bacteria cell structure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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bacteria cell structure


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Title: bacteria cell structure

  • As any beginning student of microbiology knows,
    bacteria come in three basic models
  • spherical (coccus), rod (bacillus), and spiral
  • They do not possess a membrane-bound nucleus as
    do eukaryotic microorganisms therefore, they are
  • In addition to these basic types of bacteria,
    there are other more specialized forms described
    as budding, sheathed, and mycelial. Figure 1-1
    presents a schematic
  • representation of a typical (meaning E. coli )
    bacterial cell.

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  • S-layer, outer membrane and cell wall
  • S-layer
  • A protein or glycoprotein layer is found on the
    surface of all prokaryotic
  • cells except mycoplasma. This is called an
    S-layer (Figure 2.3).
  • Functions of the S-layer are (1) protection from
    toxic compounds,
  • (2) adhesion to solid surfaces, (3) a phage
    receptor, (4) a physical
  • structure to maintain cell morphology, and (5) a
    binding site for
  • certain extracellular enzymes.
  • Outer membrane
  • Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to
    lysozyme, hydrolytic enzymes, bile salts and
    hydrophobic antibiotics than Gram-positive
    bacteria. These properties are due to the
    presence of the outer membrane in Gram-negative

  • The outer membrane (OM) is different in structure
    from the cytoplasmic membrane (CM).
  • The CM consists of phospholipids while
  • (LPS) forms the outer leaflet of the OM with the
    inner leaflet composed of phospholipids.
  • Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) consists of three
    components lipid A,
  • core polysaccharide and repeating polysaccharide
    (referred to as O-antigen).

Lipopolysaccharide LPS contains unique
sugars L-glycero-D-mannoheptose (Hep) and
2-keto-3- deoxyoctonate (KDO), and rare sugars
such as abequose (Abe) and colitose
(Col). Galactose (Gal), glucose (Glc), mannose
(Man) and rhamnose (Rha) can also be present.
Figure 23 Cell surface structures of prokaryotic
cells. (a) Archaea, (b) Gram-positive
bacteria, (c) Gram-negative bacteria. S, S-layer
CM, cytoplasmic membrane CW, cell wall
OM, outer membrane PG,
Lipid A structure in Salmonella
typhimurium. 3-hydroxy fatty acids are bound
to glucosamine and the core polysaccharide is
linked to carbon 6 as indicated by the dotted
The structure of the outer membrane of Gram
negative bacteria. Omp A, outer membrane protein
  • Cell Wall.
  • In 1884, the Danish investigator Christian Gram
    devised a differential stain based on the ability
    of certain bacterial cells to retain the dye
    crystal violet after decoloration with 95
  • With a few exceptions, prokaryotic cells have a
    cell wall that provides the physical strength to
    maintain their shapes. Murein is the main
    component of the cell wall of bacteria.
  • The cell wall in Gram-negative bacteria is much
    thinner than in Gram-positive bacteria, which
    have a complex cell wall with other polymers and
    do not possess an outer membrane As shown in the
    schematic drawings in Figure 1-3.
  • Cells that retained the stain were called gram
  • The gram-positive cell surface has two major
    structures the
  • cell wall and the cell membrane. The cell wall of
    gram-positive cells is composed of multiple
    layers of peptidoglycan, which is a linear
    polymer of alternating units of
    N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic
    acid (NAM).

  • A short peptide chain is attached to muramic
  • Gram-positive bacteria do not have an outer
    membrane but have a
  • much thicker cell wall containing teichoic acid,
    lipoteichoic acid and
  • lipoglycan in addition to murein.
  • A common feature in bacterial cell walls is
    cross-bridging between the peptide chains.
  • Other componentsfor example, lipoteichoic acid
    (only present in gram-positive organisms)are
    synthesized at the membrane surface and may
    extend through the peptidoglycan layer to the
    outer surface.
  • The peptidoglycan layer of a gram-negative cell
    is generally a single monolayer.
  • An outer membrane surrounding the gram-negative
    cell is composed of phospholipids,
    lipopolysaccharides, enzymes, and other proteins,
    including lipoproteins.
  • The space between this outer membrane and the
    inner membrane is referred to as the periplasmic
    space (Fig. 1-2).

