Title: Tujuan dari Respirasi
1Tujuan dari Respirasi
adalah untuk menyediakan oksigen bagi seluruh
jaringan tubuh dan membuang karbon dioksida ke
- Udara masuk disaring, dihangatkan dan
dilembabkan oleh mukosa respirasi. - Partikel kasar disaring oleh rambut hidung.
- halus terjerat dalam lapisan mukus.
- Udara masuk faring bebas debu, suhu sebanding
suhu tubuh, kelembaban hampir 100
3Rongga torax
- Paru adalah organ elastis terletak pada rongga
dada/torax. - Paru dilapisi oleh lapisan tipis kontinu yg
mengandung kolagen jar elastis yg disebut
PLEURA - Pleura Parietalis melapisi rongga dada sedang
Pleura viseralis melapisi paru . - Rongga pleura ruangan yg memisahkan pleura
parietalis viseralis - Cairan pleura lapisan tipis antara pleura
parietalis dg viseralis berfungsi memudahkan
kedua permukaan tersebut bergerak selama
pernapasan untuk mencegah pemisahan torax
paru. - Tekanan rongga pleura lt tekanan atmosfer untuk
mencegah kolaps paru.
4Rongga torax
- 3 faktor yg mempertahankan tekanan negatif
intrapleura normal - Jaringan elastis paru memberikan kekuatan kontinu
yg cenderung menarik paru menjauh dr rangka
torax. - Kekuatan osmotik yg terdapat di seluruh membran
pleura. - Kekuatan pompa limfatik.
- Diafragma otot berbentuk kubah yg membentuk
dasar rongga torax memisahkan rongga tersebut
dari rongga abdomen.
5Anatomi Saluran Pernapasan
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7Anatomi Saluran Pernapasan
- Terdapat 2 tipe sel alveolar
- Pneumosit tipe I lap tipis menyebar menutupi gt
90 daerah permukaan. - Pneumosit tipe II tanggung jawab pada sekresi
surfaktan. - Alveolus suatu gelembung gas yang dikelilingi
oleh jaringan kapiler batas antara cairan
gas membentuk tegangan muka yang cenderung
mencegah pengembangan saat inspirasi cenderung
kolaps saat ekspirasi. - Alveolus dilapisi zat lipoprotein (surfaktan)
dapat mengurangi tengangan permukaan resistensi
saat inspirasi mencegah kolaps alveolus
Bronchopulmonary segments Lobules Alveolar wall
cell types
respiratory bronchiole
terminal bronchiole
pulmonary artery branch
alveolar sac
- Pembentukan pengeluaran surfaktan oleh
pneumosit tipe II disintesis secara cepat dari
asam lemak yang diekstraksi dari darah, dg
kecepatan pergantian yg cepat. Bila aliran darah
ke paru terganggu (emboli) akibatnya jumlah
surfaktan pada daerah tersebut berkurang. - Produksi surfaktan dirangsang oleh ventilasi
aktif, volume tidal yg memadai, hiperventilasi
periodik (cepat dalam) yg dicegah oleh kons O2
yang tinggi (inspirasi). - Pemberian O2 kons tinggi jangka lama (pasien dg
ventilasi mekanik) menurunkan produksi
surfaktan menyebabkan kolaps alveolar.
11Pernafasan terdiri dari 4 proses
- Ventilasi Keluar masuknya udara karena adanya
selisih tekanan yang terdapat antara atmosfer dan
alveolus - Distribusi Pembagian udara ke cabang -cabang
bronkhus - Transportasi dan Difusi
- - Transport O2 dan CO2 dalam darah dan cairan
tubuh ke dan dari sel - - Difusi O2 dan CO2 antara darah dan
alveoliPertukaran gas-gas antara alveoli dan
kapiler dipengaruhi oleh tekanan parsial O2 CO2
dalam atmosfer - Perfusi Aliran darah yang membawa O2 ke jaringan
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Active process Boyles Law
Phrenic nerves (C3-5) Thoracic nerves (T1 T11)
Passive process at rest
elastic recoil surface tension
internal intercostals (11 pairs)
external abdominal oblique
internal abdominal oblique
transversus abdominis
rectus abdominis
760 mmHg
762 mmHg
18Perubahan diafragma saat inspirasi ekspirasi
19Otot Pernapasan
Compliance is the ease with which the lungs and
thoracic wall can be expanded during inspiration.
