Title: Controlling Roaches: The Practical Approach
1Controlling Roaches The Practical Approach
- Contact The Professionals at Slug-A-Bug For Real
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2Its Just One Roach, Right?
- You see the roach scurry across your kitchen
counter in the middle of the night. But its just
one, right? Wrong. If youve seen one roach, the
chances are good that thousands could call your
house home, and because theyre nocturnal, you
may have a tough time spotting the problem before
its too late.
3Four Common Variations
- While you could have a variety of roach control
problems no matter how clean your home is, there
are typically four roach species that inhabit
homes in the U.S.
- The German Cockroach can have hundreds of babies
very quickly, and theyre most likely to be found
in your kitchen or in your bathroom. - The Brown Banded Cockroach lives primarily in
hot, dry areas of the country. They tend to nest
in higher locations in your home, like cabinets. - Oriental Cockroaches are often called Water Bugs,
and theyre drawn to the humid areas of your
home. - American Cockroaches are found in warm, humid
conditions throughout the United States.
4Infestation Causes
- There are many causes at play when a roach
infestation occurs. Keeping things as clean as
possible is a good first step in dealing with
roaches. You should also inspect anything that
comes into your house (luggage, boxes, crates) to
make sure you are not inviting unwanted guests.
Dealing with leaks, drain problems, or
condensation issues as well as cracks and
crevices in your house as soon as possible is
also important.
5Can I Handle Treatment On My Own?
- When most people see a roach, the first instinct
is to grab a can of pesticide. The reality,
however, is that this will do you little good.
One roach can produce up to thirty-thousand
offspring for one roach. If you see one roach,
its time to call in the professionals.
6A comprehensive Approach
- Professional roach exterminators will take a
comprehensive approach to the problem. From
natural roach treatments to physically keeping
them out of your home with todays most advanced
technology, well help you identify the issue and
take the steps to keep them from haunting you in
the future.
7How Long Does Treatment Take?
- While the length of roach treatment may depend a
bit on the level of infestation, most treatments
can take up to a month to be completed.
8Schedule a free evaluation
- Slug-A-Bug is the largest independently owned
pest control company in Brevard County, and were
the only company that offers the solutions you
need to protect your home from cockroach