 for
    lowest achievers and Category 2 for students
    closer to proficiency
  • Far Below Standards weights 0.50 (6-8) and 0.40
  • Below Standards weights 0.35 (6-8) and 0.25
  • Not available in schools beginning before 4th

Achievement Weight Change in Eligibility
  • Students who enter a school with no scores will
    now be allocated weights in proportion with the
    rest of the school.
  • This is a change from last years formula when
    students with missing scores did not receive any
  • Example A school has 10 of students who are
    well below standards and 20 below standards.
    The school has 10 students missing scores when
    they enter. The school will receive a well below
    standards weight for one of those students and a
    below standards weight for two of those students.

English Language Learner Weight
  • Eligibility is based on NYSESLAT exam
  • Weight increases as students age, from 0.40 in
    K-5 to 0.50 in 6-12
  • Dollars also flow to low-achieving ELLs with no
    ELA scores in Academic Intervention weight

Special Education Weights
  • Per capita funding for special education
    classroom services will foster development of
    instructional models tailored to student needs,
    not funding patterns.
  • Schools receive per-student funding based on the
    number of periods a day that a student requires
    special education services.
  • Less than 20 0.56
  • Between 20 and 60 0.68
  • Greater than 60 (self-contained) 1.23 (K8),
    0.73 (912)
  • Greater than 60 (integrated) 2.28 (K8), 2.52
  • Special education students also carry academic
    and ELL weights if they are eligible.
  • Other IEP-mandated services, including Related
    Services, IEP teachers, IEP paraprofessionals,
    Assistive Technology, APE teachers and District
    75 programs are funded separately.

Special Education Categories
This table provides a summary of the types of
services that map to each category of special
education funding.
High School Portfolio Weights
  • Designated portfolio schools will receive a
    weight to support their specialized instructional
  • Portfolio categories for FY 09 are
  • Career and Technical Education (26 schools)
  • Specialized Audition (6 schools) 0.35
  • Selective Academic (12 schools) 0.25
  • Transfer (37 schools) 0.4

  • All schools, regardless of size or type, will
    receive a lump-sum
  • Foundation of 225,000.
  • These funds can be spent flexibly.
  • This base level of funding ensures that the
    smallest school in New York City is able to
    operate under FSF.
  • The foundation was increased this year to cover
    the collective bargaining increases from the UFT
    and CSA contracts.

Teacher Salaries
  • In FY 09, all teachers are charged in the budget
    at the schoolwide average teacher salary based on
    the schools March 2008 payroll.
  • When vacancies occur or new hires are made,
    schools can choose whether to invest in more or
    less senior teachers, with impact on the
    schoolwide average salary showing in the
    following years budget.
  • Schools must plan for the costs of their teachers
    each year.
  • A One-Year Lag for Decisions to Take Effect Buy
    Now, Save or Pay Later.
  • Teachers on school payrolls prior to the start of
    FSF, April 2007, will receive the Legacy Teacher
    Supplement to cover increases in salary due to
    longevity, steps and differentials in
    proportion to the number of remaining base

FSF Review
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
Fair Student Funding
Whats New?
  • Small Changes to the Formula
  • Teacher Legacy Supplement
  • Transition to FSF, FY 08 to FY 09
  • Special Education

Small Changes to the Formula
to improve its fairness and reflect increasing
  • Collective bargaining increase
  • The weights will not change, but the amounts
    associated with them will change to reflect
    salary increases resulting from recent UFT and
    CSA contract settlements.
  • Missing scores now counted
  • Students who enter a school with no scores will
    now be allocated the achievement weight in
    proportion with the rest of the school.
  • Special Education Unfilled seats expected to
    be filled
  • Non-new elementary and middle schools are
    initially allocated money to fund full special
    education CTT and self-contained classes. If
    schools do not fill the class, there will be a
    midyear SPED adjustment as of December 31st .

