Title: Give Back Beyond Info Session
1Give Back Beyond Info Session New Orleans (July 2
008) Ghana (October 2008) Building Homes, Hope
, and lasting Friendships
2Agenda Give Back Beyond The Give Back Beyond
Difference Meet the Leadership Application S
election Process New Orleans Trip History and De
tails International Service Trip History Ghana
Project Overview Break-Out Discussions for New
Orleans and Ghana
3Give Back Beyond Program Give Back Cincinnati
Program Mission Engage Cincinnati YPs in Serv
ice outreach in order to help communities in
need, broaden our perspectives, build community,
and change lives returning to Cincinnati with
heightened focus on service. Vision Corps of
dedicated volunteers that are passionate about
Cincinnati, US, and International Service active
outlet for those interested in expanded
opportunities Opportunity Continue to access
new passionate leaders and volunteers through
service travel. Motivate and formulate strong
relationships abroad which translate to higher
engage in Cincinnati
4Meet the Leadership! Give Back Beyond Lead C
hristina Craver NOLA Team Leads Jennifer You
ng, Katie Hoekzema NOLA Committee Mike Ruthe
rford, Chris Turley, Sean Minnich, Kristin
Steuber, Stephanie Ryan, John Perkins, Michael
Myatt, Jessica Quast, Bridget Hall, Neil Sharrow,
Peter Osborne, Shelley Rudisill, Katie Schmees,
Ryan Derrow, Crystal Dray, Jennifer Starner, Chad
Lockard, Tim Wiley, Jenifer Day, Jacqueline
Ingram, Matthew Carley, Andy Barlow, Joe
Hansbauer Ghana Team Leads Martin Ankamah, J
ared Simmons, Johnmark Oudersluys
5Give Back Beyond Service Travel
What makes Service Travel with Give Back Beyond
Different than an Open Trip with Habitat or other
potential service travel trips?
Its YOUR trip Networking opportunity with YPs
in Cincinnati Foundation to become more involved
in the city It provides a setting to form lasti
ng friendships Other Give Back Cincinnati events
including Paint the Town
6Application/Selection Application deadline is Fe
bruary 29th (separate app for NOLA and Ghana)
Application for New Orleans can be found at
www.givebackcincinnati.org and Ghana application
will be available soon Submitting Application is
an indication of Interest and availability on
trip dates Able to pay for trip Physically abl
e to handle hard labor Willing/Able to take an a
ctive role in planning and fundraising for the
trip Interviews in March (Ghana Only) Selectio
n will take place early March and notification
will happen by Mid-March
7NOLA Trip History Created after Hurricane Katrin
a as a regional response to a National Crisis.
Collaboration of more than 15 YP Organizations.
Three Phases Phase One - Short Term - Immedi
ate Response to needs, focusing on fundraising
efforts for relief organizations.
Phase Two - Middle Term - Regional Volunteer
Disaster Relief Training to prepare volunteers to
assist in current and future disasters locally.
Phase Three - Long Term - Recovery and
Rebuilding, both locally and in the Gulf Coast
region. Trip to the Gulf Coast with Habitat for
Humanity August 2006, organized by Give Back
Cincinnati. Follow up trip June 2007.
8New Orleans Project Overview Collaboration with
Habitat for Humanity New Orleans
Dates Kickoff March 27th Trip July 12-
July 20 Cost No More than 375/Person, 100 de
posit due at Kickoff Includes Transportation to/
from New Orleans (Bus) Housing (Hotel)
Includes Food (Breakfast _at_ Hotel, Lunch On-Site,
Dinner on your own.) Work will be Tues-Fri from
8 AM 3 PM. Work may include framing, painting,
landscaping, drywall, etc. Planned Activities i
n the evening will be created and will be
optional. Costs may be associated with evening
activities. Previous trips have included a team
dinner, trip to AAA Baseball Game, Casino Night,
Pub Crawl, bowling, swamp tours, ghost tours,
shrimp boil.
9International Service Travel Goals and History
Our goals are to provide Cincinnatians with
An opportunity to help our Global community
A forum to develop friendships and enthusiasm
for volunteerism in our community
Past Trips October 2005 12 volunteers
went to Catamayo, Ecuador for the first Give Back
international service travel trip
October 2006 21 volunteers - Guatemala
October 2007 22 volunteers - Dominican
10Ghana Project Overview
Collaboration with Habitat for Humanity/Global
Village Dates September 27th October 11th
(Exact dates TBD. It is dependent on RR and
travel to/from) Cost Estimated 4,000/Person,
600 non-refundable deposit Includes Transpor
tation to/from Ghana Housing Food (Breakfast,
lunch and dinner) Work will be from 8 AM 5 PM.
Work will be intense manual labor (ex. cement
mixing, concrete block laying, etc.)
Planned Activities in the evening will be
created and will be optional. Costs will be
included in the overall cost of the of the trip.
11Ghana Project Overview Continued (May Change)
2 week trip Saturday- Travel to Accra, orientat
ion, overnight stay Sunday- Travel to village wh
ere we'll be working Monday-Friday- Work days, W
ednesday 1/2 day for school visit
Saturday-Sunday - Local cultural
event/activities (e.g., visit a church, show us
local dance, etc) Monday-Thursday Work Thurs
day - Travel to RR location Sunday or Monday tr
avel back to US - depends on if we choose 3 or 4
day RR
12Break-Out Discussions for New Orleans and Ghana