Title: For A Quick Sale Sell Your House Privately
1For A Quick Sale Sell Your House Privately
Do you want to sell house quick? Which do you
think is faster, if you sell your house privately
or if you work with a real estate broker? The
answer might surprise you. It seems like your
house should sell faster if you use a
professional sales person who supposedly
committed to selling your house fast, but reality
shows that is often not the case. Why You Can
Sell Your House Quick Privately There are several
reasons why you can sell your house privately at
a much faster pace than the broker can manage.
Think about this short list of reasons You are
only marketing one house, not dozens of
homes. You are the decision maker. Buyers trust
home owners. Intimate knowledge of the property
and neighborhood.
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3When you turn your home over to a broker to sell
it becomes a part of their inventory of homes.
They are not focused on selling YOUR HOME they
are focused selling A HOME. That is a big
difference in mindset and one which can cause
your home to languish on the market for months or
even years. When you sell your house privately
you are focused. You place ads, you meet with
potential buyers, you put up the signs. When
someone calls about your home you do not distract
them by showing them 10 other properties, you
just inform them completely about your
home. Fast Decisions Lead to Fast Sales Think
about the normal process of dealing with a real
estate agent. Someone calls wanting to see your
home and they talk to the agent. An appointment
is set. They view the home and then the
negotiations begin. They fill out offer forms,
the agent brings them to you, and the process
goes back and forth for days. When you are
selling the house on your own it becomes much
easier. You meet the person who is interested
and they make an offer. You just give them a
quick verbal answer and you deal with price
negotiations in minutes. If you need to take a
little time to think over the price you just tell
them up front they are pushing you to the limits
and need to think about it overnight. You are
not going through a long sales process, you are
doing a face to face fast negotiation which leads
to a fast decision and contracts getting signed.
4Your Knowledge and Personal Touch Creates
Confidence Buyers do not like to be sold. They
like to be informed. You have the in depth
knowledge your buyers want. You can tell them
about average utility costs. You know about the
safety of the neighborhood and the quality of the
schools. You can point out the little trouble
areas in the home and the best features. The
buyer feels your sincerity and trusts your words.
They are ready to move forward quickly because
they know the property has good value. You will
discover when you sell your house privately you
can sell house quick and often for a higher