Collective Bargaining (CB) Increases
  • Recent contract settlements (collective
    bargaining) increased CSA and UFT salaries.
  • The FSF weights will not change, but the per
    capita amounts associated with them will increase
    to cover collective bargaining raises.
  • CSA
  • Allocation methodology
  • All schools receive an increase to the FSF
    foundation of 25,000.
  • The remainder will be distributed through the
    weights, increasing the per-capita amounts
    associated with all weights.
  • Notes
  • In 2007, as a result of the timing of the CSA
    contract settlement, the DOE distributed FY0708
    funds on a positional basis.
  • In 2007-08, a fixed amount was given to cover the
    principals increase and a variable portion to
    cover APs, with the remainder self-funded.
  • Schools were told that the allocation would be
    made via FSF in FY09.
  • UFT
  • Allocation methodology All money is distributed
    through the weights, increasing the per capita
    amounts associated with all weights.

Teacher Legacy Supplement
  • Schools will receive a Teacher Legacy Supplement
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • A Legacy Teacher is defined as a teacher on
    payroll before April 2007 (pre-FSF).
  • A list of teachers, who are considered in the
    Legacy category, will be provided via the
    Principals Portal.
  • These additional funds are provided to offset
    Legacy increases (longevity, step and
    differentials) in a discrete allocation category.
  • The formula applied will be shown as part of the
    budget documents for your school on the web.

Transition Rules
  • In 2007-08, to balance stability and equity, we
  • Gave schools hold harmless (HH) allocations if
    their historical funding levels were higher than
    the FSF formula allocated to them (over-formula).
    We committed to allocate HH for at least two
    years, through 200809.
  • Directed new resources (incremental funds) toward
    schools that had historically been under-funded
    (under-formula) 55 of the gap.
  • In 2008-09, we remain committed to both stability
    and equity, but are faced with a
  • more difficult fiscal environment. We will
  • Give over-formula schools their FY 08 HH
    allocations and their FSF formula amount
    according to their FY09 registers.
  • Give under-formula schools their FY 08
    Incremental allocations and adjust for changes in
    register or student needs in the following ways
  • Net increase in register or student needs fully
    fund the increases.
  • Net decrease in register or student needs reduce
    by the factor that a school is under-formula.

Transitioning from FY08 to FY09 FSF Budgets
  • A schools FSF allocation does not stay the same
    from year to year.
  • Schools may see reductions in funding due to
  • Student enrollment or needs decreases affecting
    their FSF formula level
  • Schools may see increases in funding due to
  • Student enrollment or needs increases affecting
    their FSF formula level
  • Legacy teacher supplement given to help cover
    increasing costs of teachers hired prior to FSF
  • Additional money added to FSF pot to cover
    increased salary costs from recent collective
  • Schools may see changes in purchasing power due
  • Teacher attrition
  • Last years hiring decisions taking effect this

A Linked Web Tool Will Give Formula Back-up for
All Adjustments
Special Education Filled and Unfilled Seats
  • In Greater than 60 categories, elementary
    middle schools, funding is given as filled and
    unfilled seats
  • Purpose
  • Fund schools upfront for CTT or self-contained
    classes through the SPED weights, although the
    SPED class register may not yet have reached the
    maximum number. (Additional dollars come when
    unfilled seats are filled through the grade
  • Allow schools to hire teachers when doing the
    rest of their budget planning
  • Schools may receive an upward or downward
    modification to their special education weight
    allocations on June 15, 2008.
  • Student Enrollment (OSEPO) will work with schools
    before June 15th to determine whether class
    configurations initially funded are most
    appropriate given the needs of students at school
    and overall needs of district.
  • Schools expected to open classes projected at the
    June 15, 2008 adjustment to assure funding.
  • Funding will be removed at mid-year for unfilled
  • Unfilled seats should fill as SPED placements
    happen during year.
  • CTT classes are held to same contractual class
    size for general education classes, with no more
    than 40 of class or a maximum of 12 students
    with IEPs.
  • Schools must organize CTT classes with requisite
    number of GE students to allow placement of SPED
    students up to maximum allowable.
  • At mid-year December 31st SPED funding for
    all but two unfilled seats in greater than 60
    categories will be removed if school has the
    option of taking students to fill classes and
    declines those students.

