Title: PRUPIM standard PowerPoint template
1WHATS ON THE HORIZON? Real Estate Investment
for UK Pension Funds Presentation by Prof. Paul
McNamara Head of Research, PRUPIM
2The Survey Main Questions
- Why Real Estate?
- Attitudes and Approaches to Real Estate, Domestic
and Overseas - What makes a successful Real Estate Manager?
- Looking to the future with Real Estate
3The Sample
- PMI members were surveyed in June and July 2008
- Over 200 responses from pension funds,
consultants and service providers - Pension fund responses were split evenly by size
- Predominately private sector schemes
- Over 70 respondents were DB schemes
4Why Real Estate?
- Other Findings
- A mainstream asset for larger funds an
alternative for smaller funds - Larger funds tend to have bigger allocations
- Majority want market plus returns one in
twelve had absolute targets - Most looking around 8 nominal returns
Scoring regime first ranking score 3 points,
second ranking score 2 points and third 1 point
5What is your preferred investment style when
investing into
UK Real Estate
Overseas Real Estate
6What are the most important characteristics of a
successful real estate manager?
Pension Fund and Trustees
Investment Consultants
7Comments Received
Main Themes
The key issue will be liquidity and whether an
exit can be achieved at a reasonable cost.
Some funds have been caught out in the UK over
the past 12 months they need to improve their
speed of decision as real estate markets are
moving quicker.
The key issue will be liquidity and whether an
exit can be achieved at a reasonable cost.
Some funds have been caught out in the UK over
the past 12 months they need to improve their
speed of decision as real estate markets are
moving quicker.
Speed of recent market retrenchment has surpassed
pension funds expectations but not affected
their commitment to property -required returns
stable -allocations stable or marginally
increasing -potential opportunities following
re-pricings Illiquidity and opacity are still
the main barriers for non-investors International
Real Estate seen to be useful as -a further
diversifier -a source of enhanced returns 50
of pension funds investing in property now invest
- We expect to increase direct exposure overseas
through property unit trusts for
- We expect to increase direct exposure overseas
through property unit trusts for
We are significantly increasing our allocation
to property, subject to identifying good
managers. We think now is a relatively good time
to do this, but we will be sensitive to markets.
We are significantly increasing our allocation
to property, subject to identifying good
managers. We think now is a relatively good time
to do this, but we will be sensitive to markets.
It is rapidly becoming a recognised global asset
It is rapidly becoming a recognised global asset
We have just finished building our UK portfolio.
We will review this at some time, but are
unlikely to invest overseas in the next three
We have just finished building our UK portfolio.
We will review this at some time, but are
unlikely to invest overseas in the next three
8What long term nominal investment returns do you
require from real estate exposure?
9How will your overall allocation to real estate
change over the next three years?
10Key Findings
- Pension funds commitment to property undimmed
- Diversification still No.1 reason for investing
in real estate - UK property is core, overseas seeking value
added - Overseas exposure Europe is No.1 choice 50
now investing overseas - Investment process and operational risk
controls funds and consultants agree - 50 stable but 25 actually increasing Real
Estate exposure in the years ahead
12WHATS ON THE HORIZON? Copies of the full report
available at www.prupim.com/whatsonthehorizon
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