Title: The Age of Supranational Corporations
1- The Age of Supranational Corporations
- Feel the Force
- "GM can buy the State of Delaware, if DuPont
allows." Which Bill is more powerful, Clinton
or Gates? - Which George is more powerful, Bush or Soros?
- Explosion of stockholding corporations in the
past century/millennium - From Mahona of Genoa in
the 11th century to supranationals of the 21st. - Economic power of world's top 200 firms over
30 of world economy - US has about 3 million stock corporations
(including over 60,000 computer-related
companies). - 50 of US population generates basic income from
corporations. - Mitsubishi Group gt S. Korea, Citi Group gt
India, MS gt Holland, Wal Mart gt Turkey,
- 51 of the world's 100 largest economies
2- ATT has over 1 billion shares held by over 3
million shareholders. - Yahoo! has over 300 million users worldwide.
- PG's worldwide customers more than 4 billion
- Motorola has over 70,000 patents (getting 3 a
day on average). - MS annually spends 3 bil. on its RD only.
- Sony has over 1,000 subsidiaries all over the
world. - McDonald's has over 30,000 restaurants.
- IBM's international business accounts for 70 of
its total business. - Today, corporate products reach a greater
number of people and corporate activities have
greater influence upon the economy and society. - From 3M to Microsoft, it is the corporation
that advances our technology, innovation, and
productivity. - Equally important, it is the corporation that
shapes the global culture. IBM computers, MS
softwares, Toyota cars, McDonald's burgers,
Coca-Cola drinks, Disney cartoons, Nike shoes,
Harley bikes, Nokia cell phones...
3Global Market - A New Leviathan Sheer size of
global markets - 33 tril. Equity Market
(1999-end) - 20 tril. Debt Market - 1
tril./day Foreign Exchange Market - 30-100
tril. Derivatives Market Also rapidly growing
are global cyber markets linked through internet,
intranet, extranet, infranet, cybernet, ... Every
second, three new computers are connected to
Internet ? E-commerce! The market will be more
integrated and gradually governed by the global
standards of the new borderless business. -
Global supercurrency system (dollarization or
'euro') - Global single interest rate
mechanism - Global single listing of
securities - Global unified accounting system
- Global management philosophy
4Implications Being assimilated and homogenized
by these global products on the one hand, the
world is also uncovering more about its diversity
through global business activities on the
other. -gt Need to take a crosscultural
perspective Corporations and their leaders
wield increasingly greater power and influence,
politically, economically, socially, culturally,
and otherwise. Corporations increasingly
dictate government policies, such as taxation,
government spending/borrowing, labor,
unemployment, welfare system, interest rates,
banking, elections, environmental concerns,...
National gt International/Transnational/Multinatio
nal gt Supranational! Potential for further
growth of the corporate world is unlimited. -
Small governments, privatization, liberalization,
deregulation, - Advancement of technology and
science - venturing enterprises - Dividends from
the Cold War victory of the market economy -
Growth through MA's, takeovers, and other
restructurings - Integration of economies -
EC/NAFTA/MERCOSUR/ASEAN - Growth potential of
latent markets in China, Russia, India, Brazil,
and African nations
5Dark side of global markets - Increasing
riskiness in the form of natural volatility as
well as artificial volatility - Continuous
introduction of sophisticated products, devices,
tools, mechanisms, methodologies, and strategies
involving high-level mathematics, physics, ... -
neural network, genetic algorithm, data
visualization technique, chaos theory, ergodic
theory, ... - Exchange of different cultural
perspectives will necessitate a renewed infusion
of softer knowledge in psychology, sociology,
philosophy, history, and other behavioral
sciences. - Heightening competition at all levels
which will include the competition between
corporations and sovereign nations. Yet, the
inclusiveness of the global market will prohibit
any global-scale business or economy from opting
out of the system. - No choice but to follow the
rules of the global system. ? A New Symbiotic
Business Paradigm and World Order?!