SPED Weight Adjustment Detail
  • New elementary and middle schools and high
  • New elementary and middle schools, as well as
    high schools, are funded on a per-student basis
    for special education
  • As of October 31, 2008
  • Did not receive unfilled seats funding
  • Net register change multiplied by associated per

Special Education 1211 Funding
  • The funding for greater than 60 self-contained
    is for the average of a 121 class and a 1211
  • The additional para will not be funded
  • Special education students are also eligible for
    poverty, ELL and academic intervention weights.
    Funds generated from these weights should be used
    in addition to the SPED weights to support the
    needs of SPED students.

Special EducationMid-Year Adjustment Process
  • For SPED weights only, adjustments will be made
    based on December 31st register data.
  • Increases
  • ASA-Register Growth funding may be requested by
    schools as follows
  • Grade Weight
  • For an increase in overall registers (general
    special education)
  • Special Education Weights
  • SETSS, Multiple SETSS, and Part-Time CTT
  • Special Education allocations for only those
    schools receiving per capita allocations (no
    unfilled seats funding)
  • Opening of additional self-contained CTT
    classes is subject to approval by Student
    Enrollment (OSEPO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
  • Once funding has been approved, schools will
    receive funding at the maximum class size 10 CTT
    and 12 self-contained (includes unfilled seats). 
  • Mid-year, adjustments will be made for filled and
    unfilled seats based on the number of approved
    classes, using December 31st register data.

Special EducationMid-Year Adjustment Process
  • Increases (Continued)
  • Special Education weights will be given for
    students not initially funded in a schools
    projections that are at a school as of December
    31st. Additional grade weights will also be
    given after October 31st registers close if there
    is an increase in total enrollment between
    October and December stemming from an increase in
    special education registers.
  • Decreases
  • SPED funding for all but two unfilled seats in
    greater than 60 categories will be removed, if
    a school has the option of taking students in
    order to fill its classes and declines those

Mid-Year Adjustment Overview
  • It is cost prohibitive to provide for upward, but
    not downward, adjustments, and principals
    continue to indicate a strong preference for
    stability and lead time when planning resources
    with school budgets. Therefore
  • Only weights allocated using projected registers
    are adjusted at the mid-year
  • Grade weights, special education weights, and
    portfolio weights
  • No adjustments are made to weights allocated
    based on audited data
  • ELL and academic achievement weights
  • Adjustments based upon audited registers, will
  • For grade and portfolio weights based on October
    31, 2008
  • For special education weights for existing
    elementary and middle schools, based on December
    31, 2008
  • For special education weights for new schools and
    high schools, based on October 31, 2008
  • Transfer schools decide individually between
    October 31 or later adjustment.

Transfer Incentives NCLB PSC and/or PRT
  • Eligible schools that receive students through
    the 2008-09 NCLB PSC (Public School Choice)
    and/or PRT (Progress Report Transfer) transfer
    process will receive a one-time funding
    allocation for each transferring student.
  • Student eligibility according to the students
    proficiency levels on NYS math and ELA exams (for
    students enrolled as of 10-31-08).
  • School eligibility All non-SINI/SURR schools
    with Progress Report grades A and B and
    non-SINI/SURR C schools that also received
    Quality Review score of proficient or better
    will be eligible for funding allocation.
  • Schools that received the FSF NCLB weight in the
    2007-08 school year will receive the second-year
    weight for the same set of NCLB students who are
    enrolled as of 10-31-08. Moving forward, schools
    will receive funding according to the FY09
    eligibility transfer incentive criteria and the
    incentive will not be a part of the FSF

Whats New? -Review
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
Contract for Excellence (C4E)
  • Review of Program
  • Eligible Uses
  • Students Targeted
  • Supplemental Funds
  • Year One, 2007-08
  • Year Two, 2008-09
  • 2008-09 Process

Intent of C4E Funds Eligible Uses
  • To be spent across six program areas
  • Class Size Reduction
  • Time on Task
  • Teacher Principal Quality
  • Middle High School Restructuring
  • Full-Day Pre-K
  • Model Programs for English Language Learners (new
    in 2008-09)

Intent of C4E Funds Students Targeted
  • To be focused on improving performance of
  • with the greatest educational need
  • English Language Learners
  • Students in Poverty
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Students with Low Academic Achievement

Supplement, not Supplant
  • Contract for Excellence funds are to be used for
    new or expanded programs only
  • Not to be used to cover programs or personnel
    previously funded with tax levy dollars!
  • Should be used towards meeting schools overall
    educational goals as outlined in the CEP