Related to two factors
elasticity surface tension
Compliance is decreased with any condition that
destroys lung tissue (emphysema) fills lungs with
fluid (pneumonia) produces surfactant deficiency
(premature birth, near-drowning) interferes with
lung expansion (pneumothorax)
maximum inspiration
6000 ml
5000 ml
4000 ml
3000 ml
2000 ml
1000 ml
maximum expiration
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23Kontrol Pernapasan
- Otot pernapasan diatur oleh neuron reseptor
pada pons medula oblongata. - Faktor utama pengaturan pernapasan respon dari
pusat kemoreseptor dalam pusat pernapasan
terhadap tekanan persial CO2 dan pH darah arteri
24Kontrol Pernapasan
- Persarafan parasimpatis/ kolinergik (mll nervus
fagus) menyebabkan kontraksi otot polos bronkus
shg menyebabkan bronkokonstriksi peningkatan
sekresi kel mukosa sel goblet. - Rangsangan simpatis ditimbulkan epinefrin mll
reseptor adrenergik-beta2 menyebabkan relaksasi
otot polos bronkus, bronkodilatasi,
berkurangnya sekresi bronkus. - Sistem saraf nonkolinergik non adrenergik (NANC)
melibatkan berbagai mediator seperti ATP, oksida
nitrat, substance P, dan VIP (vasoactive
intestinal peptide) respon penghambatan, meliputi
bronkodilatasi, dan diduga berfungsi sebagai
penyeimbang terhadap fungsi pemicuan oleh sistem
25Kontrol Pernapasan
26Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Disease
- Dyspnea subjective sensation of uncomfortable
breathing, feeling short of breath - Ranges from mild discomfort after exertion to
extreme difficulty breathing at rest. - Usually caused by diffuse and extensive rather
than focal pulmonary disease.
27Derajat Dyspnea
28Dyspnea cont.
- Due to
- Airway obstruction
- Greater force needed to provide adequate
ventilation - Wheezing sound due to air being forced through
airways narrowed due to constriction or fluid
accumulation - Decreased compliance of lung tissue
29Signs of dyspnea
- Flaring nostrils
- Use of accessory muscles in breathing
- Retraction (pulling back) of intercostal spaces
- Batuk merupakan gejala tersering penyakit
pernapasan - Batuk merupakan reflex pertahanan yang timbul
akibat iritasi percabangan trakeobronkial - Batuk yang berlangsung lebih dari 3 minggu harus
diselidiki untuk memastikan penyebabnya. - Bronkhitis kronik, asma, tubercolosis dan
pneomonia merupakan penyakit yang secara tipikal
memiliki batuk sebagai gejala yang mencolok
31Cough may result from
- Inflammation of lung tissue
- Increased secretion in response to mucosal
irritation - Inhalation of irritants
- Intrinsic source of mucosal disruption such as
tumor invasion of bronchial wall - Excessive blood hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary
capillaries - Pulmonary edema excess fluid passes into airways
32- When cough can raise fluid into pharynx, the
cough is described as a productive cough, and the
fluid is sputum. - Production of bloody sputum is called hemoptysis
- Usually involves only a small amount of blood
loss - Not threatening, but can indicate a serious
pulmonary disease - Tuberculosis, lung abscess, cancer, pulmonary
33- Cough that does not produce sputum is called a
dry, nonproductive or hacking cough. - Acute cough is one that resolves in 2-3 weeks
from onset of illness or treatment of underlying
condition. - Us. caused by URT infections, allergic rhinitis,
acute bronchitis, pneumonia, congestive heart
failure, pulmonary embolus, or aspiration.
34- A chronic cough is one that persists for more
than 3 weeks. - In nonsmokers, almost always due to postnasal
drainage syndrome, asthma, or gastroesophageal
reflux disease - In smokers, chronic bronchitis is the most common
cause, although lung cancer should be considered.
- Pembentukan sputum
- Orang dewasa normal mukus sekitar 100 ml
dalam saluran napas tiap hari Mukus diangkut
menuju faring dengan gerakan pembersihan silia
yang melapisi saluran pernapasan bila mukus
berlebihan proses pembersihan tidak efektif
- mukus tertimbun membran mukosa akan terangsang
mukus dibatukkan keluar sebagai sputum. -
- Sputum yang berwarna kekuning-kuningan
menunjukkan infeksi. - Sputum yang berwarna hijau merupakan petunjuk
penimbunan nanah timbul karena adanya
verdoperoksidase yang dihasilkan oleh
polimorfonuklear (PMN). - Sputum yang berwarna merah muda dan berbusa
merupakan tanda edema paru akut. - Sputum yang berlendir lekat dan warna abu-abu
atau putih merupakan tanda bronkhitis kronik.
Sedangkan sputum yang berbau busuk merupakan
tanda abses paru atau bronkiektasis.
- When blood contains a large amount of
unoxygenated hemoglobin, it has a dark red-blue
color which gives skin a characteristic bluish
appearance. - Most cases arise as a result of peripheral
vasoconstriction result is reduced blood flow,
which allows hemoglobin to give up more of its
oxygen to tissues- peripheral cyanosis. - Best seen in nail beds
- Due to cold environment, anxiety, etc.
38- Central cyanosis can be due to
- Abnormalities of the respiratory membrane
- Mismatch between air flow and blood flow
- Expressed as a ratio of change in ventilation (V)
to perfusion (Q) V/Q ratio - Pulmonary thromboembolus - reduced blood flow
- Airway obstruction reduced ventilation
- In persons with dark skin can be seen in the
whites of the eyes and mucous membranes.
39Jari Tabuh
- Jari tabuh adalah perubahan bentuk normal falang
distal dan kuku tangan dan kaki serta ditandai
dengan - Kehilangan sudut kuku yang normalnya 160 derajat.
- Rasa halus berongga pada dasar kuku.
- Ujung jari menjadi besar.
