Title: Leading the Transformatiion
1EASTMAN Leading the Transformation The
International Association of Institutional
Venturing and Intrapreneurship (IAIVI),
Boston July 25-26, 2002
Brenda M. Barnicki Director, Services Business
Development Eastman Chemical Company
- Why are we changing?
- What are we doing?
- What are our results?
- What have we learned?
3Eastman Chemical Company
- Headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee
- Spin-off from Kodak in 1994
- 2001 Sales Revenues of 5.4 Billion
- Businesses
- Coatings, Adhesives, Specialty
- Polymers Inks
- Specialty Plastics
- Performance Chemicals and Intermediates
- Voridian Polymers and Fibers
4Eastman Geographic Expansion
1Banbury, UK
Tianjin, China
Bury, UK
Shandong, China
Funing, China
Jiangsu, China
Batesville, AR
Eastman Division Sites Shared Sites w
Voridian Genencor Joint Venture (Eastman Division)
- What are we doing?
- What are our results?
- What have we learned?
6It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, not the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change
Charles Darwin
7What Investors See
8What Investors Do !Stock Price ComparisonLast 5
- Who are we?
- Why are we changing?
- What have we learned?
- What are our results?
New Business Development
Eastman Ventures
Technology Licensing
Digital Business
Asia Pacific
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Latin America
I. Ideas
V. Business
II. Concept Development
III. Experiment
IV. Venture
- Who are we?
- Why are we changing?
- What are we doing?
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- Who are we?
- Why are we changing?
- What are we doing?
- What are our results?
18Key Learnings
- Quantity and Quality of Ideas
- Get outside the corporate walls!
- Lots of good ideas yield a few viable businesses
- Established gate criteria important
- Speed through pipeline to experiments
- Ability to morph and grow
19Key Learnings
- Validation
- Validate with customers early and often
- External review early
- Realistic financial projection
20Key Learnings
- Big Company vs. Entrepreneurial
- The corporate advantage intellectual property,
brand, - customers, people, competencies, and capital
- The corporate disadvantage liability, threat to
existing - businesses, established processes and norms
- Speed
21Key Learnings
- People
- Right skills and attributes at the right stage of
business - Business building skills vs. parent company
skills - High energy and passion of a startup but patience
and - process orientation to negotiate corporate
environment - Partner selection
22Challenges Open Issues
- People
- Continuous flow of top talent
- Comp packages corporate policy versus market
reality - Big Company vs. Entrepreneurial
- Agility needed for a startup while satisfying
corporate - requirements
- Corporate antibodies
- Portfolio
- Balance autonomy of individual businesses while
capturing synergies
23Summary We are leading the transformation
- From
- A company with a chemical industry P/E
- Mature, capital intensive, product centric,
cyclical manufacturer of chemicals
- To
- An innovative company with a growth P/E
- A company that gets paid for what we know not
just what we make - A company recognized as a technology company