Year One C4E 2007-08
  • Schools that received C4E funds in FY 08 will
    receive C4E in the same fund sources in FY 09.
  • Training and Galaxy cross-walking documentation
    were provided
  • in conjunction with C4E and SURR monitoring
    visits, Spring 2008.
  • In May and June 08, cross-walking materials for
    all other schools that received C4E funds in
    2007-08 will be provided.
  • What will be provided for each school?
  • List of allocation categories (A/C) that
    include 07-08 C4E funds
  • Crosswalk from A/Cs to 07-08 C4E program
  • 07-08 C4E program strategies as reported to the
  • Any other relevant C4E information (e.g.,
    targeted class size
  • school)

Year One C4ECross-walking Example
Allocation categories that include 07-08 C4E funds
Crosswalk from Galaxy to C4E Program Spending
07-08 C4E Program Strategies Reported to SED
Year Two C4E 2008-09
  • 2008-09 C4E school allocations will be released
    in a new, Contract for Excellence FY09
    allocation category
  • Funds will be allocated according to SED indexing
  • C4E funds will be classified as reimbursable
    Schools will be responsible for funding fringe
  • Funds may only be used for new and expanded
    programs that meet the C4E eligibility

C4E dollars are preliminary. These funds are
subject to a public engagement process and
approval by the SED. This means there could be
changes in that budget line.
2008 - 09 C4E Process
  • C4E will be included in the CEP planning process
  • Schools will be explicitly asked to include C4E
    funds in the Action Plan
  • CEP Template will include C4E Appendix
  • SLTs will be given professional development
    around C4E
  • Intent is for C4E planning to be data-driven and
    tied into overall school goals
  • DOE will issue guidance on aligning C4E spending
    with student and educational needs at the same
    time that the CEP Template is released

June Week of
May Week of
July Week of
Preliminary FY09 School Budgets Released 2008-09
CEP Template Finalized Sent Out for
Translation CEP Template Released to Schools and
SLTs CEP Training for SLTs CEP Planning
Process C4E Planning Process - to include SLT
consultation, as well as collaboration with SSOs
and ISCs Preliminary C4E Plan Reviewed by DOE
June 27 School Preliminary C4E Plans Due
(electronic submission)
July 15 C4E Plan Submitted to SED
FSF in the Context of School Funding
  • Fair Student Funding
  • Foundation
  • Grade Weights
  • Student Needs Weights
  • Portfolio Weights
  • Hold Harmless Incremental Funds
  • Teacher Legacy Supplement
  • Children First Funds
  • Funds given on a per-school (85K) and
    per-student basis (117) to pay for School
    Support Organization, plus additional flexible
    dollars to be spent at the schools discretion.
  • Programmatic Allocations
  • Tax-levy programs that remain discretely funded,
    such as Parent Coordinators and YABCs.
  • Categorical Funds
  • Restricted and made up of several different
    streams Federal and State funds such as Title I,
    Title III, etc.

C4E Review
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
Allocation Release Timetable
Allocations Scheduled To Be Released In May
  • Fair Student Funding
  • Children First Supplemental Allocation
  • Legacy Teacher Supplement
  • FY09 Budget Reduction
  • Surplus Roll (first half)
  • FY09 Contract for Excellence (C4E)
  • Citywide Special Education MIS VI, VII, VIII
  • Summer Instructional Program
  • Title I School Allocations
  • Parent Coordinator
  • OTPS for New Schools
  • NYS Textbook Law (NYSTL), Library, Computer
    Software and Hardware Allocation.
  • School Success Grant
  • Special Education IEP Teacher
  • IEP Paraprofessional
  • Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Non-FSF Allocations (ASL Schools 15K418)
  • YABC Program
  • Pre-Kindergarten Program

Pending Allocations Expected To Be Released
After Initial Allocations
Pending Allocations To Be Determined
Building Your Table of Organization
  • School Organization/Instructional Program
  • Alignment of Resources