- jari tabuh berhubungan dengan peyakit paru (TB,
abses paru, atau kanker paru). Penyakit
kardiovaskuler (tetralogi fallot atau
endokarditis infektif) atau penyakit hati kronik
- 2. Hipoksia (O2 yang tidak adekuat dalam tingkat
jaringan) dan Hipoksemia (PaO2 dibawah normal
normal 80-100 mmhg). - Tanda dan gejala hipoksemia dan hipoksia tidak
spesifik dan mencakup takipnea, dispnea, sakit
kepala, pikiran yang bingung, takikardi, dan
sianosis. - 3. Hipokapnia dan hiperkapnia
- Hipokapnia didefinisikan sebagai menurunnya
PaCO2 lt35 mmhg. Penyebab langsung selalu
hiperventilasi alveolar (eliminasi CO2 lebih
cepat daripada produksinya). - Hiperkapnia / asidosis respiratorius merupakan
meningkatnya PaCO2 gt45 mmhg. Penyebab langsung
adalah selalu hipoventilasi alveolar (kegagalan
dalam mengeliminasi CO2 secepat produksinya).
- Originates in pleurae, airways or chest wall
- Inflammation of the parietal pleura causes sharp
or stabbing pain when pleura stretches during
inspiration - Usually localized to an area of the chest wall,
where a pleural friction rub can be heard - Laughing or coughing makes pain worse
- Common with pulmonary infarction due to embolism
42- Inflammation of trachea or bronchi produce a
central chest pain that is pronounced after
coughing - Must be differentiated from cardiac pain
- High blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation
can cause pain during exercise that often
mistaken for cardiac pain (angina pectoris)
43Respiratory Disorders
- Respiratory disorder can be classified into
different group - Respiratory tract infection
- Common cold,Influenza,Pneumonias,T.B
- Disorder of lung inflation
- Pleural pain and pleural effusion
- Obstructive air way disorders
- Bronchial asthma, COPD, Emphysema, Bronchitis
- Pulmonary vascular disorder
- Lung cancer
- Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza.
Gejala yang ditimbulkan antara lain pilek, - hidung tersumbat, bersin- bersin, dan tenggorokan
terasa gatal. Perlu diketahui virus iniselalu
hanya bisa menembus saluran pernafasan atas saja
, sehingga bisa disimpulkansaluran respirasi
yang lebih dalam sangat resisten immun terhadap
virus ini.
45(No Transcript)
- is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways
in which many cells and cellular elements play a
role - In susceptible individuals, this inflammation
causes recurrent episodes of wheezing,
breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing,
particularly at night or in the early morning..
47- Causes and Triggers
- Allergies such as to pollens, mold spores, pet
dander, and dust mites - Infections (colds, viruses, flu, sinus infection)
- Exercise
- Aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID) hypersensitivity, sulfite sensitivity - Use of beta-adrenergic receptor blockers
(including ophthalmic preparations)
- Irritants such as strong odors from perfumes or
cleaning solutions, air pollution, and tobacco
smoke - Weather (changes in temperature and/or humidity,
cold air) - Strong emotions such as anxiety, laughter,
crying, and stress - Industrial triggers (wood, grain dust, cotton
dust, isocyanate containing paints, aluminum,
hair spray, penicillins) - Beta blockers even in form of eye drops
49 Comorbid condition
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Chronic sinusitis or rhinitis
- OSA (obstructive sleep apnoe)
- Obesity
- Alergy bronchopulmonary aspergilosis
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- Asma ekstrinsik (alergik)
- (alergen, spt debu,blu halus, serbuk)
- intrinsik (idiopatik)
- (fak nonspesifik spt flu, latihan fisik,
emosi dapat memicu serangan asma) - campuran
- (Komponen asma instrinsikEkstrinsik)
52Two main pathophysiologic types of asthma
Extrinsic asthma common in children, associated
with a genetic predisposition and is precipitated
by a known allergens. It is related to the
formation of antibody IgE in the body
53Immunological Mechanisms in Respiratory Diseases
54Patofisiologi Asma
55- Intrinsic asthma tend to develop in adulthood,
and symptoms are triggered by non-allergic
factors such as - Viral infection, irritants which cause epithelial
damage and mucosal inflammation - Emotional upset which mediates excess
parasympathetic input - Exercise which causes water ad heat loss from the
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57- Pathophysiology
- Release of inflammatory mediator produce
bronchial smooth muscle spasm - Vascular congestion
- Increase vascular permeability
- Edema formation
- Production of thick tenacious mucus
- Impair mucociliary function
- Thickening of air way wall
- Increase response of bronchial smooth muscle
- Damage epithelium produce hyper responsiveness
and obstruction
58Faktor2 yang mengakibatkan obstruksi ekspirasi
pada asma bronkial. A. Potongan melintang dari
bronkiolus yang mengalami oklusi akibat spasme
otot, mukosa yang membengkak, dan mukus dalam
lumen, B . Potongan memanjang dari bronkiolus
59The mechanism of inflammation in asthma can
be Acute early recruitment of cells to the
airways Subacute resident and recruited cells
are activated to cause a more persistent pattern
of inflammation Chronic cells damage is
persistent and subject to ongoing repair,
permanent change in the airway may occur with
airway remodelling
60Gambaran klinik
- Batuk yang memburuk pada malam hari
- Sesak nafas
- Mengi atau Wheezing (a high-pitched whistling
sound that occurs when exhaling) due to turbulent
airflow through a narrowed airway - nafas pendek tersengal-sengal.
