Title: The Changing American Society: Values Changes in American
The Changing American Society Values
2Changes in American Cultural Values
Cultural values are widely held beliefs that
affirm what is desirable. Observable shifts in
behavior, including consumption behavior, often
reflect underlying shifts in cultural
values. Therefore, it is necessary to understand
the underlying value shifts in order to
understand current and future consumer behavior.
3Changes in American Cultural Values
- Self-Oriented Values
- Environment-Oriented Values
- Other-Oriented Values
4Changes in American Cultural Values
Reflect a societys view of the appropriate
relationships between individuals and groups
within that society.
5Changes in American Cultural Values
Self-Oriented Values
- Religious/Secular
- Sensual Gratification/Abstinence
- Postponed/Immediate Gratification
- Hard work/Leisure
- Material/Nonmaterial
- Active/Passive
6Environment-Oriented Values
- Cleanliness
- Traditionally Americans have valued cleanliness
- Americans are getting messier, especially in
their homes, but that doesnt mean they like it
(most likely due to a poverty of time) - Great marketing opportunities for products that
help meet this cleanliness need
7Environment-Oriented Values Contd
- Tradition/Change
- Traditionally Americans have always been
receptive to change. - Often associate new with improved
- Americans still receptive to change, but are less
receptive to change just for changes sake - American population continues to get older on
average and as people age they become less
receptive to change as a general rule
8Environment-Oriented Values Contd
- Risk Taking/Security
- Americans have always valued risk taking, but in
the 1930s through the mid 1980s there was a
trend for security due to fears spawned from the
Great Depression, WW2 and the Cold War - Today risk-taking is highly valued by many
entrepreneurs and investors looking to them for
new opportunites
9Environment-Oriented Values Contd
- Problem Solving/Fatalistic
- Americans have always had a strong problem
solving attitude - Most believe that given enough time and effort
most any problem can be solved - (ex. most believe that the economy can be grown
while improving the environment)
10Environment-Oriented Values Contd
- Admire/Overcome Nature
- Traditionally Americans have viewed nature as an
obstacle, something to overcome - While the number of people who say they are
environmentalist has gone down, this may be due
to some of the negative stigma tied to the word
and the movement - However, statistics show that people have become
increasingly environmentally aware and are
changing some purchasing and consumption habits
(pg. 90)
11Environment-Oriented Values Contd
- Performance/Status
- Americans are shifting back their focus on
performance over status brands - While Americans are still willing to purchase
status brands they must provide style and
functionality in addition to the prestige of the
12Changes in American Cultural Values
Reflect a societys view of the appropriate
relationships between individuals and groups
within that society.
13Changes in American Cultural Values
Other-Oriented Values
- Individual/Collective
- Diversity/Uniformity
- Limited/Extended
- Youth/Age
- Competition/Cooperation
- Masculine/Feminine
14- As Americans we are a highly individualistic
society - doing your own thing
15- Americans are becoming more diverse every day
- Global economic success
- Physical separation of traditional family members
- Lack of socializing with extended family
17- American culture is youth based
- Changing as baby boomers come of age
18- Competitive society
- Individually or as teams
19- Traditionally masculine
- This orientation is changing, as are gender roles