World War 2 and it’s Aftermath - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War 2 and it’s Aftermath


World War 2 and it s Aftermath Chapter 31 Setting the Scene In 1930 s Dictators from Spain, Germany, Italy and Japanese militarists pursued ambitious goals for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War 2 and it’s Aftermath

World War 2 and its Aftermath
  • Chapter 31

Setting the Scene
  • In 1930s Dictators from Spain, Germany, Italy
    and Japanese militarists pursued ambitious goals
    for the empire.
  • Westerners on the other hand were tired and
    against war.
  • Voters demanded no more war. U.S. , Britain,
    and France tried to use diplomacy to avoid
    conflict and war.

Dictators Challenge World Peace
  • People strongly believed the peace policies In
    that were in affect would work.

Japan on the Move
  • Japanese military leaders and ultranationalists
    thought that Japan should have an empire equal to
    those of the western powers.

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
  • In the face of what appeared to be democratic
    struggle and weakness , Germany, Italy, and Japan
    formed the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
  • This was intended to fight the Soviet communism
    and agreed to not interfere in the expansion of
    each others empires. This was to later fuel the
    war against democracy.

Spanish Civil War
  • Although the Spanish war was a local war, It will
    later draw Europeans into the Fighting.

  • In the 1920s Spain had a diverse class system.
    It was ruled mainly by a monarchy and landowning
    upper class. But like most countries with this
    system, the majority of the people were peasants.
  • The peasants of Spain decided to revolt, the King
    fled and then the people of Spain set up a

  • A General named Francisco Franco led a reform
    that sparked a Civil war. He wanted to restore
    Spain to the way it was before, a monarchy.
  • Since the Axis countries were all ruled by a
    fascist or nationalist government. They wanted
    Spain's monarchy to return to power. Either to
    help their cause or to prevent another democracy
    popping up to oppose them.

German Aggression Continues
  • Hitler the dictator of Germany instated the
    Anschluss, or the joining between Germany and
  • Just before that Hitler forced the leader of
    Austria to appoint Nazis into high ranking
    political positions.

  • Next country on Germanys mind was Czechoslovakia
  • First Hitler pleaded that three million Germans
    in the Sudetenland, a region in western
  • This was one of the last 2 democracies in Eastern
  • France and England didnt think it was worth
    going to war over to save it . You will begin to
    see inactivity like this grow throughout the war,
    along with the death toll.

  • In the Munich conference in 1938, Britain and
    France persuaded Czechs to surrender the land
    without a fight with the assurance of Hitler that
    he would invade no more land.

Europe Plunges Toward War
  • In 1939 Hitler had overtaken all of
  • They vowed to protect Poland, Hitler's next most
    probable target.

Nazi-Soviet Pact
  • In August 1939 Hitler surprisingly announced a
    nonaggression pact with Joseph Stalin and the
    Soviet Union.
  • They agreed to not fight the other if they went
    to war and to split up Poland and Eastern Europe
    between them.

  • A week after the pact was signed Germany invaded
  • Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • All the countries stood still to see what would
    happen as the largest war in Europe unfolded.

Setting The Scene
  • Hitler will collapse the day we declare war on
    Germany for tolled a French General on the eve
    of WWll.

Early Axis Gains
  • Germany unleashed its full potential of its
    military September 1, 1939 Nazi forces stormed
    into Poland. German planes bombed everything.
    Their screaming dive bombers took out civilians
    and troops.
  • Within a month Poland no longer existed on the
    map of Europe.
  • Through the winter there was not much further
    action from Hitler . Soviets however made small
    advancements taking small countries like
    Lithuania and a few others.

France Falls
  • German forces poured into France. Mainly towards
    Paris. Italy declared war on France and attacked
    from the south. Hitler forced France to sign the
    surrender documents in the same railroad car
    which Germany had signed the armistice ending
    World War 1.

The Battle of Britain and the Blitz
  • France fell in June 1940 leaving Britain standing
  • Hitler assumed that Churchill, the prime minister
    of Britain, would surrender now. Churchill a
    rival of Nazis refused and vowed to stand strong.

The London Blitz
  • Beginning on August 12 1940, German Bombers began
    a daily bombing of England's southern coast. The
    British air force fought almost successfully
    .(operation Sea Lion)
  • Because of this the Germans changed their
    strategy. Every night they send massive carpet
    bombings over important capitals of which
    including London. The bombing lasted 57 nights
    and killed 15,000 civilians.

The First and Costliest Mistake
  • The London Blitz was a Failure.
  • Hitler stopped his attacks on Britain and
    launched them on the Soviet Union, their ally and
    soon to be former ally.
  • This gave Britain time to recover and served as
    the most sever mistake Hitler will make in his
    war efforts.