- Produksi sputum meningkat, sulit tidur
- Hambatan pernafasanan reversibel
- Adanya peningkatan gejala pada saat olahraga,
infeksi virus, eksposur terhadap alergen dan
perubahan musim. - Terbangun di malam hari krn gejala seperti di
atas .
- Pulmonary function testing (spirometry) Forced
expiratory volume (FEV) - Methacholine or histamine challenge testing
- Exercise testing
- Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring
62Forced expiratory volume (FEV)
Normal subject
Volume (litres)
Asthma patient
Time (second)
64Drug categories
Bronchodilators Provide symptomatic relief of
bronchospasm due to acute asthma exacerbation
(short-acting agents) or long-term control of
symptoms (long-acting agents)
Leukotriene receptor antagonists Direct
antagonist of mediators responsible for airway
inflammation in asthma
Corticosteroids Highly potent agents that are
the primary choice for treatment of chronic
asthma and prevention of acute asthma
exacerbations. Numerous inhaled corticosteroids
are used for asthma and include beclomethasone
(Beclovent, Vanceril), budesonide (Pulmicort
Turbuhaler), flunisolide (AeroBid), fluticasone
(Flovent), and triamcinolone (Azmacort).
65Mast cell stabilizers Prevent the release of
mediators from mast cells, which results in
airway inflammation and bronchospasm. Indicated
for maintenance therapy of mild-to-moderate
asthma or prophylaxis for EIA
5-Lipoxygenase inhibitors Inhibit the
formation of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes activate
receptors that may be responsible for events
leading to the pathophysiology of asthma,
including airway edema, smooth muscle
constriction, and altered cellular activity
associated with inflammatory reactions
66Three Steps of Asthma Treatment Step 1 -
Control bronchospasm with short- acting b2
agonists or long-acting salmeterol Step 2 -
Control inflammation with inhaled corticosteroids
or leukotriene antagonist Step 3 - Control
severe exacerbation with oral corticosteroids
67Step 1 Is to control bronchospasm with inhaled
b2 agonists. Short-acting b2agonists are
appropriate for patients with mild, intermittent
asthma who do not require daily maintenance
therapy. Inhaled b2 agonists are effective, work
quickly within 2 to 3 minutes and provide acute
relief for up to 4 to 6 hours Remember that
short-acting b2 agonists are indicated for use as
rescue bronchodilators during acute attacks of
68When daily maintenance therapy is needed for more
persistent symptoms, the long-acting b2 agonist
salmeterol is an excellent and effective choice
in treatment Salmeterol can be taken once or
twice a day as an inhaled bronchodilator The
bronchodilating action of salmeterol is delayed
in onset (20-30 minutes) but frequently lasts 8
to 12 hours when taken properly.
69Step 2 Is to control inflammation when there is
evidence of persistent or frequently recurring
symptoms with inhaled corticosteroids or
leukotriene antagonists, or the non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agents cromolyn sodium or
nedocromil sodium This is maintenance
anti-inflammatory therapy without any direct
bronchodilator effect.
70Inhaled corticosteroids and oral corticosteroids
are used to control inflammation in asthma
Corticosteroids prevent the migration of
inflammatory cells and increase the
responsiveness of airway b2 receptors Corticostero
ids have been shown to reduce acute bronchial
hyperresponsiveness to irritants and may
chronically blunt the early airway response to
irritants with continued use The new inhaled
corticosteroid, fluticasone propionate, appears
to possess a higher potency than other inhaled
corticosteroids. Like other inhaled
corticosteroids, fluticasone is indicated for the
maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactic
therapy Recent studies have shown that it can
reduce oral prednisone use while improving asthma
71Inhaled nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like
cromolyn or nedocromil may reduce symptoms in
patients with mild to moderate asthma They are
frequently prescribed in children and in adults
with allergic asthma They inhibit the activation
of mast cells and eosinophils, block inhaled
neurogenic stimuli, and may reduce airway
temperature changes that can trigger an asthma
attack Nedocromil may allow the reduction of
corticosteroid use in selected patients
72Step 3 Is to control severe exacerbations with
systemic oral corticosteroids, i.e. prednisone 1
mg/kg or 40 to 60 mg daily for 1 to 2 weeks Many
patients are steroid-dependent and frequently
develop cushingnoid features such as
hyperglycemia, fluid retention, weight gain with
moon facies, and easy bruisability
73Anticholingeric drugs like ipratropium may have
an adjunctive role in asthma therapy They block
vagal pathways and produce bronchodilation by
decreasing airway vagal tone They are less potent
than b2 agonists and have a slow onset of
action While they may reduce mucus secretion,
there is no evidence that they modulate the
inflammatory response
74Oral theophylline and intravenous aminophylline
were once the mainstay of asthma treatment,
especially nocturnal asthma Originally thought to
act as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to increase
cAMP, these methylxanthines are now though to
antagonize adenosine, a mediator of acute
inflammation Theophyllines reverse bronchospasm,
enhance mucociliary clearance, and increase
diaphragmatic contraction
75However, theophylline is probably useful as an
adjunct to b2 agonists and anti-inflammatory
drugs Any benefit may be diminished somewhat by a
narrow therapeutic range (5 to 15 µg/ml) which
can lead to serious and toxic consequences, e. g.
seizures, tachyarrhythmias when exceeded Its use
in the emergency treatment of asthma is not
recommended but recent evidence suggest it may
modulate chronic asthma symptoms more effectively
than is generally perceived.
