Title: Quality Information Systems
1Quality Information Systems
- Gary Deol
- Amy Duncan
- Jason Gilbert
- Chris Hendryk
- Quality Information Systems
- Quality Planning
- Quality Control
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Information Systems consists of providing
quality information during the life cycle of a
project/product to all of the people involved
such as the employees using the system and the
customers involved.
4Quality Information Systems Cont
- Quality Information Systems should allow for
people who work on the project/product to be able
to gain a quick knowledge about it - Information should be able to be relayed quickly
and accurately to customers - Should help to improve the quality in all other
areas of the project/product
5Involved in Quality Information Systems
- Defining the necessary objectives of the system,
for example through Quality Planning - Users of the system need to be trained properly
and have a good understanding of how the system
works - Integration of higher level systems
- Validation of the system, for example through
Quality Control - Ongoing support and maintenance, for example
through Quality Assurance
6Quality Planning
- Quality Planning is setting the objectives for a
product/process and then planning the means in
which to reach to those objectives
7Quality Control
- Quality Control should be involved within the
users daily work. - Must be done efficiently and accurately
- Also through validation
8Quality Assurance
- Quality Assurance gives the confidence that a
project/product conforms to a certain level of
quality, and continues to have quality
9Effective Quality Assurance
- Quality Audits
- A constant flow of information about the
product/project - Having an effective process
10Critical Success Factors
- -Emphasize the prevention of quality problems,
rather than concentrate only on detection and
correction of these problems - -Facilitate awareness of and learning by the user
of the quality system with respect to product and
process quality - -Focus on continuous quality improvement, rather
than on attaining a fixed level of quality
11Critical Success Factors(continued)
- Make quality measurable
- Operate efficiently in order to prevent
distortion of daily work - (integrate information system into users primary
process) - Give guidelines for the interaction between the
supplier and purchaser of a good, both during the
initial phases and during the development process
12Potential Problems In Setting Up A Quality System
- ISO 9000 and ISO900-3
- Identifying and Correcting of Problems
- Quality Improvement and Learning
- Measuring Quality
- Overhead is Large
- Lack of Support
- Guidelines for Interaction
13ISO 9000 and IS0 9000-3
- ISO 9000 Standards meant to cover entire range
of organizations - ISO 9000-3 Standards meant for companies
producing software - Causes standards to be very generalized
14Identifying and Correcting of Problems
- Preventative Measures
- High Failure Costs
15Quality Improvement and Learning
- Guidelines focus on attaining level of quality
defined by users of the Quality System - 3 Negative Consequences
- Defined level may be low
- No Preventative Action
- No Continuous Improvement
16Measuring Quality
- Software is still active area of research
- Difficult to implement in practice
17Overhead is Large
- Every process, action, problem, correction, etc.
must be documented - Quality System cannot just be placed on top of
the current way of working
18Lack of Support
- ISO guidelines offer no tools to provide
different rules and standards for different
processes - Example One uses different types of production
organization, multiple development methodologies,
and has different customers There is no support
19Guidelines of Interaction
- Guidelines for supplier and purchaser, but very
little for interaction between the two - One of main purposes should be closer cooperation
between business partners - Good Communication
- Goal selection
- Selecting acceptable level of risk
20Real time Production Tracking
- Tracker- Serves as the command center for all
production tracking activities
21Real time production tracking (cont)
- Web Overview The homepage of the test system
22Real time production tracking (cont)
- Web Overview 2 Automatically cycles between two
pages every 15 seconds
23Real time production tracking (cont)
- Model Editor The web model editor allows you to
change limits, program the test sequence, or
customize the operator prompts from your web
24Real time production tracking (cont)
- Top Reject Report The rejects for a shift are
categorized, counted, sorted and displayed in a
table or chart.
25Case StudyUnited Parcel Service
- Worlds largest package distribution company
- 335,000 employees worldwide
- Provide service to 200 countries
- 21 billion in revenue in 1995 on a volume of 3.1
billion packages and documents
26United Postal Service
- Mobitex- similar to the digital cellular
technology used in cell phones - Drivers equipped with DIADs (Delivery/Driver
Information Acquisition Devices) - DIAD scans bar-code which retrieves shipping ,
service level, and package tracking
27United Parcel Service
- Driver records name of person accepting package
- DVA (IAD Vehicle Adapter) connected to a radio
modem transmitting data over Mobitex network - Sent real-time to UPS mainframe
- Info is accessible by customers online
28Case StudyWestern Digital Corporation
- Manufacture of hard drives
- 200 components manufactured by outside suppliers
- Manufactures 100,000 hard drives/day in Malaysia
- HQ in Irvine and San Jose, CA
- 7,000 employees
- 2 billion annual revenue
29Western Digital Corporation
- QIS combined electronic commerce, customer
relationship, management data warehousing, and
integrated data from a dozen systems - Most valuable aspect of QIS is the systems
ability to provide online analytical processing
30Western Digital Corporation
- From web browsers WD can query the data warehouse
and analyze results in minutes - Managers can focus efforts on analyzing the info
to make critical business decisions to deliver
enhanced customer service
31Western Digital Corporationbenefits with QIS
- QIS has already provided a strong quantifiable
return on investment - Ability to pinpoint individual defects before
products are shipped to the customer - Trace back cause of failure
- Provides closed loop feedback which allow the
company to address quality issues to impact
business performance