Title: NI used for improving national PGR management
1NI used for improving national PGR management
2Plant Genetic Resources Program in Bulgaria
The idea for prevention of genetic diversity in
Bulgaria formed the basis for conservation
strategy in the framework of the National Program
for Plant Genetic Resources. The PGR program was
formally established in 1977 when the
Agricultural research station in Sadovo was
developed to the Institute for plant genetic
resources. In 1980 started the seed conservation
under controlled conditions (fridge). In 1985 was
opened the building of National Genebank in the
Institute. There are preserved accessions
collected since 1951 till now. Nearly 54 000
accessions are held of various crops including
cereals, grain legumes, industrial crops, forage
crops and grasses, vegetables, flowers and
medicinal plants (including rare and threatened
plants). Over 37 000 samples (about 70) are
maintained under long-term storage conditions.
Plant genetic resources activity in Bulgaria is
coordinated at national level. The Institute for
Plant Genetic Resources K.Malkov plays the
leading part in the process of collecting,
documentation, evaluation, preservation and
utilization of PGR. The program structure
includes 22 institutions.
3NI a new approach for evaluation of PGR
- When in 2001 started EURISCO our database already
existed but the information structure was
different than the suggested format. We tried
hard for adaptation of existing files - The old format of information was classified in
tree different tables according to the type of
entries (breeding material, collected by missions
or received abroad). A better efficiency was
achieved when the tables were merged in a main
table. As result was carried out a revision if
the accession number is unique identifier for an
accession. - The botanical names in our old database were
presented in one field. According to EURISCO
database structure this information was separated
in five respective fields genus, species,
species author, sibtaxa, subtaxa author. The
adapted information now is more useful for
verification of botanical characteristics.
4NI a new approach for evaluation of PGR
- The field DONORCODE was checked and restored
according to WIEWS code. This revision allowed
both to find out the proper addresses in our
database as well to assist for enrichment of FAO
Inst-code list. There should be pointed that 35
unknown addresses were included in this list.
In Bulgarian NI are known 145 addresses from 44
countries for 15 326 accessions, which correspond
to the FAO WIEWS code - The existing information for 55 of accessions in
the field Ancestral data as well in the field
Remarks was retyped from Cyrillic to Latin
alphabet. This information now is accessible for
a larger number of users.
5NI a new approach for evaluation of PGR
- As result the Bulgarian NI presents a clear
version for better understanding of collection
status. - Now is clear that BGR-NI consists of 54 380
accessions. These accessions are representatives
of 469 genera, 1544 plant species and 2517
subspecies. - 9663 of the accessions originated from Bulgaria.
The accessions received abroad originated from
110 countries. Totally 145 addresses is known
including research institutes, universities,
botanical gardens, seed companies and private
6NI a new approach for evaluation of PGR
- Described by regions the pattern of origin for
accessions hold in BGR-NI is as follows
- Europe 20089 acc from 36 countries
- East Asia 1250 acc from 6 countries
- South Asia 181 acc from 8 countries
- Southwest Asia 941 acc from 10 countries
- North America 2345 acc from two countries
- South America 344 acc from 10 countries
- Meso America 176 acc from 8 countries
- North Africa 389 acc from 7 countries
- Oceania - Pacific 113 acc from 3 countries
7NI a new approach for evaluation of PGR
- As breeding material are described 4685
accessions, where 2792 are deposited by 17
research institutes in Bulgaria. -
- As traditional cultivar/landrace are assigned
4669 of accessions, where 4482 from Bulgaria and
the next 187 from other 23 countries in the
regions of Europe, South America, Meso America,
North America, South/West Asia, South Asia, East
Asia and North Africa. - As wild are shown 1698 accessions, where 1169
from Bulgaria and 529 from 16 countries in
Europe, South/West Asia and North Africa.
8BGR-NI assists for better understanding of
evaluation/characterization data
- At this stage of development BGR-NI can be used
as a proper basis for harmonization of passport
data between EURISCO and CCDBs. - The first attempt for use of NI for improvement
of PGR management was made several months ago. In
collaboration with the person responsible for
forage plants was created the information for
three plant genera Trifolium, Medicago and
9BGR-NI assists for better understanding of
evaluation/characterization data
- According to EURISCO structure we use MCPD-format
for developing data files needed for Working
Group on Forages. On the basis of this
information our colleague described the level of
originality (MOS) of every one accession
according to the suggested requirement - Next steps will be aimed to assist both to the
Working group on Arachis as well to the Working
group on Agropyron because the coordination on
this two genera is carried out by IPGR Sadovo.
10BGR-NI for predicting of seed storage life and
regeneration needs could improve PGR utilization
However seed regeneration is an integrated part
in PGR management and utilization, practically we
all know how labor is this work which needs time
and money. On the other side every one
regeneration could influence the genetic
integrity unpredictable. Our experience show
that seed survival under long term storage
conditions could be monitored according to the
respective genebank practice as well to the
application of theoretical methods. In evaluation
of 14 600 seed accessions (28 plant species) our
results show that predicted longevity and save
storage time could vary between 20-30 years to
longer than 1000 years. That means every
genebank could define both the expected time for
regeneration needs and time for suggested control
test. If the time is known the genebank managers
will be able to coordinate the seed request and
seed regeneration according to users needs.
11BGR-NI for predicting of seed storage life and
regeneration needs could improve PGR utilization
Regarding to the mentioned above there is the
place to discuss how to improve utilization of
distributed seeds.
- Very often seed samples are too small to carry
our pre-study for dormancy and viability
capacity. - Because of limited knowledge for a new plant
species a lot of valuable seeds could be lost. - The seed requests often are repeated because
wrong manipulation with seeds for germination. - More detailed information for pre-treatment and
pre-conditioning of seeds will reduce the
negative cases considered as not viable
12BGR-NI for predicting of seed storage life and
regeneration needs could improve PGR utilization
Salvia pinnata L.
- Although Compendium of information on seed
storage behavior (Hong, Linington, and Ellis,
1995) is a useful tool little is known for
variation between accessions by their germination
capacity for practical point of view. - EURISCO could assist further by developing
specific database for seed characters. Thereby
the information collected by years in the
genebanks will become publicity and practical
Silene caliakrae D.Jord. et P.Pan.
- NI could be used to describe the pattern of crop
plant diversity maintained in Bulgaria. - At this stage the created NI is open for further
extension according to the user needs. - BGR-NI will assist for harmonization of passport
data between EURISCO and CCDBs. - In near future our efforts will be aimed to
improve data quality in BGR-NI both by gradual
improvement gathering information from institutes
outside of the National genebank and by further
completing of information in the existing dataset.