76The use of cytotoxic agents, e. g. methotrexate,
cyclosporine can not be recommended unless
standard therapy with b2 agonists and
anti-inflammatory drugs have failed
77leukotriene receptor antagonists, Specifically,
LTD4 receptor antagonist and 5-lipoxygenase
inhibitors can completely block the acute phase
response and block part of the delayed phase
response Blocking the generation of leukotrienes
or blocking their actions on cells may be helpful
in control of asthma and treatment of asthma
78(No Transcript)
- Penyakit obstruksi saluran nafas kronis dan
progresif yg ditandai oleh hambatan aliran udara
yg bersifat non reversibel atau reversibel
sebagian bersifat progresif berhubungan dg
respons inflamasi abnormal paru thd partikel atau
gas beracun.
80Bronkitis kronik emfisema
- Meskipun bronkitis kronik dan emfisema merupakan
2 proses yg berbeda, tp penyakit ini sering
ditemukan bersama2 pada penderita COPD. - Merupakan penyebab kematian terbanyak
- COPD mnyerang pria 2x lebih banyak dari wanita
karena faktor perokok - Faktor etiologi utama adalah merokok dan polusi
- - Genetik Defisiensi alpha 1 anti tripsin atau
antiprotease (menghambat aksi dari enzym
protease) - - Hipereaktivitas bronkus
- Asap rokok (faktor risiko utama - sigaret)
- Partikel debu bahan kimia perindustrian
- Polusi udara
- Indoor air pollution from heating and cooking
with biomass in poorly ventilated dwellings - Infeksi
- Status sosial
- Inflamasi /Keradangan kronis pd sal. napas,
parenkim paru, sistem vaskuler paru ? pe?
makrofag, limfosit T (CD8), netrofil ? release
mediator LB4, IL8, TNF - Imbalance proteinase anti proteinase
- Stres oksidatif
- Ketiga faktor diatas akan merusak struktur paru.
83The theory of interplay
- is that this inflammatory process which includes
alveolar macrophages in some way releases
neutrophil chemotactic factors known as (IL-8 )
causing neutrophils to emigrate from the blood
space into the airspace to release elastase . - In normal circumstances alpha-1-antitrypsin
binds to the elastase and prevents it from
binding to elastin thus destroying the structure
of the lungs.
- in the blood and air space release more active
oxygen species in smokers, than in non smokers,
these together with the 1017 oxidants in inhaled
cigarette smoke inactivate the alpha-1-antitrypsin
at its active site. - This reduces the ability of alpha-1-antitrypsin
to bind to elastase by a factor of approximately
2000 allowing active ealstase to bind to elastin
and cause the enlargement of the airspace that is
seen in emphysema P-Selectin , L-seletin
adhesions are important for the transport of
inflammatory cells in the systemic circulation .
- Keluhan utama sesak napas, batuk, dahak
- Sesak timbul progresif sp mengganggu aktivitas,
- men-dadak memberat bila tjd eksaserbasi
- Batuk kronis, memberat pagi hari, dahak mukoid ?
- purulen bila eksaserbasi
- Suara mengi (wheezing)
- Batuk darah ? blood-streaked purulen sputum
(eksa-serbasi) - Nyeri dada (pleuritis, pneumotoraks, emboli
paru) - Anoreksi BB menurun progresif jelek
86(No Transcript)
- Saluran napas besar
- Hipertrofi kelenjar pe ? jumlah sel Goblet ?
hipersekresi mukus - Saluran napas kecil
- Recycled injury repair dinding sal. napas ?
remodeling (pe ? kolagen jar. ikat) ?
penyempitan lumen obstruksi sal. napas - Parenkim paru
- Destruksi parenkim ? emfisema sentrilobuler
Vaskuler pulmonal, Penebalan dd pembuluh darah
88(No Transcript)
- The different pathogenic mechanisms produce the
pathological changes which, in turn, give rise to
the physiological abnormalities in COPD - mucous hypersecretion and ciliary dysfunction,
- airflow limitation and hyperinflation,
- gas exchange abnormalities,
- pulmonary hypertension,
- systemic effects.
90Pathophysiology of COPD
91According to GINA
- What is the difference between asthma and COPD
(chronic obstructive lung disease)? COPD is a
collective name for chronic bronchitis and
emphysema, two diseases that are almost always
caused by smoking. Many of the symptoms of COPD
are similar to those of asthma (e.g.
breathlessness, wheezing, production of too much
mucus, coughing).
92(No Transcript)
- Bronkitis kronik adalah inflamasi kronis
saluran nafas yg ditandai dg udema dan
hiperplasi kelenjar sub mucosal shg terjadi
produksi mukus berlebihan ke batang bronchial
akibatnya terjadi peningkatan resistensi sal
pernafasaan - secara kronik atau berulang dengan disertai
batuk, yang terjadi hampir setiap hari selama
sekurangnya tiga bulan dalam 1 tahun selama 2
tahun berturut turut. .
