Title: New Heights Assessment Package
1New Heights Assessment Package
2What Im going to talk about
- Introduce myself
- Introduce HARP
- Introduce Assessment Package
- Present Spring 2008 Results
- Plans for the future
3Who am I?
- My name is Josh Gates
- Sophomore
- Grand Rapids Michigan
- Golf Team
- Psychology Major
- Math Minor?
- Sammy II
4What is HARP
- High Altitude Research Platform
- National Science Foundation Grant
- Not just a balloon launch, an educational tool
- We assess the changes in students from
participating in HARP and evaluate the
educational methods used with the purpose of
maximizing the benefits of the HARP program.
- Three means of observation leads to
- Pre and Post HARP Assessments (Survey)
- HARP Interview Questions
- HARP Launch Observational Tool
7Variables Measured
- 6 Main Categories
- Intrinsic Motivation
- Valuing Science
- Application Knowledge
- Metacognitive Processes
- Cognitive Skills
- Content Knowledge
8Variables Measured cont
Contextualization Curiosity Challenge
Control Cooperation
Intrinsic Motivation
9Variables Measured cont
Problem Solving Prototyping Evaluation Documen
Application Knowledge
10Variables Measured cont
Planning Monitoring Assessing
Metacogonitive Procecesses
11Variables Measured cont
Technical Knowledge Learning Cycle
Knowledge Operations Knowledge
Content Knowledge
12Pilot Studies
- Fall 2007 (General Astronomy)
- J-term 2008 (General Astronomy)
- Spring 2008 (Principles of Engineering)
- Spring 2008 (Orchard Middle School)
- Summer 2008 (HARP Workshops)
13General Results
blue p lt .001 red p lt .01 green p lt
.05 Black No Change
Contextualization Curiosity Challenge
Control Cooperation
Intrinsic Motivation
Significant Change (p lt .01)
15Intrinsic Motivation
blue p lt .001 red p lt .01 green p lt .05
Problem Solving Prototyping Evaluation
Application Knowledge
Significant Change (p lt .001)
17Application Knowledge
blue p lt .001 red p lt .01 green p lt .05
Planning (Decreased) Monitoring Assessing
Metacognitive Processes
No Change
19Metacognitive Processes
blue p lt .001 red p lt .01 green p lt .05
Technical Knowledge Learning Cycle
Knowledge Operations Knowledge
Content Knowledge
Significant Change (p lt .001)
21Content Knowledge
22Results Summary
23Future Applications
- Continue to improve program at Taylor
- Assist programs at other universities
- Campus visits
- Administer Assessment Package
- Survey
- Interview
- Launch Observation
- Provide data analysis and feedback