The instructional program drives budgeting.
School Organization/Instructional Program
Program Pyramid
Analyze data to assess needs Determine your
goals Develop your instructional programTable
of Organization
Engage your School Support Organization (SSO) in
this process.
Alignment of Resources
ISC Officers and SSO Network Teams will assist
principals in deploying available resources --
budget, staffing, training and scheduling to
deliver on their goals.
Funding Ladder
  • Competitive grants
  • Legislative grants
  • Council Member items
  • Gifts to school

Align Allocation Categories with items in Table
of Organization Level by level 1-2-3-4
TARGETED (TL reimbursable) Contract for
Excellence PK, EGCSR, Title I, Title III, AIDP TL
TL IDEA-Mandated Services TL FSF
Budget Development Paradigm
Funding Ladder
Program Pyramid
  • Competitive grants
  • Legislative grants
  • Council Member items
  • Gifts to school

TARGETED (TL reimbursable) Contract for
Excellence PK, EGCSR, Title I, Title III, AIDP TL
TL IDEA-Mandated Services TL FSF
CRAFT (self-study tool)
  • Context What are the overall strengths and
    weaknesses of my school (based on Quality
    Review, Progress Report and other data)? What
    goals do I have for the coming year?
  • Required What do I need to serve my students at
    a basic level? What commitments has my school
    already made?
  • Account How much money do I have left after
    meeting initial requirements?
  • Focus What needs and priorities remain? What
    people, services and materials would I ideally
    purchase for my school?
  • Trade-offs What are the different ways I can
    meet my needs and priorities given the resources
    I have left to spend?

REFER TO CRAFT on the web http//
Building your T/O Review
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
Galaxy - Budgeting Tool
  • Budget Rollover, FY 08 to FY 09
  • Whats New?
  • Galaxy Checklist
  • (policies and requirements for scheduling

Staffing Rollover
  • During initial schedule development
  • Attributes indicating REQD required must be
    updated with the attribute that best describes
    the service.
  • Additionally, be sure all other attributes are
  • Attributes are utilized in the School Based
    Expenditure Reports (SBER) and numerous ad hoc
    report requests received by DBOR, so it is
    important that this data be correct.

Staff funded in the FY08 ACs below have been
moved to the default AC for FY09
Allocation Category ConversionsStaff in FY08
were rolled into AC noted for FY09
ASA Additional Spending Authority
  • Staff Funded with ASA in FY 08
  • Staff funded with ASA, including those in the
    Removals section (Hold Harmless funding), will be
    moved back onto the T/O, in the default funding.
  • Prior Year HH will appear in the program
    field where applicable.
  • Only staff with the reason Reassigned Pending
    Investigation will be rolled over in the
    Removals section (ASA-Hold Harmless funding)

FY 08
ASA Additional Spending Authority
  • ASA in FY 09
  • ASA-Register Growth If the school expects a
    higher register
  • than projected, the principal may request
    ASA - a loan,
  • to be repaid at the time of the midyear
  • ASA Anticipated Allocations and Competitive
  • (for grants, based on grant award letters
    from the fund source)
  • Pending receipt of the funds, the school may
    request ASA a loan,
  • to be repaid at the time the funds are available
    in Galaxy.
  • ASA Hold Harmless/Removals Pending
    actual removal of
  • individuals from payroll, due to certain
    types of personnel actions, the school may
    request ASA-HH funding by moving the person into
    the Removals section, coded appropriately.
    This should only be done after proper
    documentation has been submitted to HR-Connect
    (leaves of absence) or ISC e.g., pending
    transfer, leave of absence, retirement,

FY 09
Galaxy Budgeting Tool
Whats New?
  • T/O Report

TO Report
  • A new report is available on the myGalaxy Print
    menu, which enables a download of the Galaxy T/O
    into an Excel spreadsheet.

Galaxy Budgeting Tool - Review
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
Galaxy Checklist
Galaxy Checklist
  • A. School Organization/Payroll
  • Rollover T/O Have you selected an appropriate
    A/C for all persons on the rollover T/O who will
    remain in your school?
  • Returning Staff Leaves of Absence (LWOP) ---
    Have you created positions for staff returning
    from leaves of absence? Have you entered the
    SSNs of the persons returning in their designated
  • IEP-driven Services Have you identified the
    position entitlements for IEP-driven services
    (IEP paras, guidance counselors, speech, etc.)?
    Have you entered, for each IEP para position, the
    OSIS number of the student assigned to the para?
  • Removals Have you placed personnel listed on
    the rollover T/O, who will not be in your school
    in the Removals section? You must indicate a
    reason and effective date.