- Faktor lingkungan
- - Merokok
- - Pekerjaan
- - Polusi udara
- Infeksi berulang
- Faktor host
- - usia
- - jenis kelamin
- - penyakit paru yang
- sudah ada
- Chronic bronchitis is defined as "persistent
cough with sputum production for at least 3
months in at least two consecutive years". - The most important cause of chronic bronchitis is
recurrent irritation of the bronchial mucosa by
inhaled substances, as occurs in cigarette
smokers. - The pathological hallmarks of chronic bronchitis
are congestion of the bronchial mucosa and a
prominent increase in the number and size of the
bronchial mucus glands. Copious mucus may be seen
within airway lumens. The terminal airways are
most susceptible to obstruction by mucus.
97Pathophysiology of chronic bronchitis
Irritants ? Hyperplasia and
hypertrophy of mucous secreting cell
? Thick mucous
Air trapping
Sticky coating
? ?
Air way obstruction Impaired ciliary function
Edema Decrease
mucous clearance
? ?
Bronchial wall
thickness and Lung defense system compromise
? Vulnerable for infection
? More infection more mucus
98(No Transcript)
- In COPD work of breathing is greater for any
given level of ventilation than normal.
The cost of work at a given ventilation for
normal and COPD patients (ACSM, 1998)
101- Damage to the epithelium impairs the mucociliary
response that clears bacteria and mucus.
Inflammation and secretions provide the
obstructive component of chronic bronchitis. - In contrast to emphysema, chronic bronchitis is
associated with a relatively undamaged pulmonary
capillary bed.
102Emphysema or type A COPD
- Definition
- Abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces
distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied
by the destruction of the walls and without
obvious fibrosis - Emphysema is characterized by loss of elasticity
of the lung and abnormal permanent enlargement of
air spaces with destruction of the alveolar walls
and capillary beds.
- Smoking
- the primary risk factor
- Long-term smoking is responsible for 80-90 of
cases. - Prolonged exposures to harmful particles and
gases from - passive smoke,
- Industrial smoke,
- Chemical gases, vapors, mists fumes
- Dusts from grains, minerals other materials
- Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency gtgtemphysema
- Genetics
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Exposure to inhaled noxious particles gases
inflammation imbalance of
proteinases and anti-proteinases -
Dilatation destruction mucus secretion
105FIG. 1. Inflammatory mechanisms in COPD.
Cigarette smoke (and other irritants) activate
macrophages in the respiratory tract that release
neutrophil chemotactic factors, including IL-8
and LTB4. These cells then release proteases that
break down connective tissue in the lung
parenchyma, resulting in emphysema, and also
stimulate mucus hypersecretion. These enzymes are
normally counteracted by protease inhibitors,
including 1-antitrypsin, SLPI, and TIMP.
Cytotoxic T cells (CD8) may also be recruited and
may be involved in alveolar wall destruction.
Fibroblasts may be activated by growth factors
releases from macrophages and epithelial cells.
CTG, connective tissue growth factor COB,
chronic obstructive bronchiolitis.
- Affects alveolar membrane
- Destruction of alveolar wall
- Loss of elastic recoil
- Over distended alveoli
- Over distended alveoli?
- Damage to adjacent pulmonary capillaries
- h dead space
- Impaired passive expiration
- ? Impaired gas exchange
- Impaired gas exchange
- impaired expiration
- h CO2 ?
- Hypercapnia
- Respiratory acidosis
- Damaged pulmonary capillary bed
- h pulmonary pressure ?
- h work load for right ventricle ?
- Right side heart failure (due to respiratory
pressure) ? - Cor Pulmonale
107Gas Exchange is poor because
- Loss of alveolar structure base thereby causing
decreased gas exchange surface area - Mechanically, elastance is lost due to the
constant stretching of distal airways - Consequently, these patients are very compliant,
because the natural tendency for the lung to
collapse is inadvertently lost
108- This V/Q mismatch results in relatively limited
blood flow through a fairly well oxygenated lung
with normal blood gases and pressures in the
lung, in contrast to the situation in blue
bloaters. Because of low cardiac output, however,
the rest of the body suffers from tissue hypoxia
and pulmonary cachexia. Eventually, these
patients develop muscle wasting and weight loss
and are identified as "pink puffers."
109Diagnosis of COPD
indoor/outdoor pollution
110Spirometry Normal and COPD
111- Normally, the left side of the heart produces a
higher level of blood pressure in order to pump
blood to the body the right side pumps blood
through the lungs under much lower pressure. Any
condition that leads to prolonged high blood
pressure in the arteries or veins of the lungs
(called pulmonary hypertension) will be poorly
tolerated by the right ventricle of the heart.
When this right ventricle fails or is unable to - properly pump against these abnormally high
pressures, this is called cor pulmonale.
112Prognosis ?
