Title: The Day the Earth Stood Still
1The Day the Earth Stood Still
2The Political ContextCommunism After WWII
3The Political ContextFear of Communism
A 1947 comic book published by the Catechetical
Guild Educational Society warning of the supposed
dangers of a Communist takeover.
4The Political ContextThe Rosenbergs
- 1944 The Rosenbergs gave information about
atomic bomb to Russians - January March, 1951 The trial and death
5The Political ContextMcCarthyism and HUACLate
1940s to Late 1950s
- 1950 Alger Hiss trial
- Early 1950s Sam Jaffe blacklisted reduced to
teaching high school math and living with his
6The Political ContextAtomic and Hydrogen Bombs
- 1945 US drops atomic bombs on Japan.
- 1949 Soviet Union tests first atomic weapon in
7Korean War
8The Political ContextFear of Nuclear Anihilation
9The Other ExtremeCandide
In 1953, the renowned playwright Lillian Hellman
proposed to Leonard Bernstein that they adapt
Voltaire's Candide for the musical theater.
Voltaire's novella of 1758 satirized the
fashionable philosophies of his day and,
especially, the Catholic church whose Inquisition
routinely tortured and killed "heretics" in a
ghastly event known as an "Auto da Fé" ("act of
faith"). Hellman observed a sinister parallel
between the Inquisition's church-sponsored purges
and the "Washington Witch Trials" being waged by
the House Un-American Activities Committee.
Fueled by rage and indignation, she began her
adaptation of Voltaire's book.
- In our image
- Klaatu
- Gort
- Seeking perfection
11Who Gets to Play God?
- Klaatus creation
- Klaatus resurection
12Running Amok
Or not