  • Requirements Applicable to Specific A/C
  • TL FSF --- OTPS/School Leadership Team Are
    funds scheduled in Non-Contractual Services to
    cover SLT stipends (300/SLT member)?
  • TL FSF/Special Education Have you scheduled
    all positions and OTPS required for special
    education classes (self-contained, collaborative
    team teaching? SETSS?
  • Title I Category
  • 1 --- Parent Involvement Have you scheduled
    the funds in either non-contractual services
    and/or per session?
  • 10 --- Professional Development Is the
    required amount scheduled?
  • 5 --- Highly Qualified (HQ) Is the required
    amount scheduled?
  • Pre-formatted program descriptions are now
    required and have been added to the program
    field. Free-form entries are no longer
  • TL FSF/ELL Have you scheduled all positions and
    OTPS required for delivery of mandated ELL
    services to eligible students?

  • C. Operational Requirements
  • Per Diem Activities Are sufficient funds
    scheduled to cover absence -- per diem teacher
    prep period coverage (recommended 8 days per
    classroom cluster/quota teacher) per diem
    paraprofessional --- recommended 8 days/para.
  • Principal Per Session Are sufficient funds
    scheduled for per session service anticipated
    specifically for the principal (distinct line
    title code)?
  • CAP 400 hours
  • Rolled Open Encumbrances After reviewing open
    items, have you cancelled orders that will not be
    received by June 30th? For orders received, have
    you certified delivery on-line?
  • School Support Organization (SSO) Have you set
    aside the appropriate amount to pay for your
    selected SSO Use the Set-aside for SSO title.
  • Hourly Staff Schedule Confirmation Have you
    reviewed all hourly staff, including school
    aides, family workers, school health service
    aides and/or hourly clerical staff, to ensure the
    correct schedule ( hours/week) is reflected in
    the Personnel Details window?

  • Completeness
  • Attributes Have you selected the appropriate
    attributes (organization category, assignment,
    program, etc.) for all of the personnel on the
    rollover T/O and entered information for all
    blank and REQD attributes?
  • All Scheduled Have you checked the A/C
    Totals to ensure that all funds are scheduled and
    you do not have any negative balances?
  • Comments For reimbursable line items, have you
    entered information in the Comments field to
    support generation of the FS-10 and ensure that
    expenditures conform to legislation and
    established fund source guidelines?

  • Review Process
  • School Leadership Team (SLT) Have you reviewed,
    with your School Leadership Team, the alignment
    of budget with the CEP?
  • The ISC will use the Galaxy Checklist as a tool
    to facilitate collaborative review of school
    budgets with principals.
  • The ISC will generate copies of the final school
    budgets from Galaxy for review/sign-off by the
    Community and HS Superintendents, in accordance
    with State Law.

Galaxy ChecklistReview
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
Human Resources Staffing
  • Leave Tracking System
  • Filling Vacancies
  • Excessing Staff
  • Absence Teacher Reserve

  • New Leaves of Absence/HR Connect
  • Filling Vacancies
  • Returns from Leave
  • Transfers In Open Market Transfer System (OMTS)
  • New Hires New Candidate Finder Tool

Filling Vacancies Returns from Leave
What is the Leaves Tracking System (LTS)?
  • Tracks employees intentions upon expiration of
    their leave
  • Helps schools, in consultation with ISCs, to make
    budgeting and hiring decisions for the coming
    school year

LTS Support
  • If an employee is having trouble accessing the
    LTS, they can call HR Connect for assistance at
    (718) 935-4000
  • Payroll Secretaries should email if they need a user
    account to access LTS.
  • Include
  • a. First and last name
  • b. School location
  • c. File number
  • d. Request for access to LTS

Open Market Transfer System Overview
  • Open Market is a tool to help you identify
    current persons with UFT titles interested in
    transferring to your school.
  • Includes those in excess and on leave.
  • Candidates may apply to specific vacancies or to
    particular schools.
  • Vacancies are created in Galaxy --- automatically
    feed to OMTS.
  • Schools should enter additional information in
    OMTS, further
  • describing positions to candidates.
  • OMTS displays a candidates probation status,
    seniority, salary, rating info (past 3 yrs.),
    service history, license cert info, etc.
  • Opened April 10th closes August 7th COB.

