Title: Presenter Disclosure Information
1Presenter Disclosure Information
- In compliance with the accrediting board
policies, the American Diabetes Association
requires the following disclosure to the
participants - NAME OF PRESENTERS
- Isa Covio MEd, MSSW
- Christina Brito-Cavarrubio
- Genobeva Martinez
- Sister Phylis Peters, MSN
- Otila Garcia
- Disclosed no conflict of interest
2Texas Department of State Health Services
- April 3, 2009
- Austin, TX
- Training and Certification of Promotores or
Community Health Workers in Texas
3Promotor(a) or Community Health Worker Training
and Certification Program
Programa para Capacitación y Certificación del
Promotor(a) o Trabajador(a) Comunitario de Salud
4Presenter Disclosure Information
- In compliance with the accrediting board
policies, the American Diabetes Association
requires the following disclosure to the
participants - Isa Covio
- Disclosed no conflict of interest
5Definition of Promotor(a)or Community Health
- A lay member of the community who
- Works either for pay or as a volunteer
- Is associated with the local health care system
in both urban and rural settings and, - Shares ethnicity, language and socioeconomic
status with the community members s/he serves. - Source Regional Center for Health Workforce
Studies of The University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio
6Key Activities of Promotor(a) or Community
Health Worker
- Provide culturally appropriate health education
and information - Assist people in receiving the health services
they need. - Advocate for individual and community health
needs. - Build individual and community capacity in
addressing health issues. - Create more effective linkages between
communities and the health care system.
7Legislative Mandates
- 77th Texas Legislature, May 2001
- Senate Bill 1051
- Senate Bill 751
- Types of Certification
- CHWs
- Instructors
- Training Institutions
8CHW Certification
- Two ways to certify
- Experience
- Training
- Recertification
- 20 CEUs
9Competency Areas
- Communication skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Service Coordination skills
- Capacity-Building skills
- Advocacy skills
- Teaching skills
- Organizational skills
- Knowledge base on specific health issues
10Example of Diabetes Prevention Training for a
Community Health Worker
- Harris County Hospital District
- Common types of diabetes
- Risk factors for developing diabetes.
- Signs and symptoms of diabetes
- Diabetes prevention
11Certified Community Health Workers by Age
12 Certified Community Health Workersby Gender
13Certified Community Health Workers by Ethnicity
14Educational Level of Certified Community Health
15Employment Status of Certified Community Health
16Certified Community Health Workers by County
17Community Health Worker Training and
Certification ProgramContact Information
- Isa Covio, Program Administrator
- Beatrice Smith, Administrative Assistant
- 512/458-7518
- CHW_at_dshs.state.tx.us
- www.dshs.state.tx.us/chpr/chw/default.shtm