- Indikator umur dan keparahan
- Jika ada hipoksia dan cor pulmonale prognosis
jelek - Dyspnea, obstruksi berat saluran nafas, FEV1 lt
- 0.75 L (20) ?? angka kematian meningkat, 50
pasien berisiko meninggal dalam waktu 5 tahun
113Tujuan Terapi
- Memperbaiki keadaan obstruksi saluran nafas
- Mencegah dan mengatasi eksaserbasi akut
- Menurunkan progresivitas penyakit
- Meningkatkan keadaan fisik dan psikis
- Menurunkan jumlah hari tidak masuk kerja
- Menurunkan lama tinggal di RS
- Menurunkan angka kematian
- Menghentikan kebiasaan merokok
- Rehabilitasi paru-paru secara komprehensif dengan
OR dan latihan pernafasan - Perbaikan nutrisi
- Tidak ada obat yang dapat menunda memburuknya
fungsi paru jika pasien tetap merokok
115- Kortikosteroid ?? benefit is very limited,
laporan tentang efektivitasnya masih bervariasi,
kecuali jika pasien juga memiliki riwayat asma - ?? Oksigen ?? untuk pasien hipoksemia, cor
pulmonale. Digunakan jika baseline PaO2 turun
sampai lt 55 mmHg - ?? Antibiotik ?? digunakan bila ada tanda
infeksi, bukan untuk maintenance therapy - ?? Vaksinasi ?? direkomendasikan untuk high-risk
patients vaksin pneumococcus (tiap 5-10 th) dan
vaksin influenza (tiap tahun) - ?? a1-proteinase inhibitor ?? utk pasien yang
defisiensi a1- antitripsin ?? digunakan per
minggu, masih mahal ?? contoh Prolastin
116(No Transcript)
117Tahap terapi pada PPOK yang stabil
- Tahap 1 Ipratropium bromida (MDI) atau
nebulizer, 2-6 puff 4 x sehari, tunjukkan cara
penggunaan yang tepat, advis pasien ttg
pentingnya penggunaan teratur dan efek samping yg
mungkin timbul (mulut kering rasa pahit), jika
hasil trial perbaikan FEV1 lt 20 ?? step 2 - Tahap 2 Tambahkan ß-agonis MDI atau nebulizer,
tunjukkan cara penggunaan yang tepat, advis
pasien ttg pentingnya penggunaan teratur dan efek
samping yg mungkin timbul (takikardi, tremor) ??
jika tidak ada perkembangan hentikan ß-agonis,
jika ada perbaikan tapi kecil ?? step 3
118- Tahap 3 Tambah teofilin,mulai dari 400 mg/hari
dlm bentuk sustained released, sesuaikan dosis
setiap interval 3 hari untuk menjaga serum level
antara 10-15 µg/ml, pantau ESO takikardi, tremor,
nervous, efek GI jika tidak ada perbaikan ??
hentikan teofilin dan ??go to step 4 - Tahap 4 Coba dengan kortikosteroid prednison
30-40 mg/hari selama 2-4 minggu, cek dengan
spirometer (perbaikan 20), titrasi dosis ke
dosis efektif terkecil (lt 10 µg sehari),
pertimbangkan penggunaan kortikosteroid inhalasi
?? jika pasien tidak berespon baik ?? kembali ke
steroid oral
119Terapi antibiotika
- ?? Berdasarkan evidence terbaru yang tersedia,
antibiotika harus diberikan pada pasien-pasien
PPOK yang - ?? Pasien dengan eksaserbasi akut dengan 3 tanda
utama yaitu increased dyspnea, increased sputum
volume, increased sputum purulence (Evidence B),
atau - ?? Pasien dengan eksaserbasi akut dengan 2 tanda
utama, jika peningkatan purulensi sputum
merupakan salah satunya (Evidence C) - ?? Pasien dengan eksaserbasi parah yang
membutuhkan ventilasi mekanik, baik invasif
maupun non-infvasif (Evidence B)
120Key points
- ??PPOK adalah penyakit yang sebenarnya secara
potensial dapat dicegah ?? stop smoking - ??Sekali PPOK terjadi ?? penderita akan
memerlukan terapi yang kompleks ?? yang
efikasinya masih diperdebatkan para ahli - ??Penyakit ini bersifat progresif dan
ireversibel?? berbiaya besar baik baik personal
maupun masyarakat
121Difference between bronchitis and emphysema
122Bronchitis v. Emphysema
- Easy to decompensate
- Usually relatively easy to treat
- Can cause emphysema
- Rarely are these patients ever having normal
blood gases
- Usually more difficult to decompensate
- Difficult to treat
- Can be caused by bronchitis
- Early, blood gases are normal
123Patofisiologi pneumotoraks
- Akibat peningkatan tekanan
- Intrabronkial ( batuk/ bersin )
- ?
- Tekanan diteruskan s/d alveoli
- ( locus minoris / Bullae - fibrotik pada alveoli
) - ?
- Alveoli robek sehingga
- merobek pleura di sekitarnya
- ?
- Udara masuk intrapleura
- ?
- Pneumotoraks
124(No Transcript)
125Berdasarkan penyebab terjadinya
- Bedakan Tu-pleura dan Tu-paru ( dx )
- Proteksi Radioterapi Ca mamae ( tx )
- Haemoptisis Profuse ( tx )
- Akibat trauma pada dada
- Iatrogenik causa ??