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  • Membranes-
  • The cytoplasmic membrane of both gram-positive
    and gram-negative cells is a lipid bilayer
    composed of phospholipids, glycolipids, and a
    variety of proteins.
  • The proteins in the cytoplasmic membrane may
    extend through its entire thickness.
  • Some of these proteins provide structural support
    to the membrane while others function in the
    transport of sugars, amino acids, and other
  • The cytoplasmic membrane mediates not only these
  • functions but also other important physiological
  • These include solute transport , oxidative
  • through electron transport, photosynthetic
  • transport in photosynthetic prokaryotes ,
  • of electrochemical gradients and ATP synthesis ,
  • , synthesis of cell surface structures and
    protein secretion .

  • The cytoplasmic membrane consists of phospholipid
    (3550) and protein (5065). The phospholipid
    is responsible for the isolation property of the
    membrane with the various proteins being involved
    in the rest of the membrane functions.
  • Phospholipid forms both inner and outer leaflets
    of the cytoplasmic
  • membrane, but the membrane is asymmetrical due to
    proteins present
  • in the membrane. The phospholipid bilayer
    membrane is permeable to
  • hydrophobic solutes and water but not to charged
    solutes and polymers.
  • Membrane proteins transport these in and out of
    the cell. Though
  • water can diffuse through the membrane, the
    diffusion rate is too low

  • Cytoplasm
  • The cytoplasm refers to everything inside the
    cytoplasmic membrane.
  • Cells are classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes
  • on the possession of a nucleus. Eukaryotic cells
    have well-developed
  • intracellular organelles such as mitochondria,
    chloroplasts and
  • endoplasmic reticulum in addition to the nucleus.
    With only a few
  • exceptions, prokaryotic cells do not have
    subcellular organelles
  • within the cytoplasm.
  • Prokaryotic cytoplasm contains DNA, ribosomes,
    proteins, RNA, salts and metabolites and is
    viscous due to the high concentration of
  • Some of these macromolecules form aggregates,
    while others are soluble. The soluble part is
    called the cytosol.
  • Proteins in the cytoplasm are in high
    concentration and can interact with each other to
    form a kind of network.
  • The enzymes involved in a particular metabolic
    process are adjacent for their required
  • The term metabolon has been proposed to
    describe such a set of enzymes and their
    cofactors involved in such a fashion.

  • Capsules.
  • Some bacterial cells are covered with capsule or
    a slime layer Capsules are composed of either
    polysaccharides (high molecular-
  • weight polymers of carbohydrates) or polymers of
    amino acids called
  • polypeptides (often formed from the D- rather
    than the L-isomer of an amino acid).
  • The capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae type III
    is composed of glucose and glucuronic acid in
    alternating ß-1, 3- and ß-1, 4- linkages.
  • This capsular polysaccharide, sometimes referred
    to as pneumococcal polysaccharide, is responsible
    for the virulence of the pneumococcus.
  • Bacillus anthracis, the anthrax bacillus,
    produces a polypeptide capsule composed of
    D-glutamic acid subunits, which
  • is a virulence factor for this organism.

Capsules of Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Flagella and pili
  • Motile prokaryotic cells have an appendage called
    a flagellum (plural, flagella) involved in
  • motility is accomplished by means of simple
    strands of
  • protein (flagellin) woven into helical organelles
    called flagella.
  • The bacterial flagellum consists of three parts.
    These are a basal
  • body, a hook and a filament (Figure ).
  • The basal body is embedded in the cytoplasmic
    membrane and cell surface structure and connected
    to the filament through the hook.
  • The number and location of flagella vary
    depending on the bacterial
  • species.
  • A similar but smaller structure, the fimbria
    (plural, fimbriae).
  • Fimbriae are not involved in motility and are
    composed of proteins.
  • Fimbriae consist of a major protein with minor
    proteins called adhesins that facilitate
    bacterial attachment to surfaces by recognizing
  • the appropriate receptor molecules.

  • The fimbria, also known as the pilus (plural,
    pili), is observed in
  • many Gram-negative bacteria but rarely in
    Gram-positive bacteria.
  • Fimbriae have been proposed as the fibrils that
    mediate attachment
  • to surfaces. For this reason, the term pilus
    should be used only to
  • describe the F-pilus, the structure that mediates

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