OMTS Process
  • OMTS helps you identify candidates you would like
    to interview and hire.
  • If you decide to extend an offer to candidate,
    you must finalize the transfer through Galaxy.
  • Be sure you and the candidate sign the contract
    generated by Galaxy.
  • Once you have the contract signed, enter the
    candidates name and SSN into your schools Table
    of Organization.
  • An e-mail will be generated to the current
    principal informing that the particular teacher
    has transferred from their school.
  • Be sure to get feedback from the current
    principal on the candidates performance!

NEW HIRES There are many ways DHRs Teacher
Recruitment Quality Office (TRQ) can support
principals in identifying new teachers to fill
vacancies at their school.
  • TRQ hiring support services include
  • Newly Restructured Networking and Career Fairs
  • June 3rd- Bronx Fair (all subject, all grades)
  • June 12th- Citywide (secondary subjects)
  • June 19th- Citywide (elementary subjects)
  • July and August fairs to be scheduled soon.
  • Direct Referrals of New Teacher Candidates
  • Through TRQ and HR Partners
  • Professional Development Sessions and Resources
  • Webcasts, customized assistance, and resources on
    Principals Portal
  • The New Teacher Finder
  • For more information Contact TRQ Hiring
    Support at (718) 935-4080.

What Is the New Teacher Finder?
  • Easy to use on-line system developed to help
    principals easily identify pre-screened,
    prospective teachers who have expressed serious
    interest in and commitment to working in a NYC
    public school.
  • Accessible by Principals, Human Resource Partners
    and School Support Organizations.
  • Functions of the New Teacher Finder-
  • Use advanced search criteria to find candidates
  • Sell your school
  • Create Requests for Applications
  • View interested candidates and potential matches
  • The New Teacher Finder link can be found at on
    the Principals Portal or at http//nyc.teacherssu
  • Initial username and password are LAN ID (eg,
    jsmith99). You will be asked to change your
    password the first time you log on.
  • Speech Therapists, Guidance Counselors, School
    Social Workers, School Psychologists, School
    Secretaries, Attendance Teachers, and Lab
    Specialists can also be recruited through the New
    Teacher Finder.

Excessing Staff
  • When excessing staff, select the least senior
    within license and place in
  • the EXCESS SECTION properly coded as to reason.
  • Grade loss or reconfiguration (must be confirmed
  • Grant or Program ending or reduction (only if not
    foreseeable must be confirmed by ISC)
  • Register loss (must be at least 5 percent to be
    considered for central funding)
  • Mandated position no longer required (must be
    confirmed by ISC)
  • Schools should not use any excess reason prefaced
    by the letters ISC. Those are for
  • ISC use only.
  • Excess staff will remain on and be funded from
    the school's budget until
  • placed. Guidelines have been established to
    govern the granting of ASA-
  • CFES (Centrally Funded Excess Staff) only under
    strict conditions related to the
  • reasons listed above. Pursuant to these
    guidelines, a school may request that
  • an excess position (coded in one of the first
    four reasons above) be considered
  • for ASA-CFES and a decision will be rendered.
  • Excess staff in the Excess Section for whom the
    first four reasons do not
  • apply must be coded as Self-Funded Excess.

Absence Teacher Reserve (ATR)
  • CFE-funded excess staff in the ATR locations
    (ATRs) were reviewed by ISC/HR staff and a
    determination was made for each person as
  • Remain in ATR location
  • Revert back to school (if still open)
  • Move to another location due to
  • Person being hired
  • Correction of data error
  • Those CFE- funded excessed staff reverted back
    onto the schools FY09 T/O must be evaluated
    again against funding, seniority and
  • program needs and, if appropriate, placed in
    Excess again.

Role of the ISC
  • Your ISC can help you
  • Create vacancies in Galaxy (ISC Officer).
  • Navigate OMTS system resolve any issues you may
    have (HR Partner).
  • Identify screen qualified candidates who have
    applied to your school (HR Partner).
  • Understand the excessing rules (HR Partner).
  • Answer any additional questions.