Operation Barbarossa
  • June 1941, Hitler begins his attempt to conquest
    Soviet Union.

The German Advance
  • German troops poured into the Soviet and caught
    Stalin off guard.
  • Soviet retreated inward, and burned all homes,
    farm equipment, and poured salt on farms leaving
    nothing for advancing Germans.

American Involvement Grows
  • When the war Began in 1939 The United Stated
    declared its neutrality.
  • American held a ban on Japanese war materials
    which anger Japan.
  • Japan and the United States held talks to reduce

Attack on Pearl Harbor
  • December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes damaged or
    destroyed 10 ships, smashed American planes on
    the ground and killed more than 2,400 people.

Jews and Concentration Camps
  • Hitler considered races other than Aryan to be
  • Especially the Jews . He made death camps for the
    final solution to the Jew problem.

The Allied War Effort
  • The Big Three met periodically ( Roosevelt,
    Churchill, and Stalin) they all agreed to finish
    the war in Europe then move to Asia.

Total War
  • Like the Axis powers, the Allies were determined
    to instrument total war.
  • The United States told factories to halt
    refrigerators and cars but instead to make tanks
    and planes.
  • This also helped provide jobs for people who
    struggled during the depression.

Invasion of Italy
  • After victory in North Africa the Allies leapt
    over the Mediterranean and invaded Italy.

Invasion of France
  • France at this time was under German control. So
    the Allies had to get it back as their first step
    to conquering the axis powers.
  • They chose June 6,1944 to begin doing just that.
    The day will that is called D-day . The United
    States landed paratrooper soldiers in at night
    then the next day landed troop crawlers on the
    shore from the English channel. The troops had to
    fight through machine gun fire all the way to

War In the Pacific
  • While the Allies focused their strength on
    Europe, Japan thrived conquering most of Asia and
    many island completely uncontested. By the time
    Allies took control of most of Europe, Japan had
    a huge empire in Asia.
  • Most of the battles were fought on islands or on
    the sea. There weren't that many infantry battles
    but all airplanes and ships.

  • By mid 1945 most of Japans forces have been
  • Yet Japan still had an army of 2 million men.
  • Refugee and other scientists developed a new
    weapon, the Atom bomb.
  • When compared to infantry to infantry battles
    this new weapon became more appealing as
    President Harry Truman was informed about this

  • Truman warned Japan to surrender or face utter
    and complete destruction.
  • On August 6,1945 an American plane dropped and
    atomic bomb on the mid-sized city of Hiroshima.
  • It instantly killed more than 70,000 people . Not
    even counting the nuclear radiation that killed
    thousands more in later years.

  • Japanese still didnt surrender and the United
    States dropped another atomic bomb on the city of
    Nagasaki. Killing more than 40,000.
  • Finally on August 10 emperor Hirohito forced his
    country to surrender.

Regent Question 1
  • 33)The Japanese, the Germans, and the Italians
    pursued a policy of expansionism, before World
    War ll to gain
  • 1natural rescources
  • 2warm water ports
  • 3Manufacturing plants
  • 4freedom of the seas

Regents Question 1 ANSWER
  • 1

Regents Question 2
  • 34)Which Statement is most accurate concerning
    the effect of geography on the history of Poland?
  • 1natural barriers have isolated and protected
  • 2the northern European plain has made Poland
    vulnerable to invasion
  • 3Mountains have restricted the diffusion of
    Polish culture.
  • 4The absence of seaports has limited Polish
    economic growth

Regents question 2 ANSWER
  • 2

Regents question 3
  • 35)The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and
    Hitlers rebuilding of the German military in
    1935 demonstrate the
  • 1success of defensive alliances
  • 2fear of communist expansion
  • 3support for the Treaty of Versailles
  • 4failure of the League of Nations

Regents question 3 ANSWER
  • 4

Regents question 4
  • 36)Which action illustrates the concept of
  • 1the British negotiating peace with Adolf Hitler
    during the 1938 Munich Conference
  • 2Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signing a
    nonaggression pact in 1939
  • 3the Nazi armies eliminating the Jews and other
    groups as part of Adolf Hitlers Final Solution
  • 4German generals plotting against Adolf Hitler

Regents question 4 ANSWER
  • 3

Regents question 5
  • 39)The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to
  • 1restore Japanese economic development
  • 2provide military aid to Middle Easter allies
  • 3assure nationalist success in the Chinese civil
  • 4provide for economic recovery in Western Europe

Regents question 5 ANSWER
  • 4

  • ALL Questions from January 2003 REGENTS
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