Title: To Orientation Night At Washington School
To Orientation Night At Washington School
Working Together . . . Learning For Life
2Home Of The Washington Wolves
Principal Mr. Lockenvitz Secretaries Mrs.
Zwanzig Mrs. Watson Psychologist Mr.
Nietzel Social Worker Mrs. Buss Counselor Ms.
Myatt Nurse Mrs. Mengarelli
3The Wolf Creed
- Respect the elders
- Teach the young
- Cooperate with the pack
- Learn every day
- Play when you can
- Rest in between
- Work together
- Learn for life
- Leave your mark
4Meet The Teachers
- Mrs. Casey Classroom Teacher
- Mrs. Batorson Program Assistant
Mrs. Hurliman, Mrs. Ryan Mrs. Shaver K.
Teachers Mrs. Romer P.E. Teacher Mrs. Eggleston
Music Teacher Mrs. Dunlap Art Teacher Mrs.
Singhall Library/Computer Teacher Mrs. Chiles
Speech Therapist Mrs. Franklin Occupational
Therapist Mrs. Kline Physical Therapist
5Our Daily Schedule
- Morning Schedule
- Calendar
- Center
- Specialist
- Center
- Center
- Lunch
- Afternoon Schedule
- Journals (M - F)
- Science M F
- (w/language math)
- Video - Wednesday
- Show Tell -Thurs.
- (w/language math)
- Social Studies Tues.
- (w/Mrs. Hurliman)
We will end each day with free play
6Our Curriculum
- In Math we will
- review colors shapes
- sort and classify objects
- make extend patterns
- recognize write numbers
- count numbers of objects
- demonstrate beginning addition facts
- In Reading we will
- label the letters of the alphabet
- trace, copy write letters of the alphabet
- identify the beginning letter sounds
- sequence pictures to tell a stories
- begin to demonstrate phonetic spelling
7Our Curriculum
- In Science we will
- learn about the properties of matter
- learn about our five senses
- learn about the four seasons
- and so much more
- In Social Studies we will
- learn about building good character traits
- respect
- responsibility
- trustworthiness
- caring
- fairness
- citizenship
8School Supplies
Please be sure your child has the following
school supplies
- A book bag that they can pack unpack
independently - A supply of 2 pencils (with their name on them)
- A box of markers in classic colors or bold
colors - A roll of paper towels - boys
- A box of Kleenex girls
- A box of gallon size Ziploc baggies boys
- A box of quart size Ziploc baggies - girls
- Teacher Wish List
- disposable cameras
- AA batteries
9Homework Opportunities
We will provide your child with many homework
opportunities throughout the year
Monday - Parent Newsletter - describing our
lessons activities for the week Please read
these carefully as they often contain important
information! Tuesday - Checklist of activities
that begin with the letter we are
learning Wednesday - Choose an item for show
tell and write 3 descriptive clues Thursday -
Problem-solving activity to do together
w/family Weekly - Home-School Reading Connection
Book Packets Library Books
. . . we do notice a significant increase in
learning for those who participate on a regular
Although these homework
assignments are not
mandatory. . .
Although these homework
assignments are not
mandatory. . .
10School Classroom Rules
Your child will bring home a daily behavior
chart. This will allow you to see the kind of
day your child has had in school.
- Be Kind
- Use Good Manners
- Share Take Turns
- Use Teamwork
- Tell The Truth
- Do Your Best
11Home-Reading Connection Materials
The focus of our Home-Reading Connection
materials is as follows
- To learn that print moves from left to right.
- To learn to associate the spoken word with the
printed word (by pointing to each word). - To learn to recognize any pattern or
predictability in the text. - To learn to use pictures as cues in order to
identify the unknown words. - To begin to recognize read familiar sight
The more that you read, the more things you will
know. The more that you learn, the more places
you'll go.
Dr. Seuss
12All I really need to know . . .
I Iearned in Kindergarten
Robert Fulghum