HR - StaffingReview
Test Your Knowledge
Responses to Your Questions
April 10 Open Market Transfer System (OMTS)
opens. May 22nd DBOR releases FY 09 initial
school budget allocations. May Schedule
Budget/Staffing consultations through ISC
Officer. The ISC team will participate ISC
Rep, HR Partner, Payroll Support. Continuously
Transmit to ISC Payroll Support- forms for all
planned removals (resignations, retirements,
terminations, etc.) promptly after entry of
removals in Galaxy. May - June Budget
Entry/Finalization ISC Teams continuously review
consult with the Principal to assist in
finalizing the budget in Galaxy in according
with scheduling guidelines. The ISC teams with
work with the Senior Grants Officer (SGO) to
verify that all reimbursably funded items are
consistent with the associated services
described in the CEP and the underlying
guidelines of the reimbursable fund source. May
12-19 CEP template is released to schools and
Timeline (Continued)
  • May 19 June 9 CEP training for SLTs
  • May 19 July 19 CEP planning process
  • May 19 June 27 C4E Planning Process - to
    include SLT consultation, as well
    as collaboration with SSOs and ISCs
  • June 27 School Preliminary C4E plans are due
    --- electronic submission
  • Late June FY 09 School Budgets are finalized -
    All Allocation Categories are scheduled fully
    and the Galaxy Checklist is complete. Be sure
    removals, excesses, and vacancies are up to
  • June 30th Community and HS Superintendents
    review and sign off on school budgets.
  • August 7 Open Market Transfer System (OMTS)
  • August 8 Open Excess Staff Selection System

DOE Web Resources
Materials and tools to help you understand your
budget and make the most of your available
resources. http//
  • The Resource Guide To School Budgets This guide
    is a comprehensive overview of the DOE budget and
    schools budgets, with a focus on how FSF and C4E
    dollars are allocated and can be spent.
  • CRAFT Budgeting Tool This is a method of
    budgeting designed to help you align your
    schools instructional goals and action plan with
    your budget development process. This tool first
    gives a framework for how best to prepare for
    your budgeting process and then gives a framework
    for how to budget within the constraints or
    funding categories and still make sure your
    budgeting choices further your goals and
    underscore your action plan.

DOE Web Resources
Several views of your schools budget on line.
  • The School Budget Overview
  • Detail on each schools 2007-08 funding streams,
    FSF formula entitlement level for 2008- 09 and
    preliminary actual 2008-09 budget, including how
    the different reduction scenarios affect each
    schools budget in 2008-09. From this page, you
    can also find your FSF Formula Overview, which
    gives detail on each schools 2008-09 FSF formula
    entitlement and how a school is moving from its
    2007-08 FSF allocation to its 2008-09 allocation,
    including information on the change in number
    and need level of students and the change in
    weight amounts due to collective bargaining
    salary increases.
  • Teacher Salary Calculation Information This
    database will be available on the Principals
    Portal soon. It will show your schools FY08 and
    FY09 school-wide average salary calculations so
    that you can better understand what is driving
    your teacher costs. You will also be able to see
    which teachers are receiving the Legacy Teacher
    Supplement and how your purchasing power is
    changing with your schools staffing changes.
  • FY 08 and FY09 Funding Stream Comparison
    m. This Web site will give each schools total
    amount allocated by funding stream for FY08 and
    FY09 so that you can see the year to year

DOE Web Resources
  • Division of Budget Operations Review (DBOR)
  • http//
  • DBOR Intra-net website
  • http//
  • Division of Financial Operations Payroll
  • http//
  • Division of Human Resources Salary Schedules
  • http//

Your SSO and ISC teams are ready to support you.
  • Primary Contact Your ISC Officer
  • Your ISC Officer will provide ongoing guidance
    support in the Budget Development Process.
  • Budget/Staffing consultations with the ISC
    officer and HR Partner will be scheduled at your
  • At the ISC
  • At your school --- upon request, subject to
  • Bring FY 08 Table of Organization
  • FY 09 Organization/Staffing Plan
  • Educational Goals/Instructional

Webcast Evaluation
  • Thank you for participating in our Webcast.

Updated 5-28-08
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