- Penyakit kronis? TB, COPD, Asma
126Berdasarkan jenis fistel
- P. Intrapleura P. dunia luar ( two way )
- Tekanan ekspirasi 2 2
- Tekanan inspirasi 2 - 2
- P. Intrapleura ? P. dunia luar (no way )
- P awal ? resorbsi paru ? P jadi
- ? paru belum ngembang sempurna.
- Tekanan ekspirasi 4 - 4
- Tekanan inspirasi 12 - 1
- Pneumotoraks Totalis
- Pneumotoraks Partialis
- Kolaps ( A X B ) ( a X b ) X 100
- ( A X B )
128Pneumotoraks parsial
129Pneumotoraks total
130Gejala Klinik
- Sesak mendadak memberat
- - Sesak tak di pengaruhi Posisi
- - Batuk
- - Dada terasa nyeri / kram / kemeng
- - Nampak sakit berat, keluar keringat dingin s/d
syok - - Napas tersengal sengal s/d sianosis
131Penatalaksanaan Pneumotoraks
- Antibiotika penyebab
- Anti Tuberkulosa ( OAT )
- Anti Tusif ( codein )
- Bronkhodilator
- Pencahar / Laxan
- Bed Rest / hindari kegiatan yang akibatkan
- peningkatan tekanan intra pleura ( teriak, bersin
- keras, mengejan dan batuk keras )
132Komplikasi Pneumotoraks
- Terjadi Infeksi
- Efusi Pleura ( Fluidopneumotoraks )
- Empyema ( Pyopneumotoraks )
- Terjadi Trauma Hematotoraks
- Udara dari cav. Pleura meluas
- Pneumomediastium Emfisema Cutis
- Udara menekan ke organ sekitar
- Tamponade Jantung
- Gagal napas
133Efusi Pleura
134Efusi Pleura
- Adanya Cairan Pleura yang Volume nya
- lebih dari Normal ( Vol. normal 1 20 cc )
135Fisiologi cavum Pleura
136Fisiologi Efusi Pleura
- Volume cairan pleura selalu konstan,
- akibat dari
- P. hidrostatik 9 mmHg produksi oleh
pleura parietalis - P. koloid osmotik 10 mmHg absorbsi oleh
pleura viseralis
137Penyebab akumulasi cairan Pleura
- ? Tekanan koloid osmotik ( Hypolbuminemia )
- ? Permeabilitas kapiler ( Radang, Neoplasma )
- ? Tekanan hirostatik ( Gagal jantung )
- ? Tekanan negatip intrapleura ( Atelektasis )
138Pemeriksaan Fisik Efisi Pleura
- - Inspeksi nampak sakit, gerak dada sisi sakit
tertinggal,nampak lebih cembung - - Palpasi gerak dada sisi sakit tertinggal,
Fremitus raba sisi sakit turun - - Perkusi suara ketok sisi sakit redup
pd.bag.bawah garis Ellis Damoiseau - - Auskultasi suara napas sisi sakit turun
139Sitologi cairan Pleura
- - Lekosit gt 25.000 / mm3 ? Empyema
- - Netrophil gt ? Pneumonia, TBC, Pancreatitis
- - Limphosit gt ? TBC, limphoma, keganasan
- - Eosinophil gt ? Emboli , Parasit, Jamur
- - Eritrosit 5 10 ribu/mm3 ? Pneumoni,
- Keganasan
- - Eritrosit 100 ribu / mm3 ? Keganasan, Trauma,
- Infark Paru
- - Sel ganas ? ditemukan pada 50 60
- Keganasan
140Gambaran Radiologi Efusi Pleura
- lt 300 CC Secara fisik tak ada perubahan.
- Foto PA sinus masih nampak lancip.
- Foto Lat sinus nampak mulai tumpul
- gt 500 cc Gerak dada/ fremitus suara/fremitus
raba menurun,suara ketok redup - gt 1000 cc dada cembung, egofoni positip
- gt 2000 cc mediastinum terdorong
141Foto Thorax
Foto Thoraks Perselubungan Pada
hemitoraks Dextra dengan sinus frenicus costalis
kanan tumpul
142Penatalaksanaan Efusi Pleura
- - Evakuasi cairan pleura / torakosentesis
- volume pengambilan maksimal 1000 cc
- setiap kali pengambilan
- - Pemasangan WSD
- Efusi Pleura massive
- Efusi Pleura haemorhagic
- Hematotoraks, Empyema
- Chylotoraks, Chiliform
- Antikolinergik inhalasi first line therapy,
dosis harus cukup tinggi 2 puff 4 6x/day
jika sulit, gunakan nebulizer 0.5 mg setiap 4-6
jam prn, exp ipratropium or oxytropium bromide - Simpatomimetik second line therapy
terbutalin, salbutamol - Kombinasi antikolinergik dan simpatomimetik
untuk meningkatkan efektifitas - Metil ksantin ?? banyak ADR, dipakai jika yang
lain tidak mempan - Mukolitik ?? membantu pengenceran dahak, namun
tidak - memperbaiki aliran udara ?? masih kontroversi,
apakah bermanfaat